He Compliments You On Something You're Insecure About (T)

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You stared at the mirror in disgust, picking out every single dot on your face. You absolutely hated your freckles. Everybody would always tell you how cute they were but you just didn’t believe them. You felt like people only saw them when they look at you. You let out a sigh as you run your fingertips over your face. “Y/n?” You hear Ashton call from down the hall. You quickly make it seem like everything’s normal and sit down on the bed. You turn to face to the door to see Ashton beginning to walk in. “Hey.” “Hey… Is everything alright?” Ashton asks cautiously as he takes a seat next to you on the bed, his hand resting on your knee. “Yep.” You quickly say, trying to force a smile. “You know what I find really attractive?” Ashton asks looking towards you. “What?” “Your freckles.” He says with a sweet smile. He had always known about your insecurity, and it’s almost as if he can read your mind when something’s wrong. “Whatever.” You say letting out a little giggle. “I’m not lying.” He says as he grabs your hand and looks at you. You keep denying the compliments he’s showering you in, even though deep down these words make you feel better.


“Y/n, you have such a great laugh!” Calum says, laughing himself. “Are you kidding me? I sound like a dying walrus!” You say back, trying to contain your laughter. “No, no! You sound really, really cute!” He says, his laugh dying down along with yours. “Don’t even lie to me Cal; I know my laugh is horrible. Everybody tells me about it.” You say with a smile, but deep down getting sad. People at school would always tell you how annoying and obnoxious your laugh is, and you believed it. “I’m not lying y/n. If I had to listen to one thing for the rest of my life, it would be your laugh.” He says reassuring you. You just smile in response and kiss his cheek, whispering a “thank you” to him.


You closely inspected yourself in your new dress. It was form fitting and made all of your already noticeable curves pop. Luke got it for you for your birthday, and he wanted you to wear it out tonight. The problem was that you didn’t think you looked good in it. You thought your hips looked absolutely humungous in the dress. You didn’t think it was flattering at all, but Luke had a different idea. “Y/n, you look so fucking hot.” You just smile down at the ground, his compliment not affecting you. Luke must’ve sensed your behavior because the next thing you knew he was behind you, looking at both of you in the mirror in front of you. His hands roamed your body, feeling each curve on your sides. “I love your hips.” He whispers as he kisses you neck lightly. This soon turned into a more eager kiss, sucking and nipping at your neck as you held in your moans. “Do you want me to prove it?” He asks with a wink, looking you in the eyes through the mirror as you smirk and turn to meet his eyes, “Yes please.”


“Your glasses are the cutest thing.” Michael says cutely, poking your nose as you shake your head. “Noooo, they suck! I absolutely hate them.” You say, slightly covering your face. “But why? They work so well with you.” He says with a confused look. You sigh and shrug your shoulders. You weren’t really sure why you hated them so much, you just…did. “Whatever, Mike.” You chuckle as you try to turn your attention back to the TV screen. Michael continues staring at you, as you begin to feel a bit odd. All of a sudden he grabs your face and turns you to face him, his lips instantly meeting yours. You smile into the kiss as he wraps his other arm around you. “This is what your glasses do to me, babe.” He says to you as you giggle and begin to kiss him again. Maybe your glasses weren’t all that bad…              

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