Your kids are in the delivery room with you (T)

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Michael - You and Michael were talking, both of you excited for the arrival of your second baby. Just as he mentioned your other daughter, Mackayla, she came in with your mom. "Mommy! Daddy!" Michael smiled, putting her on the bed as she kissed you both. "Are you sure you want her in here with you two?" Your mom asked, biting her lip. You rubbed Mackayla's leg, as she just hit 4 years old. You all shared glances, as you nodded. "We're sure." An hour later you were finally 10 cm dilated and it was time to push. Michael held one of your legs, his other hand holding tightly to yours. Mackayla was holding onto his back, her hand on your shoulder. "Okay, on the count of 10 let's push." "You got this baby." Michael coaxed as you started to push, Mackayla trying to get a peek. You had started to cry, your new baby's head a little larger than Mackayla's. "Don't cry mommy." Everyone aww'd as you kissed her hand, finally pushing her out. "It's a girl!" Michael started to cry himself, carrying Mackayla over to the table. "Want to cut her cord?" She nodded, Michael guiding her hands as she cut her sisters umbilical cord with shaky hands. "This is your new baby sister." He said, wiping his eye as your mom was taking pictures. "I love her!" Everyone aww'ing once again, as you were happy all of your family got to experience this with you.

Luke - "Mommy why are you crying?" Your 6 year old asked you, as you held tight to Luke's hand. "Mommy is in pain right now." You tried to answer your child calmly as your pain intensified. Kaiden crawled onto the bed with you, Luke sighing as he sat him on the couch with both your parents. "Mommy isn't feeling well right now, bud. Let her have some space." He nodded, grabbing Luke's phone as he started to entertain himself. 30 minutes later, you were feeling the need to push. "Are you staying in here buddy?" The nurse asked, Kaiden shyly nodding as they propped up your legs. One of Luke's hands was in yours, the other one holding the cool rag on your forehead. Kaiden sat next to you, as he tried to peer over your legs. "Okay Mrs. Hemmings, time to push." You didn't waste any time, ready to get the worst part over with. You started pushing, grunts of pain rolling out of your mouth. Luke looked over your legs, smiling widely as Kaiden mimicked him. "You can see her hair, keep going baby. You got this." You squeezed his hand tighter, pushing even harder. "Look down!" You opened your eyes, to see them pulling out your baby girl. They laid her on your chest, everyone crying as Kaiden's mouth hung open. "Mommy that came out of you!" Everyone laughed, as they then whisked your daughter away, to clean her up as Kaiden kissed your cheek. "Good job mommy!"

Ashton - You were so anxious and in pain, and on top of that, your two toddlers, Daniel and Bethany, were running around the room like mad men. Ashton was coaxing you as you were rolling around in bed, your contractions now horrible. "Hey!" He spoke, the whole room silencing as the only sound heard was the sound of your monitor beeping and the tv playing. "You two either sit down and play with your toys, or you can go in the waiting room with grandma and grandpa. Mommy is in pain and you two need to settle down." Ashton's voice was firm as they both nodded, grabbing a toy each and sitting down quietly with them. He kissed your hand, smiling at you. "Thank you." You whispered as he winked. 45 minutes later you were ready to push. "Ready for number three?" Your mom said, as you nodded and smiled. You started pushing, Ashton's chin on your knee as he was holding your leg open. "You're doing great baby." He coaxed, smiling. "Go mommy go!" Bethany giggled, rubbing your shoulder. "I can feel the stretching." You moaned at the pain, as Ashton kissed your leg. "Come on, you're doing great." You let out a squeal as they pulled him out, placing him on your chest. "He's so cute!" Both your kids cooed, trying to touch him. "You just had a baby!" Ashton giggled, kissing your hand. Now your family was complete.

Calum - You paced the hospital room, your one year old daughter, Olivia had been crying for almost an hour. "Calum PLEASE calm her down." You said, holding the bottom of your stomach as you weren't even halfway dilated and the pain was horrible. He quickly grabbed her pacifier, putting it into her mouth as she ceased her cries. Calum occupied her with a toy as he got up to accompany you. "You okay?" You nodded, sighing as you sat back on the bed. "Sorry we couldn't have been here earlier!" Your mom cried, walking in with Calum's mom on her heel. You all hugged, Olivia reaching for both her grandmas as they went to play with her. After a while you were ready to push and everyone was on edge. "Mommy!" Olivia reached for you, as you pulled her up beside you. Calum grabbed your knee, holding it up as Olivia grabbed your other kneecap, pulling it back as best as she could. "Okay Y/N, let's do this." Calum and Olivia were both looking as you were in so much pain. "You're doing so good, Y/N!" Calum's mom smiled, patting Calum's back. "Come on baby, you can see the top third of his head." You pushed harder, your baby girl finally coming out, Olivia gasping. "Mommy! She screamed, giggling as they took your baby to be cleaned. "Want to come see her?" Olivia nodded, as Calum brought her to the table. "Give your sister kisses." She bent down, kissing the newborns head as you all smiled, your mom capturing a picture of the bittersweet moment.

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