He Has A Secret Tattoo (T)

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Calum had lots of visible tattoos, that was apparent but there was always one that wasn’t showing. He was purposely trying to hid them from you, he just never mentioned it and you never saw it until the day where you and Calum were getting changed into your bathing suits and shorts. You had just finished tying the straps of your suit when you glanced over at Calum.
You noticed a symbolic sign under Calum’s armpit. It was a music sign. You smirked and turned to Calum with your arms crossed.
"Cal, what’s that?"
"What?" Calum asked, pulling on his swimming trunks. You nodded to to spot where his tattoo occupied. He looked down and smiled.
"Oh, yeah. That’s one of my tattoos." 
"Why didn’t you tell me you have that?"
Calum smirked and pulled you closer to him, “I thought it would be more of a surprise if I waited to tell you.” 
"Well, it was a surprise." You slurred as Calum’s lips captured yours.


You knew about Ashton’s band logo tattoo on his wrist but you didn’t know about the other one. Ashton never really talked about getting another tattoo and didn’t seem like the person to get more than one tattoo. 
You and Ashton had been watching a film but that was soon forgotten. Ashton’s hands roamed your body and his lips were connected to yours. Your hands were tangled in Ashton’s hair as he started to kiss down to your chest. 
You noticed a small heart under some of Ashton’s curly mess. You smiled to yourself. You had to admit that you thought it was hot but you only mentioned that you’d seen it after your frickle frackle session that night.


Luke’s hand placed themselves onto your bare waist under your shirt. He connected his lips to your neck and nibbling on your sweet skin. You smirked against his shoulder as you felt his hands raising up your waist. Your T-shirt was soon falling onto the floor and Luke’s was half-way up his chest.
You unbuckled Luke’s belt and pushed his trousers down his legs. You bend down to pull his trousers under his feet and slowly pulling down his boxers. You noticed a black mark on the side of his hips. You glanced round and smiled when you saw what it was. Luke had tattooed the band’s tally onto his pale skin.
"I love your tattoo." You giggled and started to kiss around the tattoo.
"Thanks." Luke smirked, tangling his hand in your hair. "I got it whilst I was on tour. Only the boys know. And you now."
"It’s hot."


Michael rarely wore anything other that black skinny jeans that covered all of his legs. You smiled when you walked into the kitchen with only one of Michael’s T-shirts covering your body - as well as underwear - and saw Michael sprawled across the sofa in your living room. He was playing some video game that you didn’t recognise, wearing only a pair of short shorts. You giggled and went to the kitchen to make Michael and yourself a cup of tea. 
You took both drinks to the living room and sat beside Michael whilst he rested his tired, little head on your shoulder. You looked down, admiring Michael’s legs. I noticed a little pattern on his lower thigh but thought it was just a bit of dust or the lighting. You bend down to look and saw white ink drawing into Michael’s skin in a beautiful pattern.
"Wow, that’s amazing. I didn’t know you had that." You exclaimed, tracing your index finger over the perfect hidden tattoo. 
"Oh, that. I thought you knew, I’ve had it for a while." 
"It looks amazing. I could stare at it forever." You complimented and gazed down at his leg. 
"Well, babe, I would prefer if you stared at my face instead of my leg forever." Michael smiled before pulling your lips down to his.

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