You're In Love With Him & You Walk In On Him And His Girlfriend (T)

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Michael - You smiled, seeing Michael sitting on the couch, a piece of pizza in his right hand as his phone was in his left. Now was the time. Michael had been your best friend since you two could talk, and ever since that day in 2nd grade when he held your hand for the first time, you knew there was some kind of connection. Even though you were only babies then, the years went on and your crush seemed to grow stronger. Watching him have countless girlfriends crushed you and you turned down every guy in sight just in hopes you would end up with him, but it never happened. You were given the opportunity to go on tour with them, and you were happy to tag along. Now you were here, standing behind the door as you contemplated on how to tell him you love him. Just as you stepped around the corner, you saw a girl on the screen in front of him, a giggle escaping his lips. “I can’t wait to see you!” Your smile faded as she giggled back at him. “I know baby! It’s been months!” Baby? Was that his girlfriend? Your lip trembled as you left the room, running off the bus as you felt crushed, yet again. A few hours later you felt your composure come back, and you decided to go back on the bus and get a slice of the leftover pizza and watch a movie. You stepped onto the bus, gasping at the sight before you. A girl, the one you recognized from earlier on top of him, Michael frantically covering her up as your vision began getting clogged from the tears welling. “Get the fuck out!” Michael screamed, the girl covering her face as a tear fell, you turning on your heels as you ran once again. Now not caring where you went, as long as you could get that horrible and heartbreaking image out of your mind.

Luke - “Luke give it back!” You whined, reaching out for your best friend as he teased you with the candy bar. “Say it first.” He said, biting his lip ring as you crossed your arms, looking up at him as you sat on the couch. “I’d rather choke on a cactus before I say it.” He shrugged, smirking. “Guess i’ll have to enjoy this Hershey then.” He went to unwrap it when you sighed heavily, causing him to stop. “Luke Robert Hemmings is the biggest sex god on the planet and his hair is punk rock.” He smirked tossing you back the candy bar as you smiled in triumph. You had to admit, having Luke as a best friend had it’s ups and downs. Of course he was attractive to you, but you liked him for more than just his looks. You two have been friends since you met him through his ex Aleisha. But little did he or she know, you fell in love as soon as he introduced himself. But you were shocked when they broke up, comforting her as you were silently rejoicing in your head. But that was the problem. You were madly in love with him, when he only saw you as a friend. The thought alone made you cringe, but that’s how things were. But he has been acting shady lately. Chatting all hours of the night and even promising someone over the phone that he’ll see them soon. Both your heads turned, seeing a girl your age walking in, a smile on her face. “Y/N, can you go see what time we have to be on stage?” Luke asked, his eyes never leaving the girl as you stood. Leaving the room without another word, you went to fetch Ashton. Once you found out the time, you ran back to Luke. “Hey Luke, he sa—” You gasped, seeing the girl stand from in between Luke’s legs as he zipped his pants back up. No words were said as you turned around, beginning to run out as he called out for you.

Ashton - It wasn’t every day you got to accompany Ashton on tour and it wasn’t every day you got to fly back home with him to Sydney to visit his family. You guys were almost in a long distance relationship. Your family lived in Sydney, in close proximity to Ashton’s when your dad’s job transferred all of you to the states. It was painful to leave your hometown, and even your best friend. But months later, he was in the states, so he flew you out to where he was, finally reuniting after being away from each other for so long. Now that touring was over, it was time for a break at home and since you wanted to be back in Sydney, he flew you back with him. Since Ashton’s mum didn’t have room for you at her house, you had to stay with a relative, which you didn’t mind at all. The day seemed to drag on and you were still in bed, flicking through magazines and eating various candies. So you decided to put on some clothes, comb out your hair and head to Ashton’s. Once there, you smiled when you saw Lauren and Harry playing with chalk outside. “Hi guys!” “Hey!” You knocked on the door, no answer as you noticed the door was unlocked. You opened it, seeing a shirt lying on the ground. Curiosity crept over you as you heard a noise coming from upstairs. “Ashton?” You opened the door to his room, gasping as you saw him hovering naked over a girl. “Oh my god.” You shut the door back, hearing him calling for you as you began running out of the door and back to your house, crying on the way there.

Calum - “And when he did the thing!” You squealed, arm in arm with your best friend as Calum was sweet enough to snag you both concert tickets to go see One Direction. “I can’t believe you and Calum still aren’t a thing yet.” You sighed, wondering the same thing as you two sat down in a little burger shack. “You two have been friends since pre-school, you have done everything together and you still can’t man up and tell him how you feel about him?” She was right, you were too shy to admit to Calum your real feelings. I mean you two have talked about everything under the sun, but you couldn’t bring yourself to tell him how you feel. “I’m scared he won’t feel the same way.” She scoffed, taking a fry from your shared plate as she shrugged. “So? At least you told him and he has time to think about it, y’know?” You nodded, eating another fry as you let out a happy sigh. “I’m ready to tell him.” She clapped, smiling at you as you giggled. “Let’s finishing eating first.” After the meal was done, you two made it back to the hotel and your heart started to flutter. Would he feel the same? Or would he not? You bit your lip, getting to his room as you noticed the door was half open. She gave you a thumbs up as you opened the door, almost fainting at the sight. “What the fuck, Y/N?” He covered up the girl underneath him as he picked up his boxers. You slammed the door shut, looking at your friend as she sighed. “Was he?” You nodded, holding her tight as you cried into her shoulder. All thoughts of Calum actually liking you back slipping your mind.

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