Kidnapped P.2 (T)

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Ashton: I had just pulled up to the house. I didn't really notice anything unusual until I got up to the front door, only to find it wide open. I couldn't help but immediately assume the worst because it was almost 1 in the morning and (Y/N) should be asleep. So why the hell was the front door open? I walked in an immediately turned on a light to illuminate the dark house. I couldn't see any signs that something had happened downstairs. Starting to go upstairs, the easiest thought I could come up with was maybe someone had come in, leaving her alone and forgetting to shut the door. I could only pray that when I got to our room she was going to be sleeping peacefully. Opening the door, my heart stopped when she wasn't there. I literally searched the house high and low, with no luck. She was gone. I tried her cellphone, nothing, I called all her friends, again, no sign of her.I called the police after all other options had been cancelled out. It was my last resort. I needed to find her, and it had to be soon.

Calum: It had already been 10 minutes since (Y/N) had left to use the washroom. Maybe I was exaggerating, but it sure seemed like a long time to be in the bathroom. Checking my phone, it was confirmed that it had in fact been 10 minutes. Getting curious, I got up and went to the bathroom, waiting outside. A lady came out and I had decided to ask her if she had seen anyone with (Y/N)'s description. "I'm the only one in there dear, although I saw her as I was coming in. She was with another girl. It looked a little suspicious." I thanked her quickly, grabbed her number just in case and left that part, whipping out my phone to call her. I lost count of the texts and calls I left. I didn't know what to do. She still hadn't replied after 30 minutes of waiting. So running out to the car, I rushed home, needing to call the police and tell them what happened immediately. I needed to get her back.

Luke: The minute I heard her scream, I began to panic. Someone was in the house and they had taken her, they took my (Y/N)! I slammed my computer shut and immediately ran downstairs to grab my phone that was charging. Calling the body guard, I explained the whole situation out of breath, rushing frantically to get my clothes all back in my suitcase. He told me that he would book a flight and get in touch with the police back home, and that was it. He hung up. I couldn't believe this was happening. This was all a big nightmare, it had to be. My (Y/N) was in danger and I hadn't been able to help at all. I could only hope the authorities would actually listen and start looking. I didn't know how to react, how to feel... I was terrified. I had to get home, I had to get her back. Alive.

Michael: Half an hour turned to an hour and an hour turned into two. There had been no attempts at telling me something had come up, no texts, no calls. I had tried but there was never a reply. I had started worrying after 45 minutes, but this 2 hours was really starting to do a number on me. I was pacing back and forth across the carpet, feeling that a hole would be worn after this. Where could she have gone? I tried texting her friends, her mum, her brothers. But none of them had seen her either. There was a feeling in my gut that was uneasy, as if it knew something wasn't right. Finally, after 4 hours, I finally called the police, needing to put something out there. I needed to find her soon. If something really bad had happened, I just needed to know. I needed her back.

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