Cute Moment With Your Kid (T)

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Ashton: You were tired, and you finally reached your house. You reached in your jean pocket and grabbed your keys, slipped it in the keyhole and unlocked the door, collapsing on the nearby couch. You glanced up at the clock in your living room and saw that it was half past ten in the evening. You weren’t hearing any yells or laughs upstairs, which probably meant that Ashton had somehow put your hyperactive four year old son to sleep. Ashton wasn’t really good at putting him to bed, which is why you were slightly surprised to come home to a silent house. You made your way up to your son’s room, and opened the door, to find that he wasn’t in his bed. You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion, and walked over to your room. “Ashton, where’s-” You stopped yourself from continuing when you saw the scene in front of you. Ashton fell asleep on the bed, with your son cuddling with him. Ashton had this strong arms wrapped around your child protectively, and your son had a huge smile on his peaceful face. You walked over and planted a kiss on each of their foreheads, giggling as you pulled your phone out to take a picture of the two.

Michael: “Bring it on!” Your son yelled at the TV. He was currently playing Guitar Hero on the XBox, and you rolled your eyes with a chuckle, wondering, “Now, I wonder where he got his love for guitars and video games, hmm?” The familiar tune of All Time Low’s Dear Maria Count Me In plays, and you find yourself singing along to one of your favorite songs from the old days. You find it amazing how your son took on his father’s great music taste, he actually prefers the old, good stuff rather than those mainstream ones today. “Oh my god, I love this song!” Michael sang as he entered the room. Your son glanced at him, continuing to play his game but he said, “Dad, come play with me! You used to be in a band with Uncle Ashton, Uncle Calum and Uncle Luke right?” Michael’s eyes darted to you and you just smiled innocently at him. “Yeah, I was actually the guitarist! Come on, you play the bass,” he says, as he resets the game. Your son hands Michael the guitar, while he grabbed the bass. Soon enough, the two of them get engrossed in playing the game as a two-man band, and even managed to convince you to play the lead vocals. You haven’t had that much fun since forever, and once you finished, your son went to hug his father, saying, “Thank you dad, that was so cool! I love you,” Michael pats his son’s head and smiles, “We’re gonna do it again next time, okay pal?” He asked, holding out his hand, asking for a high five, and his son gave gave him a high five, with a soft giggle.

Calum: Your daughter was blasting a song on your iPod, which was connected to some speakers, and you smiled as she began to dance. She was pretty good and you can’t help but giggle at how cute she looked. Calum then came in, asking, “Babe, do we-” “Dad!” your daughter giggled as she took Calum’s hand. “Daddy, daddy!” Calum leaned down to kiss her head, and she said, “Dad! Can you pweeease teach me how to dance?” Calum raised his eyebrows at your daughter and asked, “Why do you want me to teach you? Mom’s a good teacher, why not her?” Your daughter sticks out her bottom lip and you swear she got that habit from her father. “Mom told me you were a good dancer when you met, and I wanna see you dance!” Calum shot you a look and you just stuck your tongue out at him, and he sighed. “Okay then, what are we dancing to?” Your daughter squealed and changed the song on the iPod. Best Song Ever by One Direction began to play, and she started to bounce up and down screaming, “Dance, dad, dance!” Calum started twerking randomly and you held in a laugh, biting your lip to stop the giggle, but failing miserably as your daughter started to twerk with him. You found it so adorable, but yet so hilarious at the same time.

Luke: Luke and your daughter were playing outside, while you were stuck in the kitchen cooking dinner. You could hear your daughter’s loud giggles from outside, and you looked out the window to see her being chased by Luke, who growled every now and then, making him sound like a monster. “Get away, you ugly monster!” You heard your daughter say as she threw some of her toys at poor Luke, but he didn’t mind. When he finally caught up with her, he picked her up and spun her around, earning a laugh from her. “No daddy, put me down!” she shouted, laughing. You put the dinner on a plate and placed it on the island, before heading outside to join your husband and child. “Mommy, daddy won’t put me down!” she screams, as Luke continued to hold her up in the air. “I’m gonna let you down if you kiss me,” Luke says, with a pout. Your daughter looks at him with a smile, and kisses him full on the lips. “There, happy daddy?” she asks, and Luke puts your beautiful five-year-old down, pulling you in his arms instead. “Now you kiss mommy, daddy!” Luke obeyed his daughter, and leaned down to kiss you gently on the lips with a smile.

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