He picks you up from school (Luke)

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Luke- You covered your mouth quickly as you sat in your last class of the day, l/c (last/class). You only had a few minutes left until school was over and the weekend started, which made you smile. You were looking forward to the weekend because you were going to be spending it with your lovely boyfriend of a year. Though no one knew who you were dating, except for your only friend, so everyone in your school thought you were making it up just to get attention. But not even the interviewers could get it out of him. He wanted to keep you out of it until you were done with school which you thought was really sweet. You were brought out of your thoughs by the ring of the bell and everyone hurrying to leave. You waited patiently at your desk for a few minutes to let the crowd die down before you left the classroom. When you got out front, you covered your ears quickly when you heard various pitches of screams. "What in the world is going on?" you asked, looking around. "Y/N! You need to get to the parking lot!" You turned around to see your best friend running towards you with a big grin on his/her face. "Why? Is someone hurt?" you asked, tilting your head in confusion. "Better. Someone's here to see you~," he/she said, grabbing yur wrist and pulling you towards the parking lot. "Someone's here...to see...Oh shit!" Your eyes widened as you realized who he/she was talking about as the screams got louder. You pulled your wrist from his/her grip and ran ahead to get to see a group of girls jumping up and down around someone. You didn't have to see who it was to know who it was because you knew the answer just by seeing the red beanie over all the girls. You stared at the owner of the beanie just as he turned to see you standing there. He smiled and pushed his way through the crowd as gently as he could without hurting his fans. You felt your bag be taken off your shoulder along with the text book in your hands before you were pushed forward. You glanced behind you to see your friend smiling. "Go on. School'll be over next week so you might as well let everyone know you were telling the truth." You nodded then smiled at him/ her before turning away to see him walking towards you. You grinned and just ran towards him, wrapping your arms around his neck as he wrapped his arms around your waist, pecking your lips. The screams died down and you smiled at him. "Luke Hemmings, you had this planned, didn't you?" you asked, ignoring all the glares you were getting. "I had a little help. I thought I would pick you up here instead of at your place," he said, smiling. You giggled and pecked his lips as cameras flashed. "I have a feeling twitter is going to blow up now," you whispered against his lips. He grinned against your lips and said, "Let it blow up." After that, he kissed you in the middle of the parking lot.

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