Fans ask you for a picture while you're out with friends (T)

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Luke: You hadn't hung out with your friends since you started dating Luke. As you walked out of a perfume store, two girls came up to you. "You're Y/N right?" "Yeah, why?" You asked kinda shocked. "Well, can we get a picture with you?" You were a bit startled; no one had asked for a picture before. "Sure!" You said, taking a picture with each girl. "Thanks, and tell Luke we say hi?" You nodded your head and they smiled before going the opposite direction. "Wait, why did you want a picture with me?" You called after them. "Because we love your hair and were on our way to get it done like yours." You smiled as they waved goodbye. "Looks like you have your own fan base," your friend said hitting your side.

Ashton: Your best friend you had known since elementary school was getting married and she had asked you to be the maid of honor. As you entered a dress store, you saw girls trying on prom dresses. "Remember when we did that with Ashton and *her fiancees name* Y/N?" You noticed the girls heads turn. "Yeah, I still have that dress." You laughed and went through the dresses. "Excuse me, but I couldn't help overhearing you and your friend. Is your boyfriend Ashton Irwin?" The girl with red hair asked in an excited manner. "Yeah, I'm his girlfriend." "Is it okay if I take a picture with you?" "Of course!" You said as she positioned the camera. "Thank you Y/N!"

Michael: It was Michaels birthday in a couple days and you went out shopping with your friend to find him a present. As you walked into another video game store, you heard two girls muttering and then giggling. "I know! You ask her first, you like her boyfriend more!" That was the bit of the conversation you heard as you walked past him. You accidentally hit one of them with the guitar case you had gotten. "I'm sorry," you turned to say. "That's alright Y/N." You looked at them as your friend looked around. "You know me?" "Of course! You're Mikeys girlfriend! Can we get a picture with you?" "Uh, sure why not." Your friend snapped the picture and the girls handed you something. "And we got this for him too. Tell him it's a birthday present!"

Calum: Cal had gotten sick over the weekend and seeing as you were on a work vacation, you went to the store to get him medicine and his favorite foods. As you looked through the junk food aisle, you saw a girl with her mom wearing a 5 Seconds of Summer shirt. "Nice shirt," you said to the girl, who looked around twelve. "Thank you," she said before looking at you. "Oh my gosh!'re Calum's girlfriend!" You smiled as she embraced you in a hug. "Hi," you said in a small laugh. She pulled out her iPod shyly before asking, "Can I have a picture?" "Sure sweetheart," you said as you sunk down to her height. She snapped the shot and hugged you again. "Tell Calum I hope he gets better?" "Of course." You smiled as she went to check out with her mom.

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