He Breaks Down On Stage After The Break Up During Amnesia

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Luke: Michael had his in hand and Calum turned down his bass a bit, preparing for a of 'Amnesia' for the New York show.
Luke took a few deep breaths as he adjusted his mic stand. Ashton patted his back, asking if he was ready.
"Yeah," Luke said as he released a breath. Michael played the opening chords and Luke began to sing. The fans sang along and the boys played, unaware of Luke's cracking voice with each line.
"...If what we had was real, how could you be fine? Cause...I'm not...fine-" Luke choked on his breath and wiped his eyes as the audience watched, confused and worried.
"I'm sorry, I can't," Luke said quickly before getting up and walking off. The boys looked at each other before Michael put his guitar down and following Luke.
"Dude, I'm sorry! I just need a moment," Luke cried into his hands. Michael hugged Luke's curled up figure.
"Take your time," Michael said softly.
"I just miss her so damn much and she acts as if I meant nothing to her." "I know."
Luke continued to cry as he repeated the lyrics over and over in his head. 'Cause I'm not fine at all. Tell me this is just a dream...cause I'm really not fine at all.'

Michael: He told himself to stop looking to his left, over and over. He knew you weren't there, cheering, singing, and dancing backstage.
"I remember the day you told me you were leaving...I remember the running down your face..." Luke sang into his mic.
Michael felt his hands start to shake and his lip quiver as he fought to choke down the sadness and anger that was beginning to boil.
"...And those dreams you left behind you didn't need them...like every single wish we ever made..."
Michael felt his throat swell and he just stopped. Ashton stopped, Calum stopped, and Luke stopped after him. And everyone was staring at Michael who was crumbled near his mic.
"Calum, do something," Luke whispered to the boy as he pointed towards the terrified crowd. Calum trailed over towards Michael as Luke sought to calm the crowd.
"She's not here..." Michael whimpered.
"Who? Y/N?"
"Yes, you idiot."
Calum slapped his shoulder. "Look you can mope and cry and I will fucking feed you out of my hand, but right now, we have our fans here."
Michael sighed and composed himself. Standing, he apologized into his mic and Luke began to play the chords to Long Way Home. As Michael played with everything he had left, he knew you had the rest.

Ashton: "Those pictures that you sent me they're still living in my phone..." rang through the overhead speakers. The same lyrics fell from the crowd, filling the stadium with sound.
Ashton crashed a cymbal as he kept to 'Amnesia' going. He suddenly remembered teaching you the drums: you on his lap and happily hitting the snare repeatedly out of time just to make Ashton laugh. He frowned as a tear rolled down his cheek. He suddenly realized he was the only one playing. He looked to see the boys confused stares and the crowd's murmurs.
Luke trailed over to him. "What's wrong?"
"I-I...why did you stop?" He managed.
"You slowed down then sped up, a lot. You alright?" Ashton wiped another fallen tear and Luke understood.
"Yeah, I just need a second," he said as he tried to level his breathing. Luke nodded.
"Let's do an acoustic song. Ashton, go backstage and just relax for a second, okay?" Luke instructed the boys.
They all nodded. Ashton went back stage and leaned against the wall. Damn it...you were still in his head even when his body felt numb from the crying.

Calum: No, don't let her get into your head...not now, Calum silently begged his mind as he forgot chords and beats and lyrics. Your face, smell, and just your everything overtook his mind as he looked out towards the crowded stadium. He could fell his blood run cold and his face become wet with angry tears. You left. You moved on. So why did you make it so hard for him to? He hated himself for still loving you and as Luke sang: "I wish I could wake up with amnesia, and forget about the stupid little things...like the way it felt to fall asleep next to you and the memories I never can escape...", he knew he was done for. No, he wouldn't crumble. He would play this and do the best fucking show he could. He continued to cry and play the best he could as the last lyrics escaped Luke's lips. And you watched from the balcony, and though you were yards away, you could see Calum's tear-stained cheeks, because they matched yours.

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