Teenage Parents (T)

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Michael - With Michael still 18 and non stop travelling, you had to stay home and suffer through your junior year, with a baby on your hip. You and Michael didn’t plan this at all, but somehow the condom broke and of course you forgot to take your birth control pill. You sighed, adding some finishing touches to your English paper due tonight when a sudden call startled you, Michael wanted to Skype. You smiled as his face popped up, his new hair color not surprising you at all. “How are you baby?” He asked, readjusting himself as you sighed. “Up to my neck in work and exhausted.” He was just about to answer when you heard a cry coming from the back room. “Hold on.” You got up grabbing your 2 month old daughter and then going back to Michael. “Look L, it’s daddy.” You held her up as she yawned, Michael smiling fondly. “I miss you guys so much.” You sighed, tucking her back in your arm as you just shook your head. “We miss you too.” “I know this isn’t easy baby, but i’ll be home soon.” “Yeah only to leave again.” You murmured, Michael sighing. “I’m sorry.” He said, as you just shook your head. “I have work to get done. Talk to you later.” “Y/N, wa—” You hung up, a tear falling down your face as you looked down at your baby. She smiled up at you, kicking her feet as you giggled. “Mommy’s okay.” You kissed her head gently, getting back to your paperwork as Michael still lingered in your mind.

Luke - “Luke, noooo.” You said, scolding your boyfriend as he put the bottle into the microwave with no lid. You rushed over, your 3 week old son in your arms as he was whiny for a bottle. “Always put the lid on.” You said, him nodding as he screwed it on, popping the bottle into the microwave for a few seconds. “It’s coming, it’s coming.” You said to Kaiden, who was still crying quite loudly in your arms. It was 3:15 a.m, and hopefully your mom wouldn’t come down and scold the two of you for being so loud. You took the bottle once it was finished, shaking it before putting it to his lips, which he only cried harder. “Give him to me.” You handed him to Luke as he then tried, Kaiden only denying it again. “What’s going on down here?” Your mom asked, rubbing her eyes as Luke walked to her. “He won’t eat.” Your mom took him, and she sighed. “He needs a diaper change. Didn’t you think to check his bottom?” You two followed her up to your bedroom as she began changing him, a sniffle coming from your lips. “You should be a little more observant, Y/N. You two are 16 and 17 years old, you shouldn’t even have a baby.” You held Luke’s arm, tears rolling off your cheeks as she turned around. “God Mom you make me feel like a shit parent.” Luke decided to take over as your mom came to you. “You’re not a shit parent. But you should have waited. I love him I do, but you two just weren’t ready.” And with that, she left to go back to her room.

Ashton - “Ashton this hurts.” You cried, wanting to rip off the sides of the hospital bed as you tossed and turned, the pain in your stomach becoming slightly unbearable. “I know baby. What can I do?” He asked, stroking your face as he held your hand tight. “This is your fault. You put this fucking thing inside of me.” Your mid wife smiled as she checked your contraction monitor. “Don’t take it to heart. We hear it all the time.” She said to Ashton as he only nodded, chewing on his gum as he sighed looking at you. Your face was twisted, sweat forming on your hairline as your toes curled against the sheets, the pain coursing through your body. “When can I have my epidural?” You asked, your grip on Ashton’s hand tightening as she checked the monitor again. “I’ll go get the anesthesiologist.” She left as Ashton helped you up, untying your gown in the back as he knelt between your legs as the man came in, prepping you. “This is going to feel like a bee sting, hun.” He said, you nodding as you held tight to Ashton. After everything was over and done with, 2 hours later you were ready to push, Ashton holding back one of your legs as he smiled at you. You were two years younger than Ashton and you never dreamed of being in a hospital giving birth on the night of your homecoming. “Start pushing Y/N.” He said, kissing your cheek as a few pushes later, your baby boy came out as they placed him on your chest. “God baby you did it!” Ashton kissed you long and hard, the doctors in the room congratulating you.

Calum - Another whine caused you to groan, poking Calum’s bicep as he shook his head, grabbing the comforter and pulling it over his head. “It’s your turn.” He said as you shook your head, nudging him this time. “I got up with her last time. It’s YOUR turn Calum.” You didn’t want to be harsh, but the 30 minutes you’ve had of sleep had been starting to get to you. Calum groaned, standing from the bed as he ran a hand through his tasseled hair. He stepped in front of the bassinet, your 2 week old daughter having kicked free from her blanket as her hands were raised in the air, crying for anyone. “Aww baby.” He cooed, gently picking Nebraska up as her cries started to cease. His hand slid between her legs, to feel she was in definite need of a diaper change. As Calum laid her down to change her, he sighed. He had to give up his career, at only 18 years old, to take care of his family. Of course he missed the lads and lots of his fans miss him, but he needs his family now and people had to understand that. When you told your parents you were pregnant, they kicked you out, leaving you totally in Calum’s care. Calum didn’t mind taking care of you, you were his baby after all. Once he had Nebraska dressed he laid her back down, smiling as he returned to bed with you. Thinking just how lucky he was.

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