The Morning After (T)

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Michael: You rolled over revealing a very naked, sleeping, Michael. The events of last night rolled into your mind and you felt a blush creep onto your cheeks. You got out of the bed and walked towards your closet to grab something to throw on quickly. "Well, this sure is something I wouldn't mind waking up to every day." You head Michael say from behind you. You grabbed whatever was in reach and covered your body, turning around to look over at your boyfriend who was lying on your bed. You held onto the shirt and walked over to him and gave him a kiss. "Good morning to you, too."

Ashton: "I'm so sore." You whined as you walked out into the kitchen of Ashton's place. He looked over at you and had a smirk on his face. "I'm sorry. I guess I'm just that good." He wrapped his arms around your waist and you laughed, smacking his chest. "You're so full of yourself." "Was I not good?" He pouted and you looked up into his eyes. "Of course you were," your finger poking the tip of his nose, "But that doesn't change the fact that I'm sore." You stuck out your bottom lip and he smiled lovingly at you. "Alright, I'll go slower next time." He leaned down and gave you a few kisses, making you grin widely. "Who said I didn't like it fast?" You asked with a wink. His eyes widened and hugged you tight, rocking your body back and forth. "God, I love you."

Calum: You opened your eyes to see Calum sitting upright smiling down at you. "Morning sleeping beauty." He leaned down as his lips met yours. You smiled through the kiss and sat upward on the bed, grabbing the blanket and covering your top half. "Last night was-" "Amazing?" You interrupted him and he just nodded his head smiling over at you. "You know what my favourite part was?" Calum asked as he leaned closer to you. You looked over at him and bit your lip awaiting his response. "The way you said my name over and over again." His voice became low and raspy; almost like it did last night. You looked into his eyes and they were full of lust once again. You moved closer to him and began to kiss up his neck and stopped once you got to his ear. "Calum." You whispered in attempt to be sexy. It definitely worked because his lips were on yours in a second.

Luke: "Why are you putting on clothing? It's not like I didn't see you naked all of last night." Luke said to you as you just threw on his shirt. You sighed and turned around to see him smirking at you. "Have I ever told you how good you look in my clothing?" He asked as his eyes traveled down your body. You shrugged your shoulders and smiled at him. "You might have once or twice." You smiled at him as you grabbed some underwear to put on. You slipped them on and felt arms around your waist. You could feel Luke's hot breath on your neck. Your eyes closed as you leaned back into his body. "My favourite part about the clothing you wear is knowing when we're alone that I can just rip it off." He purred in your ear. You turned around and smashed your lips onto his, his hand lifting your shirt up and resting on your hip. "Round two?" He smirked at you causing you to laugh.

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