Say HI To The Camera C.H (Smut) (T)

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I laid across the bed, completely naked as I bit my lip, watching Calum getting the video camera ready. Calum is leaving for tour again soon, and he wants something he can remember me by whenever his hand gets lonely. “You ready my love?” He asked, as I heard a small beep coming from the camera he bought specially for this little event.

He turned, smirking as his left hand was already stroking his hard member. “Say hi to the camera, baby.” I waved, biting my lip and giggling as I tried to hide myself, obviously shy now. “Aw, don’t be shy. Let me see you.” He huskily whispered the last part, causing me to turn red and move my hand from my chest.

"That’s my girl, beautiful as always." I sat up, crawling over to him as he chuckled lowly. He pointed the camera down as I moved his hand away, replacing it with my own hands. "Mm, show ‘em what you can do." I stuck out my tongue as I laid his tip on it, slowly swirling my tongue around it as if it were a lollipop.

He tilted his head back, the blinking red dot on the camera pressuring me. I giggled, putting my hand on his cock, slowly starting to pump as I tried to seductively look at the camera. “Oh fuck.” He whispered, as I started to move on down his shaft, taking 3/4’s of him into my mouth. “Take it all baby.” He moaned, his hand knotting in my hair.

He started to slowly rock his hips back and forth, as I moved my hand away. He sucked in a breath, his head falling backwards again as I felt his pubes touch my nose. I hallowed out my cheeks, beginning to move my head faster as he rocked his hips with my movements.

He started to moan louder, his chest heaving as I knew he was getting close. When I knew Calum was close to his climax, his moans always started to get louder. Just as my thoughts ceased, I felt his release. He let out a long sigh as I swallowed all of him, kissing his tip one last time as I released his cock from my mouth.

"Your mouth is so perfect." He got down eye level to me, the camera on both of us as he began kissing me. I bit his lip, pulling it out as he chuckled, squeezing my thigh with his free hand. He kissed my nose, handing me the camera as I made a face at it, him laying down behind me, his hands resting behind his head.

I giggled and sat on his chest, his hands moving as he rested them on my hips, rubbing up and down, softly. “Hi Calum.” I said as he chuckled, smiling up at me. “Hey baby.” I giggled and then slightly lifting myself, as he raised his eyebrow. “I want you to eat me baby.” I whispered, him chuckled as he nodded.

I sat myself on his face, positioning the camera to where he could see all the action. I put one of my hands on the headboard, moaning as he stuck out his tongue, lightly running it back and forth on my slit. “Caalum.” I moaned, looking down at him as he winked up at me, closing his eyes as he continued to suck on my slit.

He moved me down a bit, to where he was now able to suck on my clit. “Fuck yeah, Calum.” I began to gyrate my hips softly on his face, the feeling of his mouth on me sending me into pure bliss. My legs began to feel like jelly as he alternated, licking my slit to sucking on my clit.

"I’m close baby." I whispered again, running my hand through his hair as I felt myself come undone on his tongue. After he cleaned me up, I moved myself down, giving him the camera again as I placed a chaste kiss to his swollen lips, smiling as I tasted myself on his plump lips. "I love you." I whispered as I took his cock into my hand. 

"Mm, I love you more." He put the camera on his chest, as I sat up, beginning to bounce up and down on him. "Fuck me Calum, yes." I moaned, dropping my head back as he had the camera pointed down to where we were connected at. He started to buck his hips to meet my thrusts, so we were moving at a steady pace.

"Oh yeah baby." He repeated, smiling at me as I moved the camera to sit on the beside table, facing us so I could kiss him. I took his face in my hands, beginning to make out with him as he slowly flipped us over. I moved my hands to his biceps, as we kept an intense stare on each other. 

"Calummm." I warned, clenching around him as he let out a groan. "Let go baby." He leant down pressing a few chaste kisses to me as I released for my second time, absolutely spent. He pulled out, laying next to me as I grabbed the camera. He started tickling me as I giggled, hitting his chest.

"I love you so much." "And I love you so much more." We pecked a few more times, before making faces at the camera, before stopping it from filming. That should do his hand some justice.

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