Champ|| C.H (T)

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Calum peeled his eyes open, grunting as he shifted on the very uncomfortable couch. As he rubbed at his left eye, clenching his right shut, he then realized where he was. The hospital. He sat up quick, looking around the room as he saw the small bassinet next to you. He stood from his spot, grunting and stretching, his long, tan stomach stretching with him as he did so. A smile grew on Calum’s face as he remembered the events that took place almost a little over 6 hours ago. After being in the womb for 9 months and 2 weeks, your baby girl, Nebraska, was finally born.

Calum knew all the responsibilities he had now, but he wasn’t ready to own up to them as much as he wanted to. He was now a dad, a husband, and still very active in his band that formed back in his early teenage years. He hated that he had to be away from you for half of your pregnancy, but he didn’t want to risk you getting on the plane and something happening to his little princess before she even got the chance to see the world. He yawned once he got done stretching, walking over to your mountain of hospital bags.

Your mom packed you two very well, unbeknownst you’d only be there for a day, two tops. She packed two pairs of pants, two sweaters and loads of underwear for Calum. Although she went completely overboard for you. Packing several pairs of underwear, several sweatpants, t-shirts and tank tops and even your nursing bras and nursing pillow. He rummaged through the luggage, grabbing his favorite grey sweater as he pulled it on, yawning as he changed from his basketball shorts to his favorite pair of black skinny jeans.

Hearing a small grunt, Calum quickly turned his attention to the kicking bundle in the bassinet. He slowly walked to Nebraska, watching her as she struggled to open her eyes and look at her daddy. She was the fattest baby girl in the family so far, weighing in at almost 8 pounds. Calum picked her up gently, her blanket falling as he put her over his shoulder. “Are you hungry?” He asked, although the small child wasn’t able to answer him yet. He sat back down, sighing as he cradled her in his huge arms.

"You look just like your mummy." He cooed, slipping the pad of his pinky into the infants fist as she sucked harder on her pacifier, amazed at the man that was above her. Nebraska had Calum’s hair for sure, her head was full of brown curly curls, similar to Calum’s. "You took a lot of work to get here." He once again cooed to the small child as all she could do was blink, and grunt, spit bubbles forming underneath the nipple of her pacifier.

Calum didn’t want to even imagine what the pain must have been like for you. You went through a horrible 9 hours of labor, the pains incredibly horrible. Calum cried for you, he wanted to take the pain away, but it in his body instead of yours, but he knew he couldn’t and that hurt him. He knew your body would ache days after, so he knew he had to handle you carefully. Although he couldn’t help but be a little needy after not having you for 9 months, but he knew you had to be cleared by the doctor before any sex was put back into play.

And he also had to wait for your stitches to heal. Since this was your first baby, he read online about how much the vagina rips and spreads and he also gagged at some pretty gruesome videos he found on YouTube. He couldn’t help but be curious, after all, it was his wife. As his thoughts wondered back to last night, Nebraska squeezed his pinky and he smirked, looking down at his baby girl. “Okay, let’s wake mommy up.” He stood, stroking her head as they walked to the side you were facing.

Calum used his free hand to push some hair out of your face, revealing your sleeping figure. Your eyes had bags under them and he almost felt sorry for you, knowing both your sleeping in days would be long gone for a while. Your hands were tucked under your pillow as soft snores came out of your nose. He had to admit, looking at you like this, he couldn’t help but fall in love with you all over again. He hated to wake you up, but your baby girl was hungry and he couldn’t feed her out of his own nipples.

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