Phones and Sex

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Michael: Michael Gordon fucking Clifford was a sex god from the graces above. And he fucking knew it. You glared at him from across the living room as he was on the phone with a friend or whatever. Little did his friend know that Michael was teasing you, licking his lips and biting his bottom one and winking at you as they spoke. You were on your period so sex wasn't really an option right now but Michael was insanely horny, as were you, and loved fun teasing you to the extremes. You finally got fed up with this since you still had three more days and stomped right over to the couch. You ripped the phone from Michael's hands and pushed him back on the couch when he protested. 

"Sorry, Michael is going to be busy for the rest of the night. Thank you," you said shortly and hung up. Michael smirked at you as you placed yourself on his lap and went straight for his neck. 

"Fuck you," you hissed when you felt his hands grab your ass and begin to knead your cheeks. 

"Too bad you can't," he laughed. He picked you up and plopped you back down onto the couch. "That was my manager by the way. I should probably call him back and assure him I'm not fucking you." He grabbed the phone and went into the bedroom, leaving you angry and still horny.

Calum: You finished brushing your hair and began to take off your make up when Calum came in. You saw he was on the phone and asked who it was. 

"Luke," he said as he came up behind you and trapped you between the counter and his body. "No, Luke. Manchester is going to beat Liverpool," he argued as he began running circles on your hip. You smiled and ground your ass against his crotch, smiling when you felt him stir. He looked at you in the mirror, challenge in his eyes, and grabbed onto your hip, helping you in grinding on him. He bit his lip to not moan as Luke continued telling points on why Liverpool is better. You reached and grabbed Calum's ass to push him harder against you. A few more snaps of Calum's hips against you had him coming, and he couldn't hold in his moans. 

"Fuck, dude, you okay?" Luke asked from the other line. Calum kissed you and you giggled. "Is that Y/N? When did she.....OH YOU'RE FUCKING DISGUSTING! YOU ARE FORBIDDEN FROM CALLING ME CALUM! UGH...JUST FUCKING UGH! HOW'D YOU EVEN GET OFF? I WAS TALKING ABOUT FOOTBALL FOR FUCKS SAKE!" Luke immediately cut off the line. 

"My girlfriend just so happens to be the hottest piece of ass, that's how," he said smartly as you swatted his arm.

Ashton: You were on the phone with your father, who was calling to see how you were adjusting with moving in with Ashton. You were in the kitchen, unpacking dishes with the phone tucked between your ear and shoulder. Ashton sauntered in, stark naked. Your eyes widened and you mouthed that it was your father. Ashton shrugged and grabbed your hips for a passionate kiss. 

"Um, dad, I think..." But Ashton's hands moved quickly, one to your butt and one to your front. He smiled like the little devil he is when your breath caught and you grabbed the wrist that was making its way under your yoga pants. 

"Your mother just got home, here, talk to her," your father said. Your eyes widened and you bit back a moan when Ashton pushed two fingers inside you. You moved the phone away from your mouth and let out a few moans and a 'Ashton, you son of a bitch, stop!'. Your mother began going on about this new dish set she recently indulged in. You were so close and needed to get off the phone soon. 

"Um, mom...m-my toast just got done," you stuttered. 

"But you hate toast...always have," your mother implied, confused. "Well Ashton got me hooked on it, okay, bye," you said quickly as you hung up and dropped the phone on the counter. Ashton licked his lips as he buried his face in your neck as he sped up his fingers.

Luke: It was his mom calling...again. Liz checked on Luke twice already, interrogating him on his move to the US. Luke, oh little somewhat innocent Luke, was talking to his mom on the bed as you came into the bedroom. You smiled wickedly before taking off your shirt, bra, pants...and panties. You turned towards Luke and bit your lip as you walked to your side of the bed and laid down a bit closer to Luke than usual. You moved the covers down and trailed your hands up and down your body, never reaching yourself since you just wanted to tease your boyfriend. Liz's voice was just a buzz in Luke's ear as he took in your naked body and roving hands. He felt blood flow to his dick. "Luke?" His mother pushed when he didn't reply. 

"Oh, yeah mum?" Luke said, snapping back. But you just loved teasing your babe, so you moved to straddle him and you saw his eyes widen. "Um, mum...I think the stove is's really hot in the apartment," Luke hissed. You giggled at his horrible cover up. 

"Okay, sweetie. Hope you and Y/N are happy together, that's what's important." 

"Trust me mum, she makes me very happy," Luke insisted as he cupped your center. He bit your neck here and there and said good bye to his mother. Right after he hung up, he pounced on you and leaned down towards your ear. 

"That was cute," he smirked as he moved down your body. "And this will be adorable, I promise." And he went for it, making you scream.

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