Your kids see your lovebites (T)

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Michael - You smiled at Michael as you got out of bed, last nights antics popping up in your head again. Just as you went down the hall, you noticed Leann was just waking up. "Hi baby." You walked downstairs with her, Lillian sitting at the breakfast table. "What do you want to eat baby girl?" You asked, placing Leann in her high chair as Lillian smiled. "Pancakes!" "Coming right up." Just as you walked into the kitchen, Michael appeared around the corner. "Morning." He said, wrapping his arms around your waist and kissing your shoulder. "I made some pretty nice marks on your ne-" "Daddy!" Lillian screamed, running into Michael's legs as she started hitting him. "Why did you hit mommy?" Michael gasped, pulling her off as she pouted, a little tear in her eye. You covered the marks with your hair and picked her up. "Daddy didn't hit me, Lil. It's just a grown up thing, don't worry about it, okay?" She nodded and kissed you, before kissing Michael and running back to the kitchen. "A grown up thing?" Michael chuckled, as you shrugged. "What was I supposed to say? Oh mommy and daddy had sex last night and he left hickeys on my neck." He chuckled and left, going to make sure Lillian was still okay.

Luke - You giggled and got out of the bathroom, seeing your husband still propped on his side, only clad in his boxers. "I'm still clueless as to why you didn't let me shower with you?" You giggled and sighed, shutting the door and prancing over to him, knocking him onto his back as you straddled him. "Because, what if the kids needed us and we were in the shower doing god knows what?" He chuckled and grabbed your hand, kissing your wrist as you smirked. "Well you're right. But, they're in bed now." He rolled the two of you over, hovering over you as you giggled, "Lucas, you're such a dirty boy." "A dirty man, to correct you," He paused and kissed your neck, swiping his tongue over the already purple mark on your jugular. "A dirty man who loves his wife." You giggled and smashed your lips onto his as the door opened, Kaiden gasping in the doorway. "Daddy get off of her!" He jumped onto the bed, beating on Luke's back as you gasped. "I won't let him hurt you mommy!" Luke pulled Kaiden back, holding him out at arms length as he still continued to thrash around. "Kaiden! Daddy is not hurting me." You said, as he looked at you. "Then what's that?" He pointed to the spot on your neck as Luke smirked. "It's something you'll learn about later, okay?" He only nodded as Luke took him back to bed.

Ashton - You winced as Ashton pulled out of you, kissing your reddened cheeks as he laid down. "Go check on the kids." He whispered, getting under the covers as you nodded. You pulled on his t-shirt and a new pair of undies, shutting the door behind you as you saw everyone still in the living room. You were thankful for Graham being home tonight so he could keep the little ones occupied. As soon as you stepped around the couch, you saw Bryce knocked out asleep on his play mat. "Why didn't you put him to bed?" You asked, Graham chuckling as he saw the purple marks on your neck. "I didn't want to interrupt." He smirked, as Harper turned around, pushing up her glasses. "Interrup- Dad! Gross!" You turned and saw Ashton, his sweatpants on and no shirt. If the kids weren't here, you would have sure jumped his bones right then and there. "Wow, nice night?" He said, motioning to your neck as Harper gasped. "You guys are disgusting." Ashton chuckled, kissing the top of your head as you blushed, hiding your face in Bryce's head. "When you two are ready for that, you'll know." "I am an adult and I know very well." Ashton and Graham high fived and you rolled your eyes, taking Bryce upstairs.

Calum - "Baby come back." Calum whined, reaching for you as you stood from the couch. You two were enjoying a movie while your two girls were taking a nap. "I have to go check on the babies. I'll be right back." He whined as you walked down the hall, opening their room door as you saw them both standing and looking at you. "Aww, both my babies are awake. Mommy's sorry." You grabbed Nebraska first, propping her on your left before putting Isabella on your right. You walked back to Calum as he gasped, seeing both girls reaching for him. "Hi babies!" He took Isabella first, kissing her all over as she giggled. Nebraska sat in your lap, looking at you as her eyes fell onto your chest. "Bite?" She asked, pointing to the hickey Calum decided to leave on your chest while you two were watching the movie. You gasped as Calum looked over, watching as she poked the mark. "That's a hickey, love. You better not get any when you get older." You hit his arm as he chuckled, shrugging. You kissed her forehead as she continued to stare at the mark. "Mommy and I will give you the sex talk soon, don't worry." "Calum!" He smiled and kissed Nebraska, the two of you switching babies as he continued to laugh. "Love you."

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