First "I Love You"

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Luke: He knew he loved you, he fucking knew it. One time, he and Jack had one of those man-to-man conversations where they ended up talking about love, and Luke remembered that his older brother described the feeling as “When you care more about her feelings than yours” and that’s exactly how Luke felt towards you. The thing is, he doesn’t know how to say it, because he wanted to make it perfect and it had to be in the right moment, at the right time, with the right words. So he spends the whole day waiting to create the perfect moment, but once he is about to tell you when you’re just laying on the couch reading your favorite book, your celphone rings; and when you’re lazily resting your head on his shoulder as you both snuggle, his celphone rings (and he can’t ignore the call because it’s Calum and we all know how sensitive he gets when Luke ignores him). Eventually the day ends and the moon raises in the sky, and you’re yawning and ready to go to bed and before Luke could blink or think twice the phrase he prepared to tell you, you’re already curled up on the sheets giving your back to him. And he sighs deeply in frustration because he spent another day without telling you how he really feels about you, so he leans down to you and places a soft kiss on your cheek as he murmurs to your supposed sleepy self an “I love you” And you’re smiling brightly as you roll over to face your widened eyed boyfriend, whom is clearly surprised you’re not asleep. “I love you too”

Calum: “I love you” you tell him in a whisper while his lips leave a path of wet kisses down your neck and along your collarbones, but his actions stop once he realizes what have you just said. And he stops breathing, frozen, with his arms tightly around your waist and his lips inches apart from your neck as his brown eyes travel along your neckline until they find your beautiful and scared eyes. And only then he moves his head in your direction, then with a blankly expression in his face he asks, “What do you just say?” “That I love you”, you smile. “One more time, please? I just…” And you take his hand between yours encouraging him to lean closer until his nose is touching the top of yours, “Calum Thomas Hood, I love you” In that moment Calum lets out all the air he was holding, because fucking shit, she loves me. And suddenly he feels like he can conquer the entire world because he knows his feelings are reciprocated, because his love is as honest as the smile that’s plastered on his face, making his eyes look smaller but brighter. “And I love you, Y/N YL/N” He mutters pushing his hips closer to your body as he winks in a cheekily typical Calum Hood way, “I love you this big”

Ashton: After band practice or something Ashton comes home, with cupcakes and cookies and ice cream and things like that to have a movie night with you, to relax a little bit. He knew you’d be stressed out for your finals and he was stressed as well because the new album launch was coming soon and he was worried it wouldn’t have the same success the self titled album had. A wide warm smile forms on his lips when he steps into the flat and spots you studying in the kitchen bar, with a hot mug by your side and his glasses on your nose; and he’s walking closer only to be oblivious to your concentrated self, which reallyneed a good grade for the semester or you’d en up failing math or another subject you’re bad at. And it’s then when it hits him, when he understands what are those lightly tickles he felt in his stomach each time he sneak his arms around your waist or kiss your temple, and the pain in the chest he feels when he is in LA or London and you are miles away from him. Furthermore his dimpled smile merely grows when you’re aware of his stare and looks up from your notebook or laptop, to lay your eyes on him, and as soon as you connect your eyes he tells you those three and desired words, “I love you”

Michael: Truth to be told Michael was scared as hell to be in love. He was afraid of compromises, afraid of loving someone to the point his happiness would be yourhappiness, afraid of missing someone so much that when he’d be on tour he’d rather spend his days off in a plane to see you only for a few hours, than in a club or playing videogames in his hotel room; so he decided to locked his heart or something thus he won’t betray himself and tell you that he is madly /madly/ in love with you. And when he starts to find out his feelings towards you had grown in a scary way, he shuts himself off in videogames or rehearsals or parties with the boys until you reach your tolerance limit and are yelling at him for “being a dick lately” and he’s shrugging it off with things like “Don’t be clingy!” which strengths the first warm tear to roll down your flushed cheeks and you're grabbing your purse and walking to the door nonetheless Michael’s angrily shouting “You can’t leave!” and you’re shouting louder “Why not?” and he doesn’t even think, he just lets his feelings roll over his tongue “Because I fucking love you!” And he stands there in shock as you remain in silence, looking at him startled. Since you thought he would never say those words nor feel them. And he lets his hand travel to his blue hair until it reaches his back and he’s able to scratch it, realizing what he’d just said and how true his words were. And suddenly the anger is over. So are his fears. “I love you Y/N. Please don’t leave”

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