Calum Imagine (dirty)

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A/N okayyyyyy first off i want to say thank you SOOO much for reading this book. Secondly this imagine is really dirty so if you don't like it don't read it.


"Babe do you know where my Santa Cruz singlet is?" Calum asked, shuffling through the clothes in a pile at the bottom of your wardrobe. You sighed and threw the covers off you, revealing his shirt covering your small frame. He looked over at you smirking, before laughing "Okay maybe that one can stay home." You crossed your legs and shuffled closer to the suitcase Calum was packing, he was leaving tomorrow morning for tour and to say you were both unprepared for the separation was an understatement. "I don't want you to go Cal," your voice was a small whisper, your fingers nervously fumbling with themselves. The smile on his face faded into a frown as he looked into your watering eyes, placing himself next to you on the bed, his warm palm stroking your knee. "I know Y/N, I wish we didn't have to be apart," you both fell into a comfortable silence as your head rested in the crook of his neck, inhaling the scent you'd so dearly miss over the upcoming months. After a few minutes he placed a soft kiss on your forehead before returning to packing, your back falling back against the pillows. "We'll speak everyday on the phone and Skype I'll be back before you know it," he smiled. You kept your eyes trained on the ceiling as you spoke, "It won't be the same though Cal, you're not here through a screen I can't touch you," your frown grew even more evident as you pushed more negative thoughts into your mind. "I know it sucks babe, I guess we're gonna have to touch ourselves instead of each other," a smirk fell against his lips as he threw another band tank into his case, your cheeks blushing at his inference. You didn't answer him, and he took full advantage of this, "Maybe we can do that on Skype," he licked his lips as he held two fingers in the air, curling them forwards. You tutted and threw a pillow at his head, he could be such a boy at times. "No Calum, I've never done that." You grumbled, crossing your arms over your chest. "Well neither have I," he started "but Skype sex is worth a tr-" you cut him off as you confessed, "No cal I've never, you know, touched myself." Your hands flew up to cover your eyes, recreating the shy monkey emoji as your cheeks burned hot. You were glad you couldn't see his expression, nervous and embarrassed to see his reaction. Hearing the suitcase being placed on the floor and a dip in the bed next to you, you felt warm hands prying away your fingers. His lips were still twitched up in a smirk, but slight shock and confusion spilled from his eyes. "Like never?" You shook your head, biting your lip and preparing for further questioning. "Not even when I'm away?" You shook your head again, eyes carefully taking in Calum's expression. His eyebrows furrowed slightly as he thought, before his eyes moved back to yours, "I don't know whether to sympathize or feel offended, the thought of me alone can't get you off?" you rolled your eyes at him before explaining, "No it's not that Calum, I just don't know how to or what to do," your voice came out in a quiet squeak, his frown turning into a wide grin which worried you.

