You're In Love With Him, But He Has A Girlfriend

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Luke: Sometimes life isn't fair, and one of those times would happen to be now; you're stuck on a date with Luke and Adalynn because the rest of your friends bailed on you and the boys refused to come because they knew Adalynn was going to be there. It wasn't that they didn't adore her, she was a real sweetheart and she never tried to purposely cause problems, but she was one of those girlfriends that was over-touchy and had to show affection every minute that she spent with Luke - and lately it had started to bother you, too. It was kind of sad how in love with him you were; but you'd grown up knowing him and your mothers had basically forced the two of you together the majority of the time, so it was inevitable that you developed feelings for him over time as you got more acquainted with him. Now here you were, sitting on the opposite side of the table from them as you tried your hardest not to snap at them for their constant make-out sessions. You'd already ordered your food and sent the waiter away, waiting for it to be delivered as they continued to kiss vigorously. You were getting apologetic looks from other customers in the restaurant, and on top of that your heart was beginning to get sore from seeing Luke in such affectionate actions with someone that wasn't you. You hated Adalynn for being able to claim Luke as her boyfriend, and maybe that's why you were getting insanely jealous at the fact that they were kissing in front of you. That, or the fact that people were feeling sorry for you because they could probably just look and learn the situation. "I'm just gonna go," You mumbled as you pulled out some money and paid for your food, not caring that it hadn't been delivered to the table yet. It wasn't a big deal, anyway. When it got there, Luke and Adalynn would eat it and not even notice that you were gone. What a great night as a third wheel, right?

Ashton: "Truth or dare, babe?" He asked as he turned towards Jamie, smirking as she blushed and shrugged her shoulders. You couldn't help but snarl and bring your beer up to your lips, taking another long drink as she debated her answers. It'd been a long night out with the boys; you all went bar-hopping and even to the liquor store to get yourselves some more beer for the night when you got back, and you couldn't deny the fact that you were a little tipsy. You were in a good mood for the majority of the night - until you got back to Michael's house and saw that Ashton had left the bars early to pick up Jamie from the other side of town. Thirty minutes later, and she hadn't popped open a beer or smoked one cigarette, and Ashton was clinging to her side like a lost puppy. You were more than annoyed - but you weren't sure if it was because you were insanely in love with Ashton or because you were getting red from the amount of alcohol that you'd consumed in the hours of the night. "Dare!" Jamie finally yelled, causing you to look up at her as Ashton's smirk grew. He leaned over and whispered in her ear - earning a groan from you and the rest of the boys. Jamie pulled away from Ashton and swatted his chest with a giggle, causing you to want to throw up right then and there. "Ashy, I can't do that in front of everyone!" She whisper-yelled, and the curiosity got the better of you. "Can't do what?" You barked out. Jamie and Ashton both turned to look at you, a weird expression across their faces as they got awkwardly quiet. "G-give him a lap d-dance," Jamie answered after a few moments of silence, and that's when your beer bottle hit the wall. It smashed and the remaining liquid inside ran down the wall as you stood up and dusted off the back of your jeans as you sent a glare towards the two of them. "Can't we get one fucking day without you two rubbing your goddamn relationship in our faces?" You spat out, glaring at Ashton for an extra second before you stormed out of Michael's house and into the rain.

