Your Child Wets The Bed (T)

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Michael - "God it's so nice to have some peace and quiet." Michael groaned, stretching as you laid your head in his lap as a movie played on the screen in front of you two. Now that you and Michael had two beautiful girls, you barely had time to do anything but run them back and forth to school, ballet practice and trips to grandma's every weekend. "We need more us nights." He said, caressing your face as the chill of his wedding ring made you smile with happiness. "We need an us weekend. I say we ship them off to grandmas." He chuckled, nodding as he leant down to place a kiss to your waiting lips. "I missed doing this." His hand left your face as it ran down your stomach, causing you to giggle into his kiss as he lifted up your tank top. "And this," His hand toyed with the waistband of your pajamas as you bit your lip, his lips pecking at your chin as you heard footsteps running down the stairs. You sat up quick, seeing Lillian crying as she walked with her legs apart. "What's wrong, baby?" "I wet the bed, mommy." You picked her up, sighing as Michael chuckled. "Lil, you're 4 years old." He said, going up to her room as you took her to the bathroom to get her cleaned off.

Luke - "Oh my god it feels good to lay down!" Luke yelled, flopping down onto the bed as you shushed him, giggling when the headboard hit the wall lightly. "Shut up Luke! We just put Kaiden down." He chuckled, turning off the lamp as you cuddled into him, backing your bum up on him purposefully as he held you tight. "Don't do that again." He warned, kissing your shoulder as you smirked. His chin rested on your shoulder as you two said your good nights and I love you's before finally drifting off to sleep. It wasn't an hour later that you heard whimpering coming from the baby monitor. Luke was still holding tight to you, his snores becoming louder as you reached for the monitor, putting it to your ear as you heard Kaiden whimpering. "Luke." You nudged him, his snores ceasing as he slowly woke up. "I think Kaiden's having a bad dream." You said, letting him listen as he chuckled. "He's a tough boy, he'll fight it out." You sighed, snatching it back before you heard a small cry, "Mommy!" He wailed, as you jumped from bed, running to his bedroom. "What's wrong baby?" He stood from the bed, pointing as you saw a huge wet spot. You smiled sadly, taking off the sheets before taking his hand. "Let's get you cleaned up and then you can sleep with mommy and daddy tonight."

Ashton - "Family game night is so fun." Ashton said, yawning as he came from upstairs, as he finished tucking the kids in, putting your baby down. "But it sure is messy." You complained, sighing as you reached around, finding missing pieces to the game boards as Ashton smiled, handing you the piece you were looking for. "Big pet peeve, huh?" You nodded, closing the first box of the game as Ashton walked over to you, moving the box as he pressed his backside up against your bum. "Ash, stop." You warned, going to grab the box as he pushed it away again. "Why? Kids are asleep." He rolled his hips into you, a sigh escaping your lips as he smiled. "Tell me to stop." He whispered, bending you over slightly as he began pulling down your shorts, exposing your panties to him as he smirked. You shook your head as he chuckled, smirking. "Thought so." He bent down, kissing the nape of your neck as you bit your lip, letting out a small noise to encourage him. Just as he had your pants pulled down, you heard a noise from upstairs. "Ash stop." You moaned, pulling up your pants as he whined. "Why?" "Listen." After a minute of silence, you heard cries coming from your smallest sons room. You and Ashton darted upstairs, opening the door as you saw your baby, disturbance on his face. "He wet himself." You said, picking him up as he continued crying into your shoulder. "Guess he's sleeping with us tonight, huh?" Ashton said, sighing as he knew all thoughts of having you to himself were gone. "Yep." You walked to the bathroom, leaving Ashton to take the sheets off the crib, taking them to the washroom.

Calum - "How did you get so sick, baby girl?" Calum asked, Nebraska on his hip as she sucked on her pacifier. You put on your pajamas, leaving the bathroom as you saw Calum lying her down in the middle as you sighed. "No cuddles?" You whined, throwing the pillows on the floor as he chuckled, shaking his head. "We can hold hands?" You smiled, kissing Nebraska goodnight as she was already halfway gone. "Night my love." He turned off the light, putting his hand under Nebraska's pillow as you smiled. "Goodnight." You reached under her pillow too, intertwining your hand with his as you soon drifted off to sleep. You were fast asleep, Nebraska squirming in her spot as Calum felt something wet come in contact with his arm, before it touched his back. "What?" He sat up, the smell of pee invading his nostrils. "God dammit. Y/N wake up." He said, turning on the lamp as you slowly woke up. "What's the matt- oh my god." Calum furiously took off the comforter, groaning as you picked Nebraska up as she trembled in your arms. "It's okay baby." She held you tight as you looked at Calum. "She's sick Calum. Don't be upset." He put his hands in the air, pulling off the sheets as you went to the bathroom, giving her another bath before putting her on a clean pair of undies and a new shirt.

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