Sex on the beach (T)

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A/n from tumblr and contains smut sooooooooooooo

Ashton: It would be a simple day, someone suggesting that it would be a good idea to go to the beach. The two of you would pack a lovely picnic, packing a few blankets, towels, and some spare clothing, and would make a day of it. The day would be spent in quality time, the two of you spending time chatting and sitting in the sand, and when the two of you got a little warm you would go for a quick dip in the vast ocean before you, the two of you laughing as Ashton would pick you up and throw you in the water. You would tackle him, jumping on his back to bring him into the water too, you would laugh as you resurfaced, his hair dripping. After a few minutes in the water you two would go and sit back down, watching the sun begin its slow saunter towards the horizon, you two curled up in a few blankets as the temperature dropped a little. His hand would trail gently over your arm, your sides, your thigh, anywhere there was exposed skin as you leaned your head against his chest. It would start out as a simple, innocent kiss, until it eventually grew to be more passionate. It would be simple as you were only wearing a bikini, and him in his trunks, to touch exposed flesh that was now dotted with gooseflesh at the mere touch, caress, and gentle grab that the two of you shared. There would be nobody on the beach, many families having left prior to the sun setting to get the children home before it was dark. The two of you were the only ones there, allowing you to have full privacy. You two would be so caught up in the moment that you wouldn’t realize that his skillful fingers had plucked the strings on your bathing suit, his eager lips scorching your skin. You senses would be heightened, the thought of the two of you doing this on a secluded beach was thrilling all in its self. You would be in pure euphoria, the waves masking your moans as Ashton thrusted into you, making you writher underneath him. When you two had finished, you would smile and laugh with each other at what had just happened, more stunned than anything. Ashton would make a witty comment about what had just happened, as you tried to put your bathing suit back on, making you laugh as the last rays of sun sank below the crashing waves, signalling it was time to head back home, and to the comforts of your bed


Calum: It would start off as an innocent walk on the beach, holding hands you would walk along the shore of the beach, the only thing you two had was a towel and your shoes in your hands. After a good hour or so of walking, Calum would spread the towel out along the shore, just a little way from the wet sand. This would be one of your date nights; something the two of you had reserved for yourselves after a very hectic schedule that the two of you shared. Calum was always either in the studio, or doing promotional things, you on the other hand had a full time job that you loved. You would see him bright and early in the morning, or before you went to bed, and when you did see him you both were exhausted. So, tonight the two of you made sure to spend some quality time together. It would start out with an innocent kiss to your neck, and the involuntary moan that would escape your lips. Calum would just chuckle, and continue to kiss your neck, savouring the way you tilted your head back to rest on his chest as he continued his assault. You would shift your body so you were pressed against his chest, shifting slightly Calum would moan against neck, eliciting a slew of profanities to fall from your parted lip. In an eager attempt to ease some tension, Calum would gently turn you so that you straddled his lap, kissing as your tangled your fingers in his hair. The setting sun warmed you back, and the waves drowned out your erotic moans. By now, his hands would be wandering to places they shouldn’t but in the moment, you didn’t care that you were in a public area, your need triumphed any reason. After a few more needy kisses, Calum would be inside of you, as you threw your head back in pure ecstasy. You didn’t care if anyone saw you, if anything it would look as if you were embracing, unless they heard the sounds that were falling from your parted lips. You would both come undone, clutching at each other as the pure euphoria took over both of your bodies. Finally, with a lingering kiss you would collapse into his lap, exhausted but satisfied. You would fall back into your innocent embrace, only speaking gentle words to each other as you watched the rest of the sun set, and the waves crash along the shore.

Luke: You owned a house along the beach front of Australia, so bright and early in the morning you would go out on the sand and sit and watch the sun rise. You would bring a blanket, only wearing a simple pair of shorts and a sweater, as you listened to the silence, and watched the serenity fold out around you. On certain mornings Luke would join you, as he came up behind you in silence and sat down beside you, his hand resting on your bare thigh. He would run it up and down the sun kissed skin, teasing you. You would playfully bite your lip at him as he edged dangerously close to places that he really should leave to the confines of your shared bedroom. However, he would chuckle as his fingers would slip teasingly under the fabric, raising an eyebrow at you. You would simply pull him in for a kiss, allowing him to continue his tease along your skin. He would press you down gently so you he was hovering over you, the feeling of the cool sand beneath the blanket pressing against your back. You would hitch your leg around his hip, urging him on as the only sounds were your heavy breathing, the waves, and the occasionally mewl of pleasure. He would take his time with your body, as you two had all the time in the world; only you two mattering. Finally, with a roll of his hips he would sink into you, making you clutch his back in pleasure, feeling so close to Luke it was impossible to describe the connection the two of you shared. He would lean his forehead against yours, the cool air not affecting either of you - the two of your bodies keeping each other warm. You would pull him as close as you could, your lips intermingling with heated, gentle kisses that demonstrated nothing but desire. This would be making love, something that you adored. The suns rays of light would still fall around you as you neared your release, calling Luke’s name as you shattered around him. You both would be out of breath as you came down from your highs, Luke rolling off of you and collapsing on the cool sand beside you. You would roll onto your side to stare at his glorious profile, the sun casting an alluring glow over his flawless skin. He would meet your eyes and pull you in for a tight embrace, no words being spoken as you continued to embrace on the beach.

Michael: Michael would be playful as you made a day out of going to the beach. He would often make it an adventure, finding somewhere secluded to show you. You would find a little cove, or sometimes just a small beach with no people around for miles. He would make it an adventure to scour the sand for shells, or little fish in the shallow water of the shore. You two would find a rock or a little patch of sand to spread out your blankets and towels on, as you two would lie in the sun and talk. He would playfully tickle you, just for something to do. Your echoing laughter would go for miles, only to be engulfed by the crashing sea. He would stop suddenly, staring at you. Your smile would faulted as he leaned in to kiss you, parting your lips. Between kisses he would tell you how beautiful you were, and how much he wanted you. He would roll on top of you, gently of course, as he ground his body against you to create some friction. The lightheartedness of earlier disappearing as Michael transformed into a passionate, caring man. His hands would trail over your skin, gently tracing every curve, and swoop of your perfect body until eventually there were no clothes separating the two of you. In one swift motion he would be inside of you; kisses that were intoxicating, and hands that left no skin untouched. He would make sure you felt every ounce of pleasure you could, leaving you mewling, and writhe ring underneath him. He would wait until you had come undone under him before he too experienced the euphoria that only your body could give him. He would kiss you sweetly before pulling out of you, and taking you in his arms. Kissing the crown of your head you would bask in the secluded area that the two of you had shared, this becoming a regular place that the two of you would visit.

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