Luke Imagine (dirty)

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You laughed at Luke's lame joke as you took your heels off and wandered into the living room, Luke hot on your heels as you slumped down onto the couch. You and Luke had just got back from his album launch party, you were bursting with pride throughout the whole event, you two had been friends for a long time but had only a few months ago plucked up the courage to tell each other how you felt. Your mind stopped what Luke was saying as your eyes fell over Luke, he was stood at the end of the couch, loosening his tie and shrugging off the blazer. He'd moaned when putting it on, complaining that he should get to wear his own clothes to his own album launch, but you'd finally managed to coax him into the suit. You licked your lips at the sight in front of you, his broad shoulders tight against the crisp , his abs slightly visible. You smirked as your eyes fell onto his black jeans, the only compromise you'd made of allowing him to wear his own jeans. Your core tingled as his tongue darted from his to play with his lip ring. You were brought back to reality when he sat down next to you, his legs relaxed and pushing against your thighs. "I'm just really glad I get to experience all of this with you Y/N," he blushed, his eyes darting down to his fumbling hands. His words provoked a grin to spread upon your face, hands tugging his face down to yours. He shuffled to move between your thighs, your arms more comfortable in this position around his neck. "I'm glad I can be here for you Luke," you pulled his mouth down to yours, a satisfied sigh falling from Luke's lips as your lips moved softly against each other. Your fingers tangled into the hair at his nape as you pulled his face harder into yours, you wanted him, desperately. "Luke," you groaned as his tongue hesitantly grazed against your bottom lip and slipped inside your mouth. His hands grasped at your hips as you pushed him into a seated position, your legs either side of his thighs, straddling him. Your lips parted from his before dropping to his jaw, moving down to nip and suck at his neck. A groan left his lips at your rough contact, his fingers digging into the flesh at your hips through your dress. The heat at your centre throbbed, your hips instinctively rolling to grind into him. A moan emitted from both of you as you felt him harden underneath you. Your lips continued their attack on his neck as you hurried to unbutton his shirt, lips moving to graze over his collarbone. As soon as your hand made it's way to his belt buckle his hand flew down to stop yours. "Wait Y/N, stop." Your hand pulled away as a frown took over your face, this is what happened every time you two got a little heated, he would stop you and make up some excuse to cuddle instead, it hadn't affected you that much at first, but now every time it happened it was starting to hurt your feelings. "What Luke? I don't understand why you always stop us, don't you want me?" Your eyes dropped in embarrassment, cheeks flooding with heat as you moved to get off him. His hands stopped you sudden movements, maintaining your position on top of him, "No jesus Y/N no, of course I want you, it's just," his thumb stroked at your cheek tenderly before he trailed off, his eyes searching yours desperately. "Then what Luke? What possibly could be the problem," the frown was still evident on your face, no other idea in your head than that the problem was you. "Look I'm a virgin okay, and I know you're not, and believe me I really want to but you know what you're doing and I don't and you'll be amazing and I'll be shit and then you won't want me anymore," his speech came as a hurried ramble, but you still heard every word. His hand ran through his hair as he waited for your reaction, but your eyes were wide with shock. "Say something please," his cheeks were flushed with pink as you finally managed to choke out a response. "W-what, how? You're Luke fucking Hemmings, girls throw themselves at you!" He rolled his eyes at you, "Well before they didn't so nothing happened and now that they are I mean, I can't just sleep with any random girl for my first time can I? And then we happened and I just never built up the courage to tell you," he bit at his lip as you managed to come to terms with what he was saying. "Luke it doesn't bother me, I was just a little surprised," you started, hands pulling his face back to look at yours, "and I'm sorry if I'm rushing you but whenever you're ready I'll be here for you," you placed a single kiss on his lips before pulling away slightly, "and you won't be shit, I promise," he chuckled against your lips, before bringing your bottom lip between his teeth, "well do you mind if we find out?" He asked. You smiled and nodded, getting off his lap and pulling him up to the . You pushed him back to sit at the end of the bed as you took your long hair out of it's tie, "just tell me if you want to stop okay?" He nodded feverishly, gulping as you walked towards him. You resumed your position on his lap, your eyes meeting briefly before you reconnected your lips, your clothed centre grinding against his once again. His head fell back in a groan as you pushed the shirt off his torso and laid him back onto the bed. Your lips kissed a trail down from his lips to his chest, your tongue leaving wet lines down to the waistband of his boxers. You batted your eyelashes up at him as your fingers took of his belt, before pushing the tights jeans off his long legs. You gulped slightly as you slid back up his legs, his clothed erection directly under your mouth. You peeked back up at him to see his eyes