You Have A Child From Another Relationship (T)

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Michael - "Mommy! I want a sucker!" Your 6 year old said, tugging on your skirt as you sighed, swatting at her hand as she sighed. "I'll get you a sucker when Michael gets here." She huffed, crossing her arms as you bit your lip. You and Michael have been dating for 6 months now, and he has yet to meet your daughter. Your ex-fiance walked out on you two when she turned 1 leaving you to raise her all by yourself. You heard a ding, and both of you turned. You saw Michael walking in, a small bag in his hand. "Hi love." He greeted you with a kiss as you smiled, your daughter hiding behind your arm. "Hi sweetie." She held you tighter as Michael reached inside his bag. He pulled out a sucker, her gasping as she let go of you, grabbing the sucker as Michael smirked. "What a good first impression." You said, nodding as he smirked, wrapping his arm around you as she started to eat it. "Maybe next time i'll bring her some more candy and she'll want to come home with me." You hit his chest as he smirked, you placing a kiss to his cheek.

Luke - "This blows." Your 10 year old said, crossing his arms as you hit him lightly. "Hey, we're meeting your soon to be step-father today, so please be nice." You had been engaged to Luke for almost a month now and he has been hounding you about meeting your son, but you were so hesitant about it. Now you and Luke were starting to plan the wedding, and you wanted your son to be the ring bearer, but not without meeting Luke yet. You stood, your son on his Nintendo as Luke pulled up in the parking lot. You smiled meeting him at the door as he pulled you in for a hug and a sweet kiss. "Hi baby." He said, his hands wandering down your back as you pushed away from him. "He is right over there, behave." He smirked, kissing you again as you held his hand, walking over to your son. "Babe, I want you to meet Luke, Luke meet my son." Your son stood, smiling at Luke as Luke shook his hand. "Woah your piercing is so cool! Mom can I ge-" "No." You said sternly him pouting as he sat back down. "Hey bud," Luke leant down to him, "When your mom and I get married, i'll take you to get your lip pierced." He cheered as you hit Luke, him chuckling. "I'm gonna kill you."

Ashton - "She's gonna spit on me!" "

"Ashton!" You both giggled as you were pushing him towards your house. Today after your 5 months of dating, he was finally going to meet your 1 year old daughter. After your ex boyfriend abandoned you when you went into labor, you've been forced to experience early parenthood alone and it was far from fun. "She won't spit on you baby, I promise." He turned, as you wrapped your arms around his waist, kissing his chin. "I promise you she will like you." He nodded as you two went inside, your daughter playing with her toys on the floor. "Princess, there is someone I want you to meet." Ashton sat on the couch, waving to her as she crawled over. You picked her up, as she started giggling. "Hi i'm Ashton." She pulled out her pacifier, crawling into his lap. She lifted herself up, putting her face on his as if she was kissing him. His giggles muffled against her mouth as she rubbed her face on his before pulling back. He wiped his face as she got down, going back to play with her toys. "Told you she would like you." He nodded, giggling as you two watched her play.

Calum - You and Calum arrived at your parents barbecue, family everywhere and the smell of hot dogs and hamburgers lingered in the air. "This is an all American cook out babe, oh and my son is here so try to play with him a bit." Your 3 year old son was inside and you knew it was time for Calum to meet him. You and Calum had been dating for almost 7 months and you knew it was time. "I'm scared." He said, chuckling as he pushed up his sunglasses. "Don't be! He's like you in a way." Calum nodded as you grabbed his hand, leading him to the backyard. "Mommy!" You squealed as your son ran to you, him jumping on you as you picked him up, holding him tight. "Look, this is Calum. Mommy's boyfriend." Your son shyly waved, wriggling away from you as he went back to play. "Hey I have to run to the bathroom." Calum nodded, as you went inside. A few minutes later you returned outside and you saw Calum running after your son. You smiled watching him throw your son over his shoulder, your mom smiling fondly as she wrapped her arm around you. "He's a keeper."

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