"How about I show you?" Before you could respond his face was centimeters from yours, his hands at your sides tickling them gently. You gulped as his lips lowered to your ear, his fingers stroking up your sides teasing you, "It's only fair I show you how to use those fingers, since I won't be able to do it for you," you shivered as his lips moved to your neck, "None of my mouth," he kissed down to your collarbone before nibbling on the skin, "No biting." "None of my fingers," he whispered, his fingers moving under his long shirt adorning your shaking body. "And no sex." His hips roughly ground into yours as your hand flew to his hair, groaning as his face moved back to meet yours. "How about it?" He smirked. You nodded repeatedly, mumbling barely audible agreements before he smirked and ripped your t shirt off. You gasped slightly as his vision moved down to your breasts, his tongue darting from his mouth to wet his lips at the exposed flesh. Calum was a boob man, he let his head fall into the crease between them, pausing before shaking his head against them. You couldn't help the laugh bursting through your lips as you smacked the back of his head, pulling it up and placing a kiss on his plump lips. He turned his head and smashed his lips against yours, his tongue instantly pushing against your lips to trace your mouth. You groaned at the sudden rough contact, your hand pulling at the hair in your hand. His fingers worked quickly to undo the clasp at your arched back, pulling the straps down your arms and throwing the material over his head. He pulled away from you again to shoot a glance at your exposed breasts, his smirk returned as he watched your nipples harden under his intense gaze. His eyes flicked back up at you as he kissed down your stomach, flicking his tongue against the waistband of your panties, making your core ache with anticipation. His fingers swooped down to pull at the material covering your heat, the black lace meeting the bra on the floor behind him. He looked directly into your eyes, his orbs dark and hooded as he grabbed each of your ankles, placing the soles of your feet onto the bed before slowly spreading your legs. Your body pulsed with heat at the sight in front of you, his eyes leaving yours briefly to take an unhurried glance at your core. A groan left his parted lips, breaking his controlling facade, before he collected himself and looked back up at you. He placed himself between you legs, his hands still securing your ankles but his mouth desperately close to where you wanted him most. "You better do everything I say Y/N, you hear?" You nodded frantically at his demanding speech, desperate for any kind of touch, your own or Calum's. The cold air hitting your core reminded you of your wetness, increasingly desperate as you begged Calum to tell you what to do. He wet his lips again, smirking at you as he winked. "Move your hands down and over your breasts, squeeze them," you followed his direction, your hot palms sliding over your sensitive skin as you palmed at your breasts. His right hand tightened at your ankle, signalling you'd done something wrong, "Not too hard, be gentle." He growled. You nodded again, panting as your eyes fluttered opened and closed, "Now run your fingers over your nipples and pinch them slightly." You were careful to do exactly what he said, your back arching up off the mattress at the pleasure running through your body. A whispered "Fuck," from Calum's lips caused your eyes to open, looking down at him. His lip held in between his teeth as you continued your actions. He squeezed at your ankles again, your hands pausing their movements. "Stroke those fingers down your smooth stomach until you get to your hips," he emphasized every sound in his speech, the words leaving his mouth alone pushing you to the brink. You did as you were told, the skin raising as you moved your hands dangerously close to your core. "Now, brush a finger over your slit and tell me just how wet you are for me," his eyes shot back down to your glistening heat as you gulped. Moving your finger down and over your soaked slit, you groaned as you continued the action, Calum's deep growl and grab at your hand stopping your actions, your eyes flying open. "I said tell me how wet you are Y/N," the look on his face caused another wave of pleasure to hit you as you answered him, "Fuck I'm soaked Calum," he swallowed at your panting speech, a moan slipping from his mouth before he detached his hand from yours. You took the lapse in his control to push your wet finger into his mouth, his lips instinctively wrapping around it, your taste filling his senses. His hand grabbed your finger and sucked at it desperately, his loss of control making him sink closer and closer to your heat. His eyes shot open as your finger fell from his mouth with a pop, "Rub circles into your clit with your left hand," he stuttered, trying to grasp back onto the control he had just lost. You smirked and did as he said, the smile pulled from your lips as you rubbed desperately at the bundle of nerves, the friction causing your toes to curl. "Now with your other hand, move it down and over your opening, and push those fingers in before I loose it and do it myself," you contemplated letting him taking over, but remembered what this was for and did as he said. You circled your slick opening with a finger, before slipping it inside, immediately sinking in another. Your head fell back against the pillows as your fingers pushed against your walls, the curling of your fingers pushing against the spot that had you gasping in pleasure. "Shit you're so hot," Calum's voice burst through as he ripped your pumping and rubbing hands away. "I'm sorry I can't help myself," he groaned, roughly pushing your hands away and delving his face into your centre. You screamed as his tongue lapped at your slit, his satisfied groan sending vibrations straight to your clit. Your fingers tightened in his hair as he nibbled and sucked at your spot, his fingers digging into your hips as he pushed himself as close to you as possible. You felt the knot in your stomach tightening, the heat rising as his tongue moved to delve inside you, his nose brushing your clit as his tongue flicked impossibly deep against your walls. "Fuck Calum I'm close," he simply nodded against you, creating more friction between his nose and your clit. Your chest rose and fell rapidly as his movements sped up, your mind frazzling as all you could feel was pleasure running through your veins. Your thighs pressed against each side of his head as the heat in your stomach exploded, your whole body humming. His lips kissed and tongue lapped at your sensitive flesh tenderly as you came down from your orgasm, the smirk reappearing on his face as he cleaned you up.

You regained your breath and ability to form a sentence, leaning up on your elbows as you glanced down at him, "Couldn't help yourself 'eh?" His head fell back in laughter, eyebrows wiggling suggestively, "Guess not, but I did teach you first, now, how about you do me something I definitely can't do for myself." It took you mere seconds to understand what he was asking, your eyes rolling and a giggle forming at your swollen lips as you sunk to the carpet in front of him.

"Good girl."

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