Build-a-Bear (T)

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Michael - "Next!" Lillian squealed, grabbing Leann as the two of them ran to the woman who was manning the stuffing machine. Of course Michael got stuck taking the kids to Build-A-Bear while you got to go shop for a surprise for the girls. "How are you pretty girls today?" They shyly nodded as Michael chuckled. "They're shy." "I can tell." She took Lillian's first, Leann reaching for Michael as he chuckled. "Pick out a heart you two." Lillian handed one to Leann as Michael held it for her. "Okay, jump up and down twice and then spin in one big circle." Leann did as she was told, giggling like a mad man as she did so. "Now hold it to your heart and say, I love you!" Michael put it to her small chest as she murmured an I love you. "Now give your daddy a big hug!" Michael bent down, Lillian hugging him tight as he chuckled. Leann buried her head in Michael's neck as he kissed her. "Your bears are all done! They look cute!" Michael grabbed Leann's offering it to her as she giggled. "Thank you." She grinned, the lady smiling as she blew her a kiss. "You're welcome sweetie."

Luke - "Daddy I want this outfit!" Kaiden whined, beginning to strip his bear as Luke sighed, stepping over. "Buddy you need to make up your mind and choose an outfit. You've already stripped him three times." You giggled, putting your hand on your pregnant belly as you looked over the clothes yourself, taking a sip on your water. "How about a superman?" You asked, looking back at Kaiden as he held tight to his bear. "No." He began to pout and you sighed, kneeling down and wrapping your arms around his tiny torso. "Well do you want your bear to be naked?" He shook his head, looking at you still, with a pout on his face. "Well then let mommy and daddy help you pick out a outfit. You can get two, okay?" Luke looked up as Kaiden started to cheer. "Baby we never agreed on two." He said, sighing as he helped you stand. "Would you rather him pout all day?" Luke rolled his eyes and crossed his arms, beginning to pout himself. "Stop acting like a turd and get up." You ruffled his quiff, giggling as Kaiden tugged on your jeans. "I got a rockstar outfit like daddy and race car pajamas!" You smiled and helped him get the bear dressed, Luke walking up to the register.

Ashton - "Dad this is so lame." Graham complained, tugging on his Star Wars t-shirt as he crossed his arms. He was only 12, and he hated anything to do with teddy bears and cute outfits. "Mommy look!" Harper giggled as she grabbed the unicorn, cuddling it as you smiled at her. "That's a cute choice, Harp." She stood in line as you turned back to Graham, "You sure you don't want to make one?" He shook his head and you looked at Ashton, shrugging. You all got through watching the woman stuff the unicorn and you smiled, watching Harper pick out outfits, soon getting bored of some and putting them back. You looked back at Graham, watching him fumble through the superhero costumes and sighing every so often. You nudged Ashton and he smirked, wrapping his hand around your bare thigh. "Get over there." You walked over to him, tapping his shoulder and smiling. "It's not too late to change your mind, babe." He grinned and ran over to the line. Ashton chuckled, winking at you as you smirked at him, going to help him pick something out.

Calum - "Girls, hey!" Calum held out his free hand, squeezing your other as your three girls were beginning to get a bit rowdy. "You three need to calm down, this isn't a three ring circus." You nodded as they sighed, holding their animals as they stood in a small circle. "Aren't you glad you're not that old yet, Claire Bear?" You asked the two year old on your hip as she sucked on her pacifier, completely unfazed by what you just asked. Calum chuckled, offering to take her as he kissed all over her neck, getting her to giggle in a mere 5 seconds. "Next in line." The three of your girls ran over, you following closely behind as the woman greeted you all. "Tell me your names, very beautiful family." You smiled at Calum as the girls began spitting out names. Calum wrapped one of his arms around your neck as he kissed your forehead. "Well you girlies have to do something for me," She handed the three of them hearts as they smiled. "Kiss your heart for me, jump up and down and then spin in a circle." They did as she said, Claire giggling as she watched her sisters. "Now give your mommy a huge kiss!" You knelt down, smiling as they each kissed you. You stood, watching them get finished up as Calum smiled. "You're the cutest mommy." "And you're the hottest daddy." He smirked, kissing you quickly as he winked at you.

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