He Teases You On... (T)

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How he always finds you playing his drums. When he comes home from wherever, either if it’s just from the groceries store, or from the studio, you’ll always try out his drums because you’re too shy to play when he’s watching. But you’re too busy banging away on the drum-set to notice him standing in the door. He finds it so humorous how you get so frustrated when you can’t hit it right, and end up throwing the drumsticks across the room, almost breaking them. And that’s when you’ll notice Ashton. You give him a glare, and walk past him, him following after with a light chuckle escaping his lips.


How he’s so much stronger than you. He once found you hitting a jam jar against the edge of the kitchen counter because the lid would give away. You even tried to open it with a hammer, but it just wouldn’t open. “Need help?” Calum had said in a cocky tone with his left eyebrow raised, a little smirk luring at his lips. You didn’t say anything, but only gave him the jar containing the jam. In a split second the lid was off, and Calum stretched his arm out to give you the jar back. “Oh what would you dow without me?” he said, more like a statement that a question, and went back into the living room. 


How he’s so much taller than you. Every morning, when you were preparing breakfast to yourself, he would come downstairs just when you were reaching for the box of cereal that stood on the top cabinet, that you had no chance reaching. Sometimes he would just get the box himself, but sometimes he would place his big hands on your waist and lift you up so you could reach the box. And when you were done, he would place it on the top cabinet again, so that you had to ask him every morning for help. 


How he beats you in every video game. Even the simplest ones! You were horrendus when it came to video games. And Michael loved teasing you about it because you were competitive about everything! So that just made it worse for you. But he found it cute how you started fighting him, saying that he cheated each time, or that he had done something with you character in the game. However, just sometimes, Michael would let you win. And when he did, you would rub it all into his face, and say how much better you were than him and that he sucked 

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