He picks you up from school (Calum)

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Calum– You weren't feeling well that morning but you're parents of course still sent you to school. You were sure that you had a fever and your throat hurt whenever you swallowed but they still sent you to school without listening to you. So, of course, you went to school, which only made you feel worse.

It wasn't until you were walking to lunch that you ran over to the nearest trash can and emptied your stomach into it.

Luckily a teacher was walking by and stopped to see if you were okay. Once you finished, you fell on your knees holding your stomach and tears falling down your cheeks.

"Come one, dear. Let's get you to the nurses office," the teacher sia,d helping you up and grabbing your bag off the tiled floor.

Once you got to the nurses office, you laid down and coughed as the nurse took your tempature, sighing when she looked at it after it beeped. "!00.1. I'll call your parents."

"No!" you squeaked, wincing. "Don't call them."

"Well, who else should I call? You put your parents on your emergency card," the nurse said, putting her hands on her hips.

"No I didn't. The first person on there isn't any family member but he's aloud to pick me up."

The nurse sighed but nodded and went to call.

You must of fallen asleep because when you opened your eyes, you were met with familiar brown eyes. "Y/N?"

"Cal," you mumbled, wincing and coughing into your hand.

"Take it easy, baby girl," he whispered, pushing your hair out of your face. "Let's get you home, okay?"

"N-No. They'll get mad."

"Not your house, Y/N, mine," he said, slowly picking you up bridel style. "Mikey, can you grab her bag for me?"

"Already got it," you heard said boy say.

"I don't wanna get you guys sick though."

"Stop worrying about that, love. You need to be taken care of and your parents apparently won't do that," Calum said, nodding to Michael when he opened the door for him. "So, stop arguing and get some rest. You need it."

You just nodded and let your eyes close. You were glad that you had choose to put Calum on your emergency card.

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