Cheater. (Part 2)

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Luke: "Hey (Y/N)! When'd you get home?" he asks as he walks out of your bedroom, opening his arms for a hug. When you don't move, that's when he starts to get suspicious. "I just now got home, Luke." You reply back flatly. He flinches a little at your tone, and then shrugs his shoulders as he walks past you to grab his keys and wallet. "You're supposed to be at the restaurant. Did you forget?" he asks you, not taking a second glance at you. Of course, he would find a way to make everything your fault. You smirked and crossed your arms over your chest, leaning against the doorway as you continued to watch him get his things ready to leave. "No, I went to the restaurant on my way home from work. It was weird," you move over to the kitchen, sitting at the table, "my card was declined, and I haven't used it in about three weeks. Where's my money been going, Luke?" you ask your boyfriend, a sad but sarcastic smile on your face as you watch him freeze up. He didn't know how to explain it to you; and from that point, you knew that you'd caught him up in his own game. "I heard your conversation on the phone, Luke. Who is she?" you ask softly, your heart starting to break piece by piece as he continued to stay turned around from you, staying silent. "She's your cousin Emily. She and I have had this going on for about three months, hence why she's been using your card number to buy herself new clothes and to buy some special things for when she came to see me." He explains, not sparing any detail for your already fragile heart. So they'd been having sex for three months behind your back. In your house where you slept, and not to mention the fact it was your family that was betraying you in such a manner that it made your stomach turn in the most unpleasant of ways. "I think it's better if we just break up, then. We shouldn't even try to fix things, Luke. I mean, if you were going to her when I wasn't around, then I must not've been doing something right. But," you smile up at him; your heart slowing down as you saw him with a look of shock on his face. "I just hate it that my family stole you away from me. My family, for fuck's sake."

Ashton: You'd spent the next three days at home by yourself. Ashton didn't dare come back to your house, especially not after you'd called and caught him with that girl. That Sammi, you hated her. How could she be with him when she knew he had a girlfriend worried sick about him at home? Of course, you had to cut her some slack; Ashton probably lied to her, too and said he didn't have another girlfriend. That little prick. What's worse is that you hadn't even broken up with him yet, technically you were still together. With a sigh, you got up and grabbed your keys, making your way out the door and to your car where you continued to drive to Calum's; where you knew Ashton would be. You wasted no time opening the door, smiling at Calum but frowning once you saw your boyfriend lying on the couch covered over with blankets. "Ashton." You call out, walking over and shaking him. "Ashton, get up. We need to talk." You shake him harder, this time getting him to moan and roll over. Once his eyes landed on you, he woke up completely and sat up, moving so you could sit on the couch next to him. "(Y/N), you've got to hear me out on this; okay? I don't know why I did it. I wasn't drunk, I guess I just liked the extra attention, but-"you cut him off as you raise your hand up, already feeling yourself wanting to hug him and tell him that everything was okay, but it was not. Everything between the two of you was far from okay. "Ashton, I didn't come over here to kiss and make-up. I'm here to break up with you the proper way." You take a deep breath and scoot a little bit away from him. "You cheated on me, and in no book is that okay! If it was me that had cheated on you, you would've broken up with me on the instant and you would've used the experience to write a song about it. So, that's what I'm doing. I'm using this experience to better myself to move on and get stronger for the future." You lean over and kiss his cheek, sending him a sad smile. "We had fun Ashton, but you ruined it for yourself."

Calum: "So how've you been?" your sister asks you as you help her set the dinner table. You shrug your shoulders and look down at the shiny silverware in your hands; not realizing that you'd been hurt about the whole happening. You'd ignored it the entire time that you'd been broken up and away from Calum, so you didn't see why that simple question from your sister made you break. A tear slips down your cheek as you quickly wipe it away, putting the silverware beside the plate below you on the table. "I guess numb until now." You finally answer her as you walk over and sit on the couch, waiting for your mother to finish cooking the dinner. Your sister follows you and sits beside you, rubbing your back gently as you continue to let out all the sobs you'd been holding back the past few weeks. You hadn't even talked to Ashley; but the worst part was that you couldn't be mad at her because you hadn't told anyone about your relationship with Calum, so she didn't know that you were with him before she ended up with him. "Have you even talked to him?" she asks you, but you shake your head. You'd ignored every text and call you'd received from him ever since that night at Ashley's and you had no intentions of reaching him; but you knew deep down in your heart that you needed to. You had to get some sort of closure to make yourself happy. "Well, he called here earlier to talk to you if you feel like you're up to return his call." She smiles sadly as she stands up and walks back into the kitchen to help your mother. You pulled yourself up off the couch and went to the phone, quickly dialing his number; your heart breaking as he answered on the first ring. "Hello?" he answers. "I really hate you for what you did, you know." You instantly go on a rant. "You fucking asshole! I was your girlfriend, why'd you need another one? Is it because I wasn't putting out, did you feel like you needed to prove something; what was your logic behind it, Calum?" you ask, wanting immediate answers. He stays silent for a moment before he starts talking to you, giving you exactly what you wanted. "Listen, I don't expect you to take me back; and to be honest, I don't want you to." That hurt. "I just wanted to let you know that I was sorry for hurting you the way that I did. It was nothing wrong with you; believe me when I say that. It's just that Ashley made me fall for her within three days of knowing her, (Y/N). There's something about that girl that I can't get over, and I really do feel as if I love her. I'm sorry this happened, I just didn't know how to break up with you; so I tried to play it cool. I'm sorry, and I don't blame you for hating me." He says. You take a deep breath and shake your head, the tears now cascading like waterfalls. "I don't hate you. I just wish I was the one you fell for, not my best friend."

Michael: That'd been on your mind for the past two days. You weren't broken up yet, you were waiting until he came out and told you what he'd been doing that night instead of just the casual 'I was at Luke's' excuse he'd been giving you every time you'd ask. Here the two of you sat, in the kitchen eating a very awkward dinner as you stared him down; but he kept looking down at his phone, texting more than he was eating. "Is something wrong with your food?" you ask him skeptically, putting your fork down. Michael looks up and shakes his head, shooting you a smile before going back to his phone. "Michael, I asked you a question. I'd like a verbal answer, not a smile." You snap at him, aggravated with his avoidance in everything you'd tried to involve yourself with that involved him. He sighs and looks up, picking up his fork as he shovels spaghetti into his mouth. "No, nothing's wrong with the food (Y/N)." he answers as he chews. You roll your eyes and lean back in your chair, crossing your arms over your chest as you continue to watch him texting away. There was no way he was texting any of the boys, they'd all texted you and told you that they were going to an amusement park today; and once Michael told you he wasn't going with them, you couldn't help but get curious. He stands up from the table, putting his plate in the microwave for later as he turns towards you. "I think I'm gonna go join the boys at the amusement park, babe. Be back later." He says as he leans down to kiss you on the head before you lean back, making him miss. "What?" Michael asks, oblivious to how much it was killing you that he wouldn't tell you the truth. You huff and stand up, crossing your arms once again. "I'm sick of being lied to, Michael. I know you weren't at Luke's by yourself the other day; why can't you just tell me about this other girl and break up with me instead of having me holding onto a relationship that has no hope for it?" you cry out, your voice on the edge of cracking. Michael stands with a shocked expression on his face as he walks closer to you, pulling you into him. You didn't care that your relationship with him was over, you held onto him and cried into his chest. "I'm so sorry I've done this to you, (Y/N). I'm so, so very sorry." He keeps whispering into your hair. "I don't blame you for ending this relationship. I don't blame you for hating me." He says before he pulls away, looking into your eyes with a serious expression. "I can only blame you for loving me."

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