Calum: Thirty minutes. It's been thirty minutes and they were still missing from the group. Not that anyone else besides you had noticed - the boys all had their own partners for the night, and you had your own as well - but he had left earlier because he got a call telling him to be into work in the morning, and now you were all alone and vulnerable to feeling left out. Especially because Calum had invited his girlfriend Amber over, and they'd done nothing but love and make out with each other the entire night. You'd been okay with just feeling a little jealous, you didn't mind the small bubbling feeling in the pit of your stomach each time you saw them touch or kiss, but it was when they left to go back to his bedroom that you grew more aggitated. Especially because you knew that Calum was probably getting the best blow job of his life and you weren't the one giving it to him - it was Amber, and she was more than likely going to come out and rub it in your face as she always did when it came to anything else she did with Calum. She used to be your good friend - until she came into Calum's life and convinced him into a relationship with her; now you hated her and wanted nothing else to do with her, but it was hard to avoid her with Calum being one of your better friends. They came back into the room as soon as you grabbed a beer from the table and opened it, and you couldn't help but let out a small gasp from your lips at what you saw. Amber's hair was up into a ponytail - showing off the bright purple hickeys she had, and Calum was shirtless and the top of his pants were unbuttoned, probably from Amber being on her knees for him. Your lips started to tremble, but you couldn't let them see you cry. You slammed the beer bottle back onto the table in front of you and kept your eyes to the front of the room, acting as if you were interested in the movie playing on the screen. Calum and Amber moved to sit beside you, but you coudn't help but to shimmy away from them to the edge of the couch. "What's the matter?" Calum whispered towards you, Amber attaching her lips to his neck to make him let out a small moan. You lost it. "What the actual fuck, Calum? You can't keep your slut off of you for two fucking minutes? I mean really, you're in front of people!" You shouted out, your heart racing as you stood up and scooted back towards the wall. Amber stopped kissing around Calum's neck and looked up at you with an angry expression. "Seriously, just fucking stop, okay?" You whimpered, turning on your heel and stomping towards the bathroom so you could throw up the alcohol you'd consumed.

Michael: "You're sure you don't wanna come?" She asks you with a sad tone in her voice, and you're not sure if it's because she really wants you to tag along or if it's because she wants Michael to believe that the two of you actually got along - and in her eyes, you really did. You sighed and shook your head, not taking your eyes off of the video game going on in front of you. "No, not tonight. Sorry." You replied shortly, trying to get Makaelah out of your hair. She pouted even more and leaned onto your shoulder - and it took everything in you not to push her off of your skin. "Please? Michael really wants you to come with us! It'll be so much fun!" She pleads once more. You were getting more and more annoyed. How much fun would going to a movie with a couple actually be? They would be making out the entire time and you wouldn't be able to sit and bare the thought of Michael's lips on hers while you were right beside them. You already hated the fact that they were even together, so you didn't really want to actually witness it happening in front of you. "I said no, Makaelah. Now go get ready so I don't have to hear Michael's mouth when he gets here and you're still not dressed." You snap at her, pausing your game to gently shove her off of you. You still didn't understand why you agreed to let her come over to your house to get ready for her date - you still didn't know why you kept putting up with them in front of you every day, but you were starting to get really tired of it and it was becoming harder and harder to hide it from them that their relationship bothered you. Michael was happy with Makaelah, and you didn't want to ruin that happiness for someone that you cared so deeply about. Makaelah sighed and got up, going down the hallway to get ready for her night out with your best friend, and not even ten minutes later Michael opened the door to your apartment and let himself in. "Hello friend! Where's my lover?" He bellows out, causing you to physically cringe at his use of the word lover. You point silently to the hallway, nodding your head. "Still getting ready. Have a seat." You said, not paying attention to him as you tried your hardest not to get killed in the middle of your game. Michael came over and sat as close to you as possible, and it felt as if your skin was turning red from the burning of his body being so close to yours. "Can I tell you a secret, (Y/N)?" He asks, whispering as if your walls weren't able to block sound. You shrug your shoulder and lean back so he can actually whisper in your ear. "I'm gonna propose tonight," Michael says, and you can't help but pause your game and instantly stand up to turn and look at him. "What the actual fuck?" You screamed out, raising your eyebrows. "You've only been with her for a year, Michael! You're only nineteen, you can't get engaged!" You yelled, the tears starting to spring to your eyes. Michael shook his head and sighed, sitting up straighter in his seat. "That's not exactly the support I was looking for..." He said, and you laughed bitterly as you wiped at your eyes. "How can I support something that I don't want to happen?" You shouted, turning on your heel and leaving your own house to calm yourself down.

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