He Walks In On You Changing (T)

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Ashton: You wrapped a towel around your midsection, the water dripping off of your body. You knew Ash wouldn’t be home for at least an hour so you had time to change before you went out with him and the boys. You ran to your bedroom, trying to keep most of the water off of the floor. You didn’t bother to shut the door, instead you walked over to your dock and began to play music, making your house seem a little less quiet. You began to brush out your soaking wet hair, the drips crawling down your exposed back and being absorbed into the towel. After most of the tats were out, you moved on to rummaging through you drawers to find something to wear. As you were singing to your favourite song the towel began to slip down, you didn’t really mind as you pulled a pair of knickers out and slipped them on, walking around your room. Your music was so loud that you didn’t hear the front door open, or the footsteps up the stairs. As you turned around to walk to your closet in search of some jeans, you caught a glimpse of someone out in the hallway. You let out a high pitched scream as a manly yell erupted from the corner. “It’s me! I’m sorry!” Ashton said walking into your room. His eyes grew wide as he drank the sight in before him. “Ashton!” You said trying to cover up as you picked up the towel to hide your exposed body. “Its nothing I haven’t seen before love,” He said winking and moving towards the bed. “Why are you home early?” You said huffing slightly as you readjusted the towel under your arms. “The lads wanted to call it an early day since we’re going out tonight, and boy am I glad they did.” He said eyeing you again with a cheeky grin. You groaned in embarrassment, turning towards your closet you continued to search for something to change into, never escaping Ashton’s eager eyes. 

Calum: You got a stain on your dress. It wasn’t exactly your fault, Luke had bumped into you causing your glass of wine to slosh and spill on your front. He had apologized at least a million times, all of them you said it was fine. You walked inside, going to the bathroom and slipped out of your dress, leaving you in your knickers and bra. You were scrubbing your dress with a bit of warm water, and a bit of detergent trying to lift this stain. “Those yoga classes are paying of huh?” You heard Calum’s voice behind you. You gasped, grabbing a towel off of the rack trying to shield your body. He wasn’t even blushing, just leaning against the door jam with his arms crossed over his chest, his biceps bulging. He had a cheeky smirk plastered on his beautiful face as he chuckled darkly. “Why are you trying to hide?” He asked, his tone teasing. “You’re gorgeous.” He said staring at you. You couldn’t help but smile, “thanks,” You said softly. You were still a tiny bit embarrassed at being caught in just your knickers and bra, but Calum did have a way of making you feel beautiful. “Why don’t you throw something else on, and come down? Something maybe tight fitting, show off your killer body. Actually, scratch that, I don’t want the lads staring at you.” He said biting his lip. You laughed, smiling at him. 

Luke: You woke up groggily, a little disoriented. You were in your bed, the early rays of light streaming into your room. You glanced at the clock, the numbers showing that it was pretty early. You groaned, deciding to go downstairs to make a cuppa. You were in a sports bra and a pair of knickers, your usual attire for the evening. Nobody was home, so you decided to just go downstairs in that, a pair of shorts probably in the laundry room that you could slip into. You walked down the stairs and rounded the corner to be hit with the smell of coffee. You rounded the corner completely seeing Luke sitting at the bar with a mug in hand and the newspaper. He looked up, a smile on his face until his eyes grew wide and a fiery red colour crept onto his cheeks. “I’m so sorry (Y/N)!” He yelled, adverting his eyes to the newspaper in front of him. You gasped and sprinted into the laundry room off of the kitchen grabbing a pair of shorts and a t shirt that happened to be Lukes and throwing it on quickly. You emerged a little breathless and came up behind him. “What brings you here so early?” You asked, resting your head on his shoulder, feeling the heat from his cheeks. “I’m so sorry, I thought I’d surprise you! I should have warned you or something…” He muttered. “You didn’t like what you saw?” You asked, pretending to be offended. “Oh god no! Wait that sounds perverted, you’re horrible.” He said laughing and kissing your cheek. You reached in front of him to steal his coffee cup and took a sip, making him laugh again.

Michael: Michael was still asleep, his chest rising and falling so peacefully it was mesmerizing. You wanted to shower, and wake yourself up so you rolled out of bed and hopped into the shower. You were too focused on the prospect of hot water to even think if there were towels in there, which of course there wasn’t. Stepping out into the slightly chilled morning air you heaved a sigh, contemplating your next move. Michael would still be asleep, you would ever so quietly sneak out and grab your towel which was really just outside the door, on top of your dresser. It would take two seconds, and then you would go back as if nothing had happened. You took a deep breath, opening the door and sprinting to grab the towel. “What a lovely way to wake up in the morning” You heard Michaels gruff voice say. You gasped, grabbing the towel and wrapping it firmly around your midsection, casting your red face downward. “I thought you were still asleep.” You spoke quietly, your embarrassment colouring your words. “I’m glad I wasn’t, that was a lovely sight.” You groaned, walking back into the bathroom. “You should wake me up more often like that!” He hollered making your face ignite into a million shades of red, all the while you could hear his rumbling laughter from the other room.

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