Someone Does Something Perverted To You

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We were all hanging out at Ashton's house to use his pool. I was wearing my new bikini but I felt a little self conscious in it so I was really just hoping none of the guys would to it and that it wouldn't slip off when they inevitably push me into the pool... At the moment I was getting a drink from the cooler still in my loose tank top and shorts. I wouldn't take the shirt off until I had to get into the water... And unfortunately for me, they invited the massive pervert that was on the soccer team with Calum, Marley. I hated the way he looked at me, like he was undressing me with his eyes.

"Hey Y/N," I heard someone say behind me. Before I could so much as turn around, I felt someone's hand grabbing my ass. My went rigid. This couldn't be one of the guys...

"Marley! Don't touch me!" I snapped shoving his hand off of my bum and stepping to be out of his reach.

"Oh come now, why don't you just take the clothes off and show us that pretty little figure?" He said stepping closer to me. I stepped back again. What was with this guy?

"I'll even help you..."

"I said don't touch me!" I cried stepping back again.

"No need to be shy..." He said still coming closer. I knew I couldn't be far from pinned against the fence and I was focused on waiting until I could get a nice kick to his balls.

"Hey!" I heard someone else call to us. Marley immediately stepped back.

"Ashton?" I said taking a step toward my friend. He looked none too pleased and neither did Calum behind him.

"What?" Marley said to them.

"I'm gonna kindly ask you to leave, now." Ashton said in a cold voice. For a guy who was usually so friendly, the difference was very obvious to me.

"Are you?" Marley said facing them.

"I was gonna ask you kindly, but I could also make you leave." Ashton said crossing his arms, his muscles bulged.

"Are you gonna let him?" Marley addressed Calum.

"Nah, I'm gonna help him and I'm telling coach you're slime." Calum said in a cool tone.

"Just because I grabbed her ass?" Marley asked.

"You don't touch anyone if they do not want to be touched. Frankly, I don't see why anyone would want to be touched by you." Ashton said glaring Marley down. "But now you leave, the black eye is optional." He continued.

"Fine whatever, she's not worth it." Marley said stepping through them and leaving.

"Are you ok?" Ashton said turning to me, his demeanor changing back to normal, friendly.

"I'm fine. I'm just not used to that..." I explained.

"I'm sorry I invited him here." Calum said sincerely gently my hair. I smiled a little.

"Thanks for defending me." I said and they nodded. I opened my arms up and I was enveloped in Ashton's warm embrace.

"It's ok." He whispered. I nodded against him.

"Thanks." I said into his chest.

"I really hate guys like that." He said softly.

"In a way it is flattering..." I heard Michael comment.

"Dude!" Luke cried and I heard a smack.

"Sorry!" Michael called. I shook my head pulling back fro Ashton.

"Thanks." I said with a smile. I knew it was ok.

"I've always got your back." Ashton said with a warm smile. It was true; I always felt safe with him.

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