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Ashton: It wasn't out of the normal for you to be home alone during the evening with Ashton going to events or having to do some last minute recording. But tonight, something didn't feel right. You had an eerie feeling that someone was watching you. It was like eyes were glued on you all night. Texting Ashton once more before you went to bed, you turned your phone off and plugged it in for the night. You crawled under the covers, snuggling into the pillows and closing your eyes. You had only been asleep for about 45 minutes when a pair of arms slipped around you. Being in your tired state, you just smiled, assuming it was Ashton. But it definitely wasn't your boyfriend. The grip on you became uncomfortably tight, causing you to be fully awake, looking over your shoulder and seeing an older man looking at you with dark eyes. Before you had any time to react, he had his hand over your mouth and another arm grasping around your stomach and lifting you out of bed roughly. You were in full panic mode, eyes wide and muscles tense. You tried with all your might to break away from his strong grasp as he pulled you through the house, but to no avail. You were crying and trying to scream for help, but with his heavy hand over your mouth, barely a sound escaped. The unknown man tossed you into his backseat, getting in the front and beginning to drive away. The only thing he said was, "If you make a sound, you'll be dead before midnight." It was definitely enough to keep you quiet as he drove you away from your home, your safety, your boyfriend.

Calum: The two of you were out on his day off and just spending a relaxing day together. The both of you were at one of the shopping centers, walking through and occasionally stopping to look in a shop. It was around lunch time and the two of you were heading to the food court when you spotted the restrooms. Telling Calum you'd meet him at the food court, you pecked him quickly, running off while he continued. Doing what you needed to do, you went to the sink to wash your hands, noticing one other girl in there with you. You paid no mind to her, but you couldn't help but notice her glaring at you through the mirror. You coughed awkwardly, going to dry your hands, keeping an eye on her subtly, Just as you were about to leave, she made her move, grabbing your arms and twisting them around, holding them behind your back. "Make a sound and I'll make sure no one ever sees you again." For a small girl she was really strong. You didn't want to take any chances so you kept quiet, silent tears running your face. She stood up straight, walking you out of the bathroom looking as casual as possible. "Look happy," she snapped, keeping a fake, overplayed smile on her face. You did what she said and forced a smile, keeping it plastered on until until she had you in the back of a car with a strange man driving. As the car pulled away, you could only wonder how long it would take before Calum noticed something was wrong.

Luke: "I miss you so much," Luke said sadly, looking at you from the other side of the monitor. "I know... I miss you too," you replied, jutting out your bottom lip. "But there's only two more weeks until I'm home again." A smile formed back on both of your faces. "Yeah... That's tr-" You were cut off by a loud noise coming from the main floor, your head turning to look over your shoulder abruptly. "(Y/N) what was that?" Luke asked, making you turn your attention back to him. "You heard that?" It rang out through the seemingly quiet house again. "I'm gonna go see what that is," you continued hesitantly, getting up off the bed. "Babe wait." His voice made you look back at him. "Be careful, okay?" Assuming the cat had just knocked something over, you chuckled. "I'll be right back Luke, I'm sure it's just the cat." Leaving him on the computer screen, you left the room and headed to the stairs. "Molly! Here kitty!" you called down the staircase. That's when things got strange. The noises suddenly stopped and a soft body came up behind you, rubbing against your legs. You looked down at her, averting your gaze back down the stairs. It hadn't been the cat making the noises. Out of the blue, an angry looking man appeared at the bottom of the stairs, making your eyes bug out. "I thought I heard someone..." A devious grin spread over his lips as you turned around. His heavy footsteps bounded up the stairs. "Luke!" you screamed as a hard, firm, tight grip wrapped around your body. You could hear him calling your name. "Shut up!" The stranger clamped his hand over your mouth, dragging you outside and throwing you into an unfamiliar van. Smacking your head against the heavy door, you were out before he even started driving.

Michael: You were just going for a jog. You told Michael you'd be back in 30 minutes, but little did you know it would be a lot longer than only half an hour. It was your typical route down the street and through the park at approximately 7:30 every morning. Kissing Michael goodbye, you went out and started down the street. It was a sunny morning and you were enjoying the cool, comfortable air. When you got to the park, it was empty as usual. Or at least that's what you thought. Jogging on the path, you weren't expecting anyone to be there. But out of nowhere, just as you were about to go back on the regular street, a pair of strong, unfamiliar arms grabbed you around your waist. You went to let out a scream, but before you could, a large, beefy hand clamped over your mouth. You squirmed and struggled to get out of his grasp, but he was just too strong. Hot tears streamed down your face as his thick hand blocked any air from entering your mouth or nose. Your chest heaved up and down as you began to lose consciousness. The last thought that popped into your head was would Michael notice you were gone in time? And would he be able to get to you before this man could hurt you anymore? Everything after that was just blurred vision and darkness.

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