Your Baby is Teething (T)

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Michael - Leann was now 6 months old, and Mackayla was obviously jealous because her sister was getting a little more attention than she was. Michael smiled as he picked up Leann from her crib, as his attention drawn to her shirt which was drenched in drool. "Oh goodness. Y/N!" He called, you ran upstairs, giggling as you saw her shirt. "Someone's a little drooly." You changed her shirt, putting a bib on her so she would now drool on her bib. You all went downstairs, putting Leann on the floor with Mackayla so they could play. You and Michael started back cuddling, his lips landing on yours before you heard a loud scream, knowing it was Mackayla. "Mommy!" She ran to you, hopping up into your lap as Leann was giggling on the floor, clapping. "She bit my finger!" Mackayla put her finger in your face, an annoyed look on her face as you and Michael chuckled. "Looks like we need to get her some teething toys." He said, chuckling as you kissed her finger, sending her back to play. "Our babies are growing up." He whispered, kissing you again as you threw your legs into his lap. "I know, we're getting old." He smiled, kissing you passionately again as you watched your kids play.

Luke - Your youngest daughter,

Ashleigh, just started teething and Kaiden was not to happy about it. You were having a rough time nursing her, her gums sensitive as she always cried. "Come on baby, you have to eat." You said, her fussing under the blanket as you peeked under it. You heard the front door shut, Kaiden and Luke home from a lunch out with the other lads. "Baby?" "Up here!" You called, Luke walking in as he smiled. "She still not eating?" You shook your head, trying to get her to feed again as she refused. Luke peeked under the blanket, caressing his babies head as she smiled up at him. "You need to eat baby, eat for mommy and daddy." She finally latched on, you wincing as Luke put the blanket down. "Does it hurt?" You nodded and he half smiled, leaving you to feed. You and Luke were in Kaiden's room, listening to him tell about his new baseball cards as you heard crying coming from Ashleigh's room. "I'm so sick of her crying all the time!" Your 10 year old spoke, you sighing as you took his hands in yours. "Your sister is teething and she is in a lot of pain. You were like this too, so be easy on her, okay?" He sighed and nodded, you kissing his head as you went to attend to your baby.

Ashton - You smiled as Ashton laid on top of you, all of your kids occupying themselves so you two decided to have some alone time. "Ouch! Mom!" You sighed, detaching your lips from Ashton's as you pulled on his t-shirt, going to see what was wrong. You went into Bryce's nursery, seeing Daniel and Bethany playing with him. "What's going on?" You asked, Daniel holding out his finger to you. "He bit me!" You looked at him, crossing your arms. "You're 16 years old, grow up." You took Bryce from him as Ashton came around the corner. "Ew dad." Bethany said, shielding her eyes as Ashton was shirtless. "What's going on in here?" "Bryce bit me and it really hurt!" "His teething is so annoying!" Bethany said, crossing her arms as Bryce giggled and started clapping. "He's just a baby, trust me you all done it." You grabbed one of your son's teething toys, him squealing as you put it into his mouth. "I hate having a baby in the family." "Hey! Watch your mouths. Bryce is the third best thing to happen in this family and I don't ever want to hear you say anything like that again." Ashton said, as your teenagers nodded, crossing their arms in defeat.

Calum - Calum put yet another teething toy in the freezer for Isabella, as he was stuck babysitting today. You had to work for a few hours so he decided to stay home. He went upstairs, smiling as he saw Olivia rocking Isabella in the rocking chair. "Ssh daddy, she's sleeping." Calum chuckled, seeing Isabella's eyes wide open as she sucked on her pacifier. "It's not time for her nap just yet." He took her from Olivia, finding a discovery. "Her shirt is drenched in drool. Didn't you notice?" He asked Olivia as she sighed, before discovering her shirt was wet also. "Daddy!" Calum sighed, telling her to go change as he changed Isabella. "Hold her for a second." Calum said as you all gathered in the kitchen, him getting her bottle that you pumped before you left for work. "Ouch Isabella!" Calum turned, shaking the bottle as Olivia's eyes watered. "What happened?" "She bit my nose!" He took Isabella as Olivia held to his leg, crying. "Your sister is getting ready to grow her first tooth, that's why she's always biting, you're fine." He handed Isabella back to her as she giggled. "Now let's feed her and let her take a nap so we can watch cartoons." Olivia cheered as they went back up to her nursery.

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