He wants to, but your on your period (T)

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Michael - You exited the bathroom, cursing under your breath as you saw Michael laying in bed, his eyes fixed on his phone. You crawled over him, laying on your stomach as he put down his phone. "You smell good." He complimented, hooking his arm under your torso and beginning to kiss your neck. You moaned softly, but then you remembered what happened minutes ago. "Michael, stop." He started to pull up your shirt and you flicked his ear. "Ow." He said, pouting as you chuckled. "I'd love to, but i'm on my period." You said, groaning as he did too. "Now I have to wait 5 days?" You nodded, him groaning louder.

Luke - You were sitting on the couch, watching Keeping Up With The Kardashians when the door slammed shut. You turned around seeing Luke throwing off his beanie as he grabbed a juice from the fridge. "You okay?" You asked, muting the tv as he plopped down beside you. "We didn't get shit done, and the deadline is Thursday. Two days from now." You sighed, standing behind him and massaging his shoulders. He moaned slightly and you smiled, "Feel good?" He nodded, before grabbing your wrists and pulling you down to kiss you. He started to deepen it and I pulled back, giggling at his boner. "Wait a few days." He sighed and stood, "At least give me a blowjob!"

Ashton - You were in the studio, smiling and bobbing along to the music the guys were recording. Ashton locked his eyes on you, winking as you blushed, pushing some hair behind your ear. "Alright boys, take 10." Ashton slung his headphones off, taking a sip of water as he came to you. "We sound alright?" You nodded as he held your legs, pushing you into the couch. You giggled as he began kissing you, the boys groaning. "Take that to another room!" "Will do." Ashton grabbed you, but you stopped him. You gave him the look and he groaned, falling to his bum. "Really?" You nodded and he groaned again.

Calum - "Sweetheart, look who's home!" You said to 5 month old Olivia as she smiled wide. "Hi baby." Calum took her, throwing her up one time before kissing her. "Dinner's ready." You said, sitting on the couch as he brought Olivia and his dinner with him. You two sat in silence, watching tv as he ate. "How was your day?" You asked, putting Olivia on the floor as she played with her toys. "Good, I missed you." He began kissing your neck and you giggled, as he pulled you closer to him. "Not in front of Olivia." "Then let's go upstairs." You shook your head, smiling. "I'm on my period and besides we don't need anymore babies." He crossed his arms, you kissing his head.

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