dark and hooded, locked into your face as your small hand palmed him through his boxers. His head fell back in a groan as it hit the mattress, his length pulsing under your touch. You smirked, fingers dancing up his hips to drag the last piece of his clothing down his body and onto the floor. Without warning him you licked a bold strip up the underside of his cock, the vein swelling as you kissed the tip. "Fuck Y/N," left his mouth in pants as his hands tightened into your hair, pushing you slightly down onto him. You smirked at his growing confidence, obliging in his request and wrapping your lips around him, hollowing your cheeks and bobbing your head. The sounds bursting from Luke's lips increased the wet heat at your core, your touch decreasing as Luke's hands roughly pulled you off of him. His grip immediately loosened as he saw your wince, "Sorry baby, I just, um could I maybe do something for you?" You were a little shocked at his request, but nodded, smiling at the blush on his cheeks and unbelievably turned on by the idea of Luke touching you intimately. He flipped you over, eyes meeting each other's as you kissed his lips encouragingly. His hands moved to push your dress up and over your body, his bottom lip pulled between his teeth as your body was exposed to him. The strapless dress had meant that you couldn't wear a bra, meaning the only material adorning your body was a black lacy thong. "Holy shit," he sighed, his hands instinctively cupping your breasts, your eyes closing in a groan as he palmed them. His lips kissed down your neck, movements slightly shaky as he hesitantly lapped at the skin, his teeth nibbling at your hardened nipples. A squeak left your lips at the contact, the throb at your heat becoming unbearable. "Please Luke, please touch me." You didn't care how desperate you sounded, you needed him. A wave of confidence spread over him as he smirked, lips moving down your body to pull off the material covering your heat. He took a deep breath before his head dipped to kiss gingerly at your slit, a heavy pant rolling off your tongue. Your desperate whimpers encouraged his movements further, his head sinking closer to you as he licked at your slit, "Shit baby you're so wet, and your taste," he groaned as he finished the sentence. You'd never heard this kind a talk leave his mouth, seeing Luke in this light turned you on beyond belief, you could feel your orgasm threatening as he sucked on your clit. His large hands pushed your thighs further apart as he lapped at you hungrily, a growl vibrating against your centre, his tongue slipping into your opening. Your fingers pulled harshly at his hair as he smirked against you, your walls throbbing as pleasure waved within you. Before he could force your orgasm upon you, you pulled him up to meet your face, his lips still moist with your excitement. "I need you now Luke please," you begged. He nodded, the confidence he had earlier faltering slightly as he settled between your thighs, "don't be nervous, you'll be amazing." You smiled, a soft kiss tenderly gracing his own. He exhaled deeply, before resting his forehead against yours, his hands shakingly moving down to position himself at your entrance. Your eyes fluttered closed upon feeling his vast length sinking deep inside you, pausing slightly to allow your walls to stretch around him. Your legs wrapped around his waist as you bucked your hips up against his, helping him to find a steady rhythm. Pants were cascading from his swollen lips, his fingers moving to intertwine with yours. He grew more confident as he began to match the rhythm you were setting, his hips pushing rougher and harder against you. Your free hands nails raked down his back at the pleasure Luke was igniting inside you, a string of curses leaving his lips at the feeling of your walls clenching around him. This was a first for you as much as for Luke, it wasn't your first time but your past experiences were sloppy and emotionless, this intimacy with Luke was hard, passionate and loving. A certain deep thrust pulled you from your thoughts, your back arching into him. "Shit Y/N I'm so close," you pushed your hips harder against his, purposefully clenching around him to try and bring him to orgasm. "Not before you baby," he chuckled, bringing his right hand down to rub fast circles into your clit, you were surprised by his actions, shocked that he knew what to do. The bundle of nerves contributing to the overwhelming electricity coursing through your veins from Luke's increasing pace inside you. "Fuck Luke, I'm coming," his lips attached to your neck as your orgasm burst below him, the knot in your stomach erupting as he ground his hips against you. You came around just in time to pick up your thrusts, wanting his first orgasm inside a woman to blow his mind. You smirked at the idea, forcing him onto his back and bouncing roughly down onto his thick length. His eyes widened in surprise as his head dropped into the pillow, loud pants and groans bursting from his lips as you felt him twitch inside you, releasing his heat. Your head dropped into his chest, both of your breaths ragged and uneven as you attempted to calm down. You rolled off him slightly, before he pulled you closer back into his side. You looked up at him, both of you leaning in to each other as you shared a sweet kiss. "Thank you Y/N, that was amazing." A slight blush appeared on your cheeks as you nodded, "Well it was my pleasure, oh and by the way, you were not. Shit." You closed your eyes and groaned to make sure he got the point, a pride filled smirk encompassing his features.

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