Ashton Imagine (Dirty)

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hes a hockey player here just fyi


You sighed as you flicked through the channels on your TV, looking at the clock yet again. Ash still wasn't back yet, he hadn't even called. You still felt a pang of guilt for not being at his championship match, but you had a paper to be finished for tomorrow. Normally he called on his way home, especially if it was good news, so you expected the worst. The turning of a key in your front door pulled you away from your current thoughts, the sound of the door being slammed filling your ears. Slight dread filled you as you approached the sound, the match obviously hadn't gone well, Ashton would never take it out on you, but you couldn't help but feel more guilty about the fact you weren't there for him.

"Ash? Baby?"

Before you could call him again your bedroom door opened, his sweaty body emerging through the small gap. His eyes stayed directed at the floor as he dropped his kit bag on to the floor and kicked off his shoes. Momentarily pausing to brush back the hair sticking to his damp forehead.

"Ash?" You repeated yourself, attempting to get a sound out of him.

His head snapped up to you now, his nostrils flaring as he panted, he'd obviously rushed home. You smiled at him, a hard frown occupying his features.

"You weren't there, to see-"

You cut him off before he could make you feel anymore guilty than you already did, "I know Ashton I'm so sorry, but my deadlines tomorrow I had to do it, I'm really sorry that it didn't go well," his chuckle pulled you out of your grovelling, your lips parting slightly at this new expression on his face. His eyes were now wide with excitement, the grin wide on his lips.

"If you'd let me finish," his finger tapped the end of your nose in amusement, "You weren't there to see me win." His grin grew even wider as you finally understood what he was saying, instantly leaping up to him. His hands caught your bare thighs in surprise as you both toppled down to the bed, you straddling him. The smirk grew darker on his face as he realised what you were wearing, his spare jersey hanging loosely off your frame.

"You look so fucking hot in my jersey Y/N," He groaned, his hands slipping further under the shirt as he drank in your appearance. Your cheeks flushed at his admiration, but you couldn't help the heat at your centre begin to throb at his sultry speech. Before you could concentrate on his expression and not the desperate tingling in between your legs, his fingers drummed against the outside of your thighs.

"Well, in my opinion, you owe me princess," his voice was rough and low, his hands skimming your soft skin as they teased against your clothed heat. A groan rocked through you as you lent on his chest, his voice the only sound in the hot room.

"And seeing as I'm the captain of the winning team, I think I deserve a reward," The smirk grew wider on his face as you panted, two of his fingers dipping under the jersey and rubbing you lightly over the lace material. Your hips jerked forward in attempts to increase the friction, a whimper leaving your lips as he withdrew his contact.

"Ashton please, touch me," You whined. Desperation pooling from your eyes as you stared into his. He grinned and nodded, his hands moving back to your hips and aiding you in pulling the lace off your frame.

"Take my shirt off," he whispered, your eyes locking as you obliged, pulling the loose shirt up and over his head before throwing it on to the floor with your panties. The heat in your cheeks intensified as you felt your wetness brush against his abs, a grin on his lips as he felt the same. His head flicked forwards as he winked at you, "How about you come give me a taste sweetheart,"

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