Turn On's

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Ashton:  Ashton has his resting on your stomach as you watch a movie, one of your hands interlocked with his while the other runs through his hair. He quietly when you scratch at his scalp, lightly tugging at the strands. Looping your fingers through it, you ruffle it and giggle when he growls. Suddenly, he's looming over you, trying to look threatening but failing miserably. He just smiles, dropping his head to kiss you.

Calum: Tucked into his chest as you lie on the couch, one of Calum's arms is under your neck while the other hand rests on your hip. You push your chests closer together and his small intake of breath signals that he knows what you're trying to do. Shuffling your hips closer to his, his hand slips to rest on your butt, squeezing gently. You huff, smirking, before rolling him backwards and straddling his hips.

Luke: The blond looks up at you and smirks when you perch yourself in his lap, legs either side of his. His hands rest on your thighs when you lean forward to kiss him, steadily sliding higher as things more heated. A soft noise escaped his lips when your lips move to his neck, your hands moving to slip around his neck. He wraps his arms around your waist and leans forward, resting you on your back before taking .

Michael: You rest your forehead on Michael's bare back, between his shoulder blades, and slip your hands around his hips. You run your fingers in circles, tracing patterns on the bones of his hips and your nails along his lower stomach. You can feel him fidget in your embrace, a smile curving on your lips as you small kisses to his back. He huffs and spins around, pulling you into his arms.

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