Something Private Revealed (T)

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Ashton moved so swiftly through O’Hare International, leading the desperate mission to make your connecting flight to Heathrow. He wasn’t just holding your hand, but tugging it as he weaved around slow moving tourists and bumbling children, his backpack bustling up and down against his backside, his holey shirt in the process of becoming even more worn out than it already was.

Over your own shoulder, the generous straps of your tote bag kept slipping off as Ashton picked up the pace. You tried to keep up with bringing them back over and on, but without fail, every four or so steps, they would slide down again as if your arms were lubricated in satin lotion or something similar.

Out of the corner of your eyes, you noticed the unsure expressions of girls around, waiting at their gates. It was that expression that consisted of tilting ones chin upward and squinting your gaze. Everybody always seemed to make the same face when they were in the process of figuring out whether or not a member of 5 Seconds of Summer was walking by them. This wasn’t your fist time travelling alongside your boyfriend, you had seen the expression enough times to mirror it perfectly yourself.

You were taking note of two whispering girls, both with their phones out filming without trying to mask it, when you nearly tripped over your own feet. As Ashton was walking at the pace of someone loaded up on speedballs might, you nipped an airport pillar with your large bag and sent its contents scattering over the busy floor.

“Ah, Jesus…” As your hand pulled out of his, Ashton sighed as he turned around to join you on your knees, gathering up everything that had made its escape from your bright cloth bag.

You were surrounded by hair brushes, your plastic makeup bag full to the struggling zipper with your miracle products, your cell phone, wallet, a half-finished pack of Green Apple tic-tac’s, band aids, a Fiji water bottle, numerous bent and dirty business cards that people gave you through your travels that always inevitably made their way to the very bottom of your bag, two tangled pairs of ear buds, unwrapped tampons that Ashton gathered under the assumption that they were funny chocolate packages, a bottle of Extra Strength Tylenol, sunglasses, sunglasses case, Vogue, Elle, and an impromptu Betty & Veronica.

Ashton stood up off the floor, both hands on a raised knee as he pulled himself up to wait for you and that was when you saw the green rubber vibrator that had rolled around and hidden behind his feet. Your eyes indulged themselves for a moment, staring at the toy with pure horror painted over your face as if you were looking at an explosive with only ten seconds left in its countdown. You didn’t even bother to see if anyone else saw, you just reached forward, balancing on your knees, and picked it up as if it was a hot potato, tossing it right in your bag along with everything else, joining Ashton and walking away as if nothing had happened.

“That was awful.” Half-giggling, not sure how else to handle your embarrassment, you laid your head down on his shoulder as you two walked, hiding your rosy cheeks as you clutched your bag tightly to your shoulders the rest of the way to gate D26.

“Why do you have it in your bag?” Ashton laughed, leaning his head close to yours to ask in his lowest voice possible. He wasn’t exactly known for his indoor voice.

“I don’t know.” Rolling your eyes at yourself, you sighed aloud. “I thought we could have a little fun on the plane, but then Michael wound up sitting on my other side…” It had been nice to have Michael there with the two of you, his commentary as you three watched the end of theThe Desolation of Smaug almost as good as any orgasm, you really weren’t upset that you hadn’t had the chance to play with your drummer boyfriend. It wasn’t as if you two didn’t have plenty of flights ahead of you for the rest of month.

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