Hes A Virgin

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Ashton: You began pulling him into the bedroom, hands latched onto the collar of his t-shirt, a coy look in your eyes. Things on the couch quickly became heated with Ashton, so you decided to move it into your bedroom. Assuming the dominant position, you flung Ashton onto your bed, leaving him breathless as you pulled your shirt up over your head and flung it across the room. His eyes widened as you crawled on top of him, beginning to kiss down his already bare chest and down to his pants. It was when your hands fiddled with the button that he faltered. "Y/N..." He stuttered. "What, Baby?" You cooed, dying to get him undressed. "I've... I've never done this before." You held in a surprised gasp, instead choosing to assure him. "That's okay, Ash, I'll just do all the work this time." His adam's apple bobbed up and down as you first pulled down his jeans, then his boxers, revealing his engorged member. You smirked, getting up and removing the rest of your clothing before getting the condom package from your bag. Opening the package with your teeth, you slowly rolled to condom onto him, loving the nervous look on his face. "Relax, Ashton." You giggled as you lower yourself onto him. "It's sex, not a chemistry final." You began bouncing up and down, starting out slowly and quickly increasing your pace. You ground down on him, swiveling your hips in figure-eights and eliciting explicit groans from Ashton. You hand wandered down to your clit, rubbing yourself to get you closer to your edge. "Fuck..." Ashton moaned as you came, him following short after. "How was that for a first time?" You queried, laying down next to him and cuddling into his chest. "Perfect."

Michael: You never would have guessed that Michael was a virgin by the way he confidently ripped off your shirt, skillfully unclasped your bra, and became to suck on each of your breasts, first the one on the right, then the one on the left. Moaning, you grabbed his hair, pulling him up so that his ear was by your mouth. You gentling nibbled on his earlobe before whispering, "time to get your pants off, Mikey." That was when Michael froze, the seductive tone of your voice telling him exactly what you wanted. "Y-you m-m-mean..." He stumbled over his words, hastily tearing his pants off, along with his boxers and throwing them across the room. "Yeah, baby." You simpered, crawling towards the end of the bed where he stood. "Now, get over here, and make me feel like a woman." He gulped, hesitantly getting a condom and joining you on the bed. "I've... I've never done this before, Y/N." He grudgingly admitted. You grinned, "It's not hard, Mikey, just come here." You rolled the condom onto him, loving his involuntary shutter as you touched him. You lined him up with your entrance before telling him to thrust. "Fuck, Michael." You moaned as he rapidly pounded into you, repeatedly brushing against your g-spot and sending waves of pleasure throughout your body. "Jesus fucking christ, there is no way you're a virgin." Michael gained confidence as you said this, leaning forward to once again mouth your breasts and bring you closer to your climax. Your orgasm proved to be too much for Michael, him quickly coming as you tightened around him. "Christ, round two in the shower, Y/N?" He asked cheekily, and you agreed eagerly.

Calum: Getting him naked resulted in no problems, neither did pleasuring you. You had done all of that before, but you had never had sex with Calum. However, the moment you gave him the opportunity to fuck you, Calum was one hundred percent for it, hastily pulling you into the bedroom. Once in there though, he began to draw the process out, spending a lot of time on foreplay–not that you minded. You could only take the teasing for so long though, yelling out for Calum to get the fuck in you before you exploded. He nodded, grabbing a condom from his night stand and quickly putting it on. "Hurry up!" You groaned, not used to having to wait for sex. "I'm coming." He chuckled, attempting to keep his cool. It wasn't just that he had a beautiful girl naked and ready in front of him, while that was a big factor in his nerves. No, a fair share of his nerves had to do with the fact that he had never done this before, He was a virgin. Carefully he pushed into you, nerves calming down as you moaned in pleasure. "Fuck, Cal. Don't keep me waiting." He slowly thrusted into you, not quite sure what he was doing, but going with what felt natural. "Am I doing okay?" He asked quietly, almost hoping that you didn't hear him. "Yeah, just go faster." You answered in the moment, not wondering as to why he was asking you that. He pounded into you faster, his muscular arms above you as he leaned down to kiss you. You wrapped you legs around his chest, hands scratching down his back as you approached your high. "Fuck, Cal!" You screamed, Calum quickly following suit with his own array of expletives. He laid down next to you, kissing you softly before pulling you into cuddle. "Hey, Cal?" You asked softly, "why did you ask if you were doing okay?" Calum gulped, avoiding eye contact with you. "Well, Y/N, I'm sort of... I've sort of never... You know... Done that before." He admitted sheepishly. Smiling, you brought his chin up so that you could see his big, brown eyes. "Hey, it's okay that you were a virgin. Besides that was very good for your first time."

Luke: You had a feeling that sweet, shy Luke was a virgin. It was fairly obvious to be honest; How he would always blush at the mention of sex, how he was always the one that stopped your snogging sessions. It was sweet actually, cute. However, you had had enough of cute. Luke was attractive and it got to you: broad shoulders, defined arms, the smirk he did whenever he was on stage. You had enough of waiting for Luke to be ready and took things into your own hands. When Luke was at the studio, you got into that sexy lingerie set your friends had bought you as a joke, strategically placing yourself on the bed with slow, steamy music playing in the background. "Babe? Y/N?" Luke called when he entered the house. His footfalls got closer to you, stopping as soon as he saw you. "Wow," he exhaled, "what did I do to deserve this?" He asked, coming up on the bed and crawling on top of you. "Not that I'm complaining, just wondering." He brought his lips down to yours before slowly making his way down your body, leaving butterfly kisses. "It's time, Luke." You replied. "Time for what?" He asked, sucking on your collar bone. "Sex, you idiot." You giggled, pushing him up and ripping his shirt off. "But, Y/N.. I just.. I'm..." He stuttered, taken aback by your brashness. "You're a virgin." You finished. "But that's okay. We've all go to lose it at some point." You shrugged, hands playing with his belt. "Now let me take care of you." You cut to the point, ripping off Luke's pants and your lingerie. You palmed him through his boxers, smiling as he groaned. "Fuck... Y/N." With expertise, you exchanged his boxers for a condom and sat down on him. You had just begun grinding down on him when he flipped you over. "You're not doing all the work, Love." He whispered, causing you to whimper as he pounded into you. Before you knew it, you were climaxing around him, Luke coming shortly after. "Not bad for a virgin," you complimented, "not bad at all." You smiled as he did that familiar smirk. "I love you, Y/N." Luke said. "I love you too, Luke."

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