Childhood Proposal/Marriage Part 2

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Ashton: You peaked through an opening of the wedding tent, fingers mentally crossed. They weren't here. Of course they weren't. You knew your parents wouldn't of shown up figuring the other would. They couldn't stand each other and your day, you felt, was completely ruined. 

"Ready?" You turned to see Harry and Lauren on either side of you. They made a wonderful best man and bridesmaid. 

"Yeah," you sniffled. 

Harry eyed you sadly. "He didn't show?" 


"Then I'll walk you down the aisle!" He smiled. You wiped your eyes and nodded. 

"Thank you, Harry," you said as you took his arm. The music began and you walked. You glanced at your feet before looking up and blushing as Ashton's glossy eyes met yours. Your hands were shaking now as you reached the archway. "

Who gives this woman?" 

"I guess I do!" Harry gushed. Everyone laughed and you took Ashton's hand after Ashton gave Harry a high-five. 

The ceremony began but you could barely hear anything, being torn between sadness and happiness. But when Ashton put that ring on you and you him, you laughed and cried as he dipped you for a kiss. 

During your first dance, you kept sighing. 

"Baby, don't worry about it," Ashton whispered. "They would have just fought and ruined your day." 

"But still, i thought at least one of them would show." 

He tilted your head up. "It's their loss not seeing you in this gorgeous dress and dancing among family and friends." 

You kissed him, ignoring the flashing lights of family members' cameras. "You remember what you promised me?" 

"That we wouldn't end up like your parents?" 


"I think we're doing pretty good. At least we showed up to your wedding," he giggled. You smiled and hugged his neck tighter.

Michael: A carriage. You came out of the make shift dressing rooms near the gardens to see a horse-drawn carriage, equipped with white horses like Cinderella's. 

"That sly bastard," you giggled, knowing this was Michael's doing. You gathered up your princess-style dress and got into the carriage. You took in the beautiful scenery until you saw the rows of chairs filled with family and friends and an alter...with Michael waiting impatiently at the end. Your father helped you out and you took his arm, trailing down the aisle slowly. 

"You look beautiful," Michael mouthed as he took your hand after your father reluctantly agreed to give you away. As you two shared your first married kiss, doves were released. You smiled at Michael. 

"Are you sure this isn't a dream?" You asked later while eating some cake. Michael kissed your cheek. 

"No, my princess, it's the most real fairy tale out there," he replied softly. You beamed at your prince. From the venue at an old castle in Europe to this carriage to the trumpeters, he had kept his promise.

Luke: You didn't mean to be so angry, but it seemed as if Luke didn't even care about the wedding or getting married in general. Since his romantic proposal in Paris, you two had only become distant as the wedding date neared. 

"Luke, you promised we were going to the cake tasting together," you sighed. He simply took another sip of his drink. "Fine, you asshole," you murmured. 

He turned towards you. "I'm the asshole for having work? Work is what's paying for this damn wedding!" 

"This damn...I can see how much you care about this damn wedding." 

"I do! But sorry if I'm not obsessed with it like you are." 

"It' should be my first and only wedding. It's important." 

"Then plan it. Stop bitching at me." 

You turned and went to your bedroom. 

What happened to that boy at the wedding? The one who got white icing on his tux and got scolded? The one who danced awkwardly with you and let you kiss him? Where's that man who told you how much that night twelve years ago meant to him as he got down on one knee? 

You wiped your tears again as Luke came into the bedroom. "Baby?" 

"Go away." 

"Baby, I'm sorry. I'm so stressed and..." 

"I am too. I'm practically planning this entire wedding myself and I can't help but think you don't even want to get married anymore." He ran to you and cupped your face. 

"I do! I swear I do. I want you so damn much." He kissed you over and over until you kissed him back. "I'll be there. I swear I'll be at the bakery early even." 

You smiled and touched his lip ring you adored so much. "I love you."

Calum: "Okay, queue ring bearer," the wedding planner said into her headset. Your son, at two, walked/stumbled down the aisle towards his smiling daddy who encouraged him with every step. Ian Hood managed a hello to his daddy before Grandma Hood picked him up and sat him down with her. "And queue bride," you heard. You took one last breath before you hesitantly began to walk down the aisle. 

There he was: black tux and perfect hair with a gorgeous, nervous smile to match. The ceremony went quicker than you thought and before you knew it, it was time for the rings. 

"With this ring," Calum stuttered as he took the ring out of his pocket. You began to giggle when you saw it was a simple silver band, but it had a small, red diamond on it in the shape of the lollipop part of a ring pop. "This cost a bit more than a nickel," Calum whispered. You wiped a tear away before grabbing the lapels of his jacket and kissing him. 

"I didn't say 'you may kiss the bride'," the preacher laughed. You shrugged. 

"You just did," Calum said smartly as he kissed you again.

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