He Tells You He Loves You For The First Time (T)

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Ashton: This is the fifth time you’ve cried this week and you were getting pretty tired of bawling your eyes out whenever your boyfriend went home. You’ve only just started dating Ashton, but somehow, news spread that you were dating like wildfire. And now, pretty much everyone in the 5SOSFam knew about your relationship. You knew that once you started dating him, people are going to judge you without even knowing you. The fans have been sending you hate and calling you names since last week, and you couldn’t take it. You knew you shouldn’t read all those negative comments about you on Twitter, but you just couldn’t help it. You tried your best to stay positive and just focus on the love you’ve been getting, but you were still not used to the hate. “Shh, it’s okay love,” he whispered as you held onto him tighter. He continued to draw circles on your back as he held you in his arms, as you let out all the hurt you’ve been feeling inside. “You’re perfect, I love you,” you looked up at his sudden confession, and noticed the light pink blush across his cheeks. “Y-you do?” You felt the pain subside, and was replaced by sheer happiness when you heard those three words roll off his tongue. “I wanted to protect you from everything bad in this world, even if it meant that I was going to get hurt in the process. Seeing you cry made me realize that I love you, and I want to protect you, Y/N.” He kissed your tears away and you whispered those words back to him, and as you did, you smiled knowing that you’re so lucky to have this boy, because he is one in a million and just perfect in every way.

Michael: Profanities were exchanged as you two played video games in Michael’s apartment. Today was just one of your usual game nights, where you would play video games until you see the sun. That was your idea of a date night with your boyfriend. “Shit!” You hissed, watching your character die, causing Michael to erupt in a fit of laughter. “Oh my god, you’re so bad at this game, Y/N!” You had to admit, you were a pretty decent gamer but this game was fairly new and you didn’t know what to do or which controls to use. Your lovely boyfriend didn’t even bother to teach you the controls because he knew that you’d lose if he didn’t. You pouted as he began to do some kind of thrusting dance thing, which is kind of like his victory dance. “I hate you so much,” You muttered, folding your arms across your chest. He stopped dancing and peered over his shoulder to look at you, then raised an eyebrow at you. “If you hate me, I love you,” he says, sitting down next to you in a swift motion. “I love you, I love you, I love you,” he repeated, as he kissed my cheek after each ‘I love you’. You knew he was trying to make you feel better, in his own weird way. Plus this is the first time he told you he loved you, so you just pulled him in for a kiss and smiled, “Thank you Mikey, I love you too.”

Calum: You checked your watch again: 3:18PM. They were going to arrive any minute, and you prayed that time would pass sooner because you couldn’t wait to see them again. Yes, you were excited to see your four best friends again, but you were even more excited to see him again. You wanted to see Calum, you wanted to touch him, you wanted to smell him, you wanted to kiss him. Months have passed without him by your side - it didn’t feel the same if you just talked through texts, calls and video calls. And at long last, he was finally coming back after months of being apart. You turned your head when you heard the squeals and screams of teenage girls. They’re here, you thought as you tried to push past some of the people. Your heart skipped a beat when your eyes found his - he was already staring at you with wide eyes. You watched as he ran past all the fans and the people, then once he was in front of you, he pulled you in for an embrace. “I’m so happy to see you again, Y/N. It was torturous not touching you at all these past few months, it feels so much better when you’re really in front of me.” He says as he buries his head into your shoulder. “I felt the same way, Cal,” you tell him as you wrapped your slender arms around him as well. “I love you, Y/N. I love you so much, and I can’t believe you’re back in my arms again,” You were taken by surprise at his words but you knew deep in your heart that you somehow knew he felt this way about you. And you were absolutely sure that you felt the same way about him. “I love you so much Calum.” you say as the two of you stood there, overjoyed that you were back in each other’s arms.

Luke: You tried to keep the tears from escaping your eyes, but you couldn’t. Today was the day he was going to leave for his tour and you couldn’t see him for a long time. You promised to Skype and text each other everyday, but you knew nothing compares to him being there personally. You promised to make this work, you just had to. You loved Luke too much to give up so easily, but you weren’t that sure of his feelings toward you. You’ve been together for two months now, yet he hasn’t even said those three words to you yet. You’ve wanted to for so many times, but you didn’t want to say it first. You knew what you were risking if you said it first, so you wanted him to be the first one to say it. “I need to go soon,” he says, but it was almost a whisper. You looked up at him with tear-stained cheeks and you sniffed, ”I’ll miss you Lukey promise to call me everyday okay?” He nodded and proceeded to kiss your temple. Once he pulled away, his ocean blue eyes caught yours and he opened his mouth to speak, then closed it again. “I-Of course, Y/N,” he gave you one last hug before he picked up his suitcase again. You watched as he began to walk away from you, but after a few steps, you notice him stopping. He stood in one place for a little while, before turning back to look at you. “I love you, Y/N!” He yelled. You couldn’t believe he actually said those words, it actually felt so surreal. Once it had finally registered, you ran towards him, with a huge smile. “I love you too, Luke,” you say before pulling him in for one last kiss.

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