You Walk In On Your Kid (T)

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Michael - You were smiling, whistling to your music as you were beginning to cook the bread for dinner. Tonight was pasta and garlic bread, your husband and daughters favorite. You giggled, seeing Leann crawling around the kitchen with her favorite teddy bear as a ding from your left side made you jump. It was a text, from Michael, telling you he’d be home in a few more minutes to help finish dinner. Speaking of dinner, since this was Lillian’s favorite, she should be down here helping you finish. You sighed, wiping your hands neatly on your apron before you looked outside, seeing the all too familiar bike of her boyfriends, Adam. Sighing, you knew she wouldn’t be down until you called for her. Getting back to dinner, you heard a little giggle coming from upstairs, causing you to smile. “I’m home, babe.” He spoke, lifting Leann as he placed a kiss to your lips. “Where is Lillian?” “Upstairs with Adam.” Michael cocked his eyebrow. “You let them go upstairs alone?” You nodded and then looked back at him. You quickly went upstairs, making the decision to either knock or just barge in, so you barged in, immediately regretting that decision. You were shocked to see Lillian on top of him, both of their moans piercing your ears. “Mom!” “I’m sorry!” You slammed the door shut, returning downstairs where Michael waited for you. “Was she?” “Yep.” He sighed, shaking his head before giving Adam a cold stare as he left your household.

Luke - You neatly tossed the throw pillows onto your’s and Luke’s master bed, smiling as you did so. A soft cry from the baby monitor made you sighed, wandering over to Julia’s room as she was waking up from her nap. She was still only 2 months old, and you couldn’t keep checking on her as you tried cleaning your huge house. You wanted to ask Kaiden to watch him, but his girlfriend, Mabel was here, and you didn’t want to shove Julia on him to make him watch her while he had company. Also Luke was out to lunch with some buddies, so you had to figure something out. “Play with your toys baby.” You cooed, handing her a few toys as you re-cranked her mobile, taking the monitor with you as you went to start cleaning the bathroom. Just as you cleaned the mirrors and wiped down the counter, you heard a few cries coming from the monitor and you knew you needed Kaiden to watch her for a few more minutes until you finished the bathroom and put some clothes on to wash. You picked up Julia, grabbing some of her toys as you walked to Kaiden’s room. “K, I need you to wat— holy jesus.” You gasped when you saw Kaiden lying over Mabel, covering both of them up as you shut the door back. “When you two get situated, I need you to watch your sister so I can finish cleaning?” “O-Ok mom.”

Ashton - “It feels like years since we had that much fun.” Ashton said, smiling as his grip on your knee tightened. You smiled, as you nodded in his direction. “But now we have to go home to a house full of kids.” He nodded and sighed, parking as he leaned over, placing a kiss to your neck. “We can kill,” He looked at the clock on the radio, it reading 9:45 as he chuckled softly. “About 15 more minutes?” You giggled, tilting your head as he began trailing kisses up and down your neck as you moaned, biting your lip before rolling your head to the side, noticing another car sitting beside Graham’s. “Ash.” You said, tugging on his jacket as he growled. “Want me to take it off, baby?” He started tugging off his jacket as you shook your head. “There. I didn’t know Graham was inviting Penelope over tonight?” You said, referring to your son’s troublemaker girlfriend as Ashton began pulling back on his clothes. “Well he’s gonna get busted.” You both got out of the car, walking in to see Harper reading a magazine as Bryce was asleep on his blanket in front of her. “Where’s Graham?” “Upstairs with Cruella Deville.” Ashton went to grab Bryce as you went up to his room. “Graham we said no com— AH!” You slammed the door back, putting your hand over your heart as Ashton ran up. “What’s going on?” “It looked like he was choking her, but nope, they’re having sex.” Ashton chuckled, smirking. “My boy.” You slapped his chest, shaking your head.

Calum - “Did Izzy get to bed okay?” You asked, crawling into bed next to Calum as he was setting his alarm clock. “Yeah and Nebraska was up on the computer as usual.” You sighed, cuddling more into your husbands side as he sighed happily, kissing your temple as you slowly drifted off to sleep. It wasn’t an hour later you were awake by the sound of a car door slamming. Thinking it was someone next door you closed your eyes again, before this time, hearing a window open. You sat up, rubbing your eyes as Calum groaned beside you. “What’s the matter?” He asked, his voice groggy and his eyes droopy. “I heard a car door shut and Nebraska’s window open.” “So?” “So? I think she snuck someone in.” You tiptoed to the window, seeing a car sitting in the driveway, sure enough it was the car of Nebraska’s boyfriend, Kenny. “Kenny’s here.” You said, sighing as you turned back around, seeing Calum back asleep as you sighed. You slowly snuck down the hall, stopping at her door as you sighed. “Nebraska what ar—” Your hand flew to your eyes, seeing her shirtless on top of Kenny. “Mom!” “It’s way past your bedtime, get re-dressed, Kenny go home and get some sleep. Jesus Christ.” You muttered, shutting the door as you went back to your room, the image still haunting you.

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