He Asks You To Ride Him.

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Luke: Your lips were caught tightly between your teeth as he continued to rub his hands up and down your legs, causing you to get excited for the eventful night you knew was ahead for the both of you. Luke had been handsy all night, and now that you were lying down in front of him in nothing except your lacy panties and matching bra, he was more than ready to get the release he'd been wanting all night long. He hovered above you for a few moments, his hands getting higher to their destination before he so rudely flipped the two of you over, a smirk making its way onto his face. "Why don't you do the work for the both of us tonight, (Y/N)?" He asks hotly, causing the heat to rush to your face quicker than before. "You can just ride me tonight... right?"

Ashton: "Fuck," He whispers in a rush as you finally managed to un-button his tight jeans that had been confining him throughout the entire movie where you'd teased him to no limit. Hands kept getting too close to his crotch, and you not-so-accidentally grinded against him as you slipped and fell into his lap on the way out of the theater. Ashton was all hot and bothered, and you loved every bit of it. You had him right where you wanted him, and now with your hand massaging his thighs before they got even close to his most desperate body part; Ashton brought his arms down and gripped your wrists tightly in his hands. "Uh-uh," Ashton smirks as you raise your eyebrows questioningly. He brings one free hand down onto your waist and pulls you into him, causing you to fall and your legs to completely wrap around his waist. "I think you owe me a little ride tonight, wouldn't you agree?" He smirks against your skin.

Calum: He had your legs wrapped tightly around his waist as the two of you made your way into the honeymoon suite of the hotel as newlyweds. He'd been more than eager to get you between the sheets after days of not being able to see you, his hand had gotten old and he wasn't about to cheat on you for anything; so he'd had to wait and occupy himself until this very moment after the wedding came; and boy, was it worth waiting for. You clung tightly to him as he started to remove his clothing, you doing the same as you admired his toned body and Calum's lips instantly connected to the skin of your neck, causing you to shiver and let out a little whimper. As things progressed further and the two of you were getting ready to get on the bed, Calum smirked as an idea popped into his head. "You're used to riding horses, (Y/N)," He says, noting the fact that you'd been a country horse rider most of your life. You nod your head slowly and raise your eyebrows at him. "Why don't you save a horse and ride a cowboy tonight?" That little sly dog.

Michael: "You're so perky." He grins at the sight of your bare breasts before him, bouncing slightly as you remove your bra and throw it across the room as you continue to strip-tease Michael for his birthdy surprise. You smirk to yourself and lower yourself down onto his lap, your legs settling on either side of his waist as Michael's hands instantly made their way to your waist, slightly moving your hips to grind against his crotch. "Feel good?" You whisper hotly into his ear as Michael swallows hard, making his Adam's apple bob up and down as he slowly nodded. You knew he was enjoying this every bit, and you were so glad that you were the reason he felt as hard as a brick underneath you. Michael smirks to himself as he tilts his head back up and winks at you as his hands make their way to his belt buckle. "You know," He says suddenly, clearing his throat. "I don't have any tickets or anything, but do you think you could take me for a ride, (Y/N)?" He asks with a sly smirk.

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