Your Child Swears (T)

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Michael - You and Michael were having a very sweet, cuddle sesh in the living room. Both of you had very long days and your daughter, Mackayla was quite active tonight. The movie credits rolled on and Michael stood, stretching when you two heard a bang. “FUCK!” You gasped and both of you ran towards her room. The 4 year old sat on the floor, her toy broken in front of her. Michael grabbed her arm, ready to pop her. “No, Michael.” You said, sternly. “Sweetie, what did you say?” “Fuck.” She repeated, her face red. “Please don’t say that again.” “Well daddy says it.” “Well daddy is going to stop and so should you.” She stayed in her room the rest of the night and you scolding Michael about his swearing.

Luke - “Luke, now pour in the salt.” He did as you said, pouring a little bit of the salt into the pan. Your family and his family we’re all getting together. And of course, you were in charge of cooking everything. You were a little on edge, it’s going to be hard to cook for over 20 people and impress Luke’s family both in the long run. As you handed Luke the spoon to stir, you heard something fall. You ran into the living room, seeing Kaiden, your 3 year old sitting on the floor, crying. “Shit mama.” You gasped, picking him up and popping his hand. “Don’t say that again, or no more cartoons.” He wiped his face, as you sat him in the kitchen. “Your son just said shit, but I handled it.” Luke almost popped him again, but you stopped him. Making him continue to cook as Kaiden played with his toy guitar on the floor, occasionally sniffling.

Ashton - You, Ashton and your son, Daniel decided to take a family trip to the park. You put on your sunglasses as you sat on the picnic table, watching Ashton chase after Daniel. You turned your head and then you heard a scream, you turned and saw Ashton bending Daniel over his knee. “MAMA!” You ran over, as Ashton popped him again. “Ashton, stop!” You scooped the hiccuping 5 year old into your arms as Ashton shook his head. “He accidentally tripped over a rock and he said dammit.” Ashton said, infuriated. “Well you didn’t have to spank him like that. Daniel don’t ever say that again and Ashton, don’t ever spank him without my permission first.” Daniel went to swing as Ashton kissed your head. “I just don’t want him swearing in my house.”

Calum - You and Olivia were cleaning up her room as Calum was in the room next door, putting some of her toys into bags. “Mommy, where are my building blocks?” Your 5 year old asked, rocking back and forth on her ankles. “Check your closet babe.” You said, fluffing her pillows. She opened the closet, and pulled out her blocks. You turned just in time to see her falling into one of the big blocks. “Ow, mama my ass hurts!” “Olivia!” Calum gasped, as he stepped in just in time. You scooped her up as she hid her face in your neck. “Mommy said it! I want to be like mommy!” Calum gave you a glare as you smiled. “Well don’t say that word again, and you can be like mommy all you want, okay?” She nodded, kissing your neck as she went to play with her blocks.

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