He Comes Home Drunk and You Get in a Fight P.2 (T)

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Luke: You didn't talk. You didn't see him. You sat in your mothers guest room for a week straight, only coming out to get food. You and your mom talked about it, but she couldn't convince you to go and talk to Luke. You were upset with him and didn't want to talk to him. One day, you woke up at your normal time when the doorbell went off. You let your mother answer it and you thought you heard his voice. "No, it can't be," you whispered as you looked out of the room. But it was. Luke stood in your doorway as he told your mother what happened. "All I want is her back. It's been the worst week of my life and I can't think straight, I can't sleep right, I barely eat! I just need her to know what I did was a drunk mistake and I will never, EVER, do it again." You saw your mother rub his arm and he glanced up at your door. "Mom," You called over the banister. She looked up at you and nodded. You walked down the stairs and stood on the bottom step, similar to the night he came home. "Did you hear all of that?" He asked as he moved away from your mom. You nodded. "Do you forgive me for that?" You looked at your mom, all the conversations you had about him flooding your mind. You nodded and he smiled, pulling you in for a hug. "I'm sorry I was such a stupid jerk. It'll never happen again babe I swear." You nodded and looked at your mom, who smiled before giving you two your space.

Ashton: You slept on the extra bed that night, crying yourself to sleep. You had never seen him like this and it scared you a bit, knowing if he didn't get attention he'd get violent. Around nine in the morning, you heard the lock of the door jiggle before it went open. You didn't even look at him, knowing his hair was a mess and he himself looked like a mess. "Y/N, I know you're awake from your breathing," he said silently. "What do you want Ashton?" You said in a barely audible voice. "I didn't mean to scare you the way I did." You sighed heavily and rolled over on your side. "If you didn't mean to do it then why did you?" "Because I made a drunk mistake. A stupid, STUPID drunk mistake. And one like that isn't worth losing you." You looked at him and he did look upset. "Give me one good reason why." "BECAUSE I LOVE YOU AND ONE MISTAKE CAN'T RUIN A LIFETIME OF MEMORIES WE CAN MAKE!" He shouted in your face. "You love me?" You said propping yourself up on your elbows. He leaned on the bed, straddling you and cupping your face. "I knew I loved you when I first saw you, it just took me forever to say it to you." You stroked his face and placed a hand around his neck. "Promise me this, Ashton. You will never get drunk. One or two beers is fine. But you'll never get drunk." He nodded and brushed his lips softly against yours. "I love you so stop," you whispered. "I love you too so I will," he said kissing you again.

Michael: After he made his confession, you two decided to take a break. And not like a break-up but a legitimate break. You went to your friends house for two weeks, not wanting to talk to him when all he wanted to do was talk. He would call you at odd hours in the night and you listened to him leave voice messages explaining what he did was wrong and that he never intended on hurting you. At the end of the two weeks, you were beginning to feel lonely, missing him, and as you laid on your bed you heard someones voice that wasn't your friends boyfriend. "Just let me talk to her (Y/F/N) it's important." "Michael, you hurt her deep. She doesn't even come outside of the room anymore and sometimes all you can hear at night is her crying loudly into a pillow." He sighed heavily and you opened the door. His face lit up when you opened the door and you looked over at your friend. "Give us some time, alright?" She nodded before leaving the house. "Before you say anything, I've heard your messages. And thank you, really for accepting the fact you did act like a total asshole. But the thing is, how can I trust you to not get drunk anymore?" He fumbled around in his pockets before pulling out a folded flyer. "Rehabilitation center next week and I'm going for a month." You looked at the flyer and then up to him. "I've noticed my problem and I'm willing to do every thing in my power to make it up to you." You looked at him as tears welled up in your eyes before going and hugging him tightly. "I want you to get better Mikey. I really do," you silently cried. "I'm doing it for you babe." He pulled you closer to his body and rested his chin on the top of your head.

Calum: You left. You drove in your car to a place you didn't know and that place ended up being Ashtons front door. Ashton was actually your cousin and set you two up in the first place, and seeing you two fight made him feel uneasy, seeing as he was somehow set in the middle. Your fist pounded on the door until he opened it. "Y/N? What the hell are you doing here at three in the morning?" "Calum got drunk downstairs and said he was cheating on me because I never treated him right and always complained." You cried as he began pulling you into his chest. "Is what he said true?" You violently shook your head and he rubbed your back. "Come on, let's just get you to bed ok?" You nodded and he picked you up, resting you in bed next to him. You woke up the next morning and your eyes were sore and the place next to you that Ashton occupied was gone. You looked around when all of a sudden you heard something hit the wall downstairs. You quickly got out of bed and ran downstairs, looking at Ashton as he picked Calum up by his shirt collar. "SHE HASN'T DONE ANYTHING TO YOU BUT BE SUPPORTIVE AND THAT'S HOW YOU REPAY HER?!" He slammed Cal into the wall and dropped him. "I'm sorry you had to see that Y/N," Ashton said walking over to you. "Ashton, you don't understand. I did it when I was drunk and I was confessing when I was drunk." "So you did sleep with someone else!" You tried lashing out but Ashton held you back. "I did it when we first started going out, though. I was with Michael and we got out of hand and got drunk!" He came closer to you and Ashton pulled you back. "I set you up with her because you said you liked her. This is how you repay me?" Calum looked at you, then Ashton, then back at you. "I didn't mean it. I was drinking because I could feel my guilt rising up in me. I don't want to lose you because of something I did a good year ago Y/N." He reached towards you and you looked at Ashton before going to Calum. "You love me though right? Enough to not do it again?" He nodded before hugging you. "Hurt her one more time and I'll hurt you." Ashton went back upstairs as you two went home.

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