He Sees You In A Swimsuit (T)

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You pull off your dress, tossing it by your chair, and you rummage through your bag for your sunglasses. You find them and push them on top of your head, accidentally poking yourself in the eye. “Ow, stupid glasses,” you mutter, rubbing your eye and adjusting your shades. Turning around, you see your boyfriend, Michael, staring at you. “What?” You ask defensively. “Nothing. You’re just cute,” he says, still staring at you, amused. “Because I poked myself in the eye?” You ask, crossing your arms and shifting your weight to look more menacing. “Or because I talked to my glasses?” You add, trying not to laugh. “Because you’re just cute,” he says simply, glancing down at your body. “Oh,” you say nodding slowly as comprehension dawns on you, “It’s because I’m in a bikini.” You wink and hit a ridiculous pose, causing Michael to laugh. “Well you’re cute, too, Mikey!” You say, skipping over to him and kissing him on the cheek. “With or without a bikini,” you joke, causing him to laugh.


You walk out of your hotel room and down to the pool where your boyfriend, Luke, sits waiting for you - the rest of his band already in the pool. “Hey, babe!” Luke says, jumping up to greet you. “Hey, does this top look too small?” You ask, motioning to your bikini top and frowning down at yourself. “You look beautiful,” he says honestly, causing you to blush. You smile up at Luke, but your smile quickly turns to a frown when you see what Luke is wearing. “Why are you wearing a jacket?” You ask. “What? Oh, I was cold,” he says, shrugging. You cross your arms, looking skeptical. “It’s 100 degrees out,” you point out, “You can’t be cold.” “I dunno,” Luke sighs, looking down at his feet. “Aren’t you gonna swim?” You ask, confused. “I was gonna,” he says, nodding, “It’s just you look like, so hot and I’m - I’m so skinny.” He frowns down at himself and you see him blush. “Luke,” you say quietly. stepping toward him and slowly pushing his jacket off his arms, “I think you are so, so perfect.” He laughs, looking away from you. “You are sweet and funny,” you continue, “Not to mention the hottest person I’ve ever laid eyes on!” He shakes his head, laughing, but allows you to push his jacket off. “And I want my hot, sexy boyfriend to come swim with me,” you say, pecking his lips, “because otherwise I’m gonna swim with his friends.” With that you run off, jumping in the pool. You surface to see Luke throwing his shirt onto a chair and following you.


You walk out of the bedroom and find Calum waiting by the door. “No,” he says immediately, “You’re not wearing that suit.” “Why not?” You ask, confused. “Because it’s way too revealing. All of my friends will be staring at you! Everyone at the beach will be staring at you!” You roll your eyes, and cross your arms stubbornly. “I can wear what I want,” you say defiantly. “Look at it!” Calum says, gesturing to your body, “It covers like 2 inches of skin! Don’t get me wrong, it’s hot, but I don’t want my friends turned on by you.” He frowns, shaking his head. You sigh, exasperated. “It’ll be really embarrassing if I have to punch every guy that looks at you,” Calum adds, looking serious. “Fine,” you groan, “I’ll go change.” “Thank you!” Calum says, his frown turning to a smile. “Oh, but you’re welcome to wear that around the house,” he adds, smirking. You roll your eyes, but laugh anyway as you head back to the bedroom.


You spot your boyfriend, Ashton, and the rest of 5SOS setting up their stuff on the beach and grin, getting out of the water. “Ashton!” You call, running toward him, stretching out your arms to hug him. “Stop! No, you’re wet!” He cries, holding you back at arms length. You struggle, but his large hands push you back by the shoulders, not letting you closer. Out of the corner of your eye you see the rest of the boys watching you, amused. “Fine,” you pout, “I’ll just go away.” You greet each of the other boys with a hug, but you keep your eyes on Ashton. “I’m going back into the water,” you say before walking away, deliberately shaking your hips. “Y/n is fit,” Calum says to Ashton after you leave. “Don’t look at her!” Ashton says indignantly. “How can you not?” Michael asks, laughing. “Stop!” Ashton cries, “That’s my girlfriend!” “All I’m saying is just because you reject her wet bikini hugs doesn’t mean we have to,” Michael states, smirking. Luke and Calum laugh, but Ashton doesn’t. “Okay no more looking at y/n for any of you,” he says seriously. “That’s easier said than done,” Calum mutters, watching you walk back toward them. “Someone come in the water with me,” you plead. “I will!” Ashton volunteers instantly, glaring at his friends. “Woah, okay,” you say, taken aback by his eagerness. “Because you’re my girlfriend,” he states. Suddenly Ashton grabs your hips, pulling you against him and kissing you hard. “Ashton we’re in public,” you mumble, although you don’t pull away. He grinds his hips against yours, tangling his hands in your wet hair. You comply, kissing back and pressing yourself against him. “We get it!” Michael says loudly, making you pull away.

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