You give him a massage (T)

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Michael - Michael knew having a personal trainer would be tough, but he never imagined limping back up to the hotel room with aching bones and his legs shaking so bad they could barely carry him up to the elevator. You sat cross legged on the bed, scrolling through twitter on your iPad as the door slowly opened, Michael trudging in. You looked up, smiling at him as he dropped his bag, his tongue darting out to lick at his lips. "Have a nice workout?" You asked, a smirk on your face as you watched him walk over to the bed, before falling onto his face and groaning out loud. You giggled, crawling over before rubbing his shoulder, a sigh of content coming from his still dry lips. "Why don't you let me give you a massage?" He nodded, kicking off his shoes before getting comfortable against the pillows. You grabbed some lotion, rubbing it into your hands before beginning to knead your fingers into his pale shoulders. "Fuck that feels good." He groaned, biting his lip as you smirked, continuing down his back. Once you got to his lower back, you bent down placing a single kiss to his cheek as he hummed. "Still feeling good baby?" He whimpered and nodded. You nibbled a bit on his earlobe, a slight moan coming from his throat as he opened his eyes. "Will you do all the work?" He asked, a smile growing on your face as you nodded. "Of course." And with that he turned over, allowing you to take over for the night.

Luke-It was a stressful day at work for Luke, coming home and kicking off his shoes as you were still in the process of finishing dinner. "How was work?" You asked, his arms wrapping around you securely as he kissed your neck. "It was horrible. A massage later would be nice." He chuckled, a smile forming on your face as you nodded. "Well when I put the kids down, I can do that for you." You turned your head, catching his lips as he chuckled. As dinner started to wind down, Kaiden and Julia demanded Luke to take over bath time and get them all ready for bed. Once they were all ready, Luke made his way to the bedroom while you read them a quick story and then tucked them in. After a few minutes passed, you shut the bedroom door behind you, seeing Luke lying on the bed in only his underwear as you smirked. "Where does it hurt baby?" You asked, unbuttoning your jeans as he smirked, watching. "Mostly my chest." You nodded, pulling off your shirt as you were left in your matching bra and panties. He bit his lip as you straddled him, grabbing some lotion and rubbing it in your hands. His hands came to rest on your thighs as you began working the lotion into his skin. "Feel good?" You asked, his eyes closing as he nodded. Soon you felt something poke into your thigh and you smirked, lifting yourself and then sitting on his bulge. He gasped, opening his eyes as you started to rock back and forth. "Fuck just like that." And after that, you both knew what was happening next.

Ashton - Your husband was a hard working man and everyone knew so. He had a stressful 9 to 5 and then he comes home and is never in the mood to have any fun, let alone eat the dinner you cooked. After you lit the last candle in the bedroom, he pulled up slowly in the driveway, the bass sounding heavily off his car as you smiled, walking downstairs slowly. "Y/N?" "Bedroom!" A smile crept it's way on his face as he jogged up, running a hand through his hair as he stepped in, spotting you sitting on the bed. "What's all this?" "A surprise for you. Since you work so hard, I just wanted to give you a little something." He nodded and you stood, pushing his coat from his shoulders before you began to unbutton his shirt. "You're too good to me you know that?" He said, smiling as you shrugged. "Nothing but the best for you." You stood on your tip toes to kiss him before you got his pants undone. "Lie on the bed." He crawled onto the bed, lying on his stomach as you smiled, untying your robe as you let it fall to the floor, revealing your lingerie from your wedding night. He sucked in a breath as you straddled him, smiling as you bent down, scattering kisses across his shoulders as he closed his eyes. You grabbed some lotion, beginning to knead your hands into his back as he sighed. You bit your lip as his muscles rippled, the sight making you grow with excitement. He moaned once you got to his lower back, the sound making you shudder. "You're making me so hard baby." He whispered, a smile forming on your lips as he said that. "Then do something about it." You kissed across his back again as he growled, flipping you over so he hovered over you, his hands already pulling down your bra straps. "I love you so much."

Calum - The concert was just like every other, completely wild and overall fun to dance to. Calum skipped off stage, running straight to you and lifting you with one arm, spinning you around as you squealed. "You did great baby!" He grinned from ear to ear, kissing your nose cutely as Michael gagged. "You guys disgust me." "Fuck off, mate." After getting their bags and such, it was time to go back to the hotel. Once inside your shared room, Calum kicked off his shoes and pulled off his shirt. "Jesus my back is killing me." He said, crossing one arm over the other in attempt to stop the ache. "Want me to massage you?" You offered, already pulling off your jacket and then shoes as he smirked. "Of course. After all you are good with your hands." You threw a glare at him as he chuckled, lying on his stomach as you grabbed his favorite lotion, crawling onto the bed before straddling him. "Prepare for the best massage you'll ever get." You said, giggling as you spread lotion all over his back, his eyes starting to close. You began to knead his tan skin between your fingers, his hands finding your knees as he ran his thumbs over the skin. "Did you have fun backstage?" He asked, letting out a soft whimper as you dug your fingers deeper into his skin. "Always. I love watching you preform. It's sexy." He chuckled and opened one of his eyes, looking at you. "Really?" You nodded and smiled. You scooted further down his body, putting your lips at his lower back as you began making your way upwards, before lightly kissing his ear. "It get's me all hot and bothered." He chuckled and turned over, you still sitting on top of him. "Maybe I should take care of that then?"

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