He Comes Home Drunk and You Get in a Fight (T)

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Luke: You were tired of waiting for him to come home, and you made your way upstairs when the front door heaved and pushed with your blonde "angel" laughing his dumb ass off on the floor. "Luke!" You shouted as he rolled around on the floor. His head shot up and he looked around for you, not noticing you were two steps above him. "Is this that goldfish I killed in grade five? I didn't know fish didn't swim in milk," he said getting to his feet and going upstairs. "Luke," you said more calmly as he stood in front of you. "He-ey pretty lady didn't I see you tonight?" He walked towards you, only sending you farther up the stairs. "What did you do?" You said as he walked towards you. "Don't you reMEmber? We, we danced and then you showed me that one trick with your tongue." He smiled stupidly as you stood there in shock. "You kissed someone else?" You whispered as he went down the stairs. "Well, I mean you did insist I saw the tongue trick, I couldn't pass it up." He somehow made it to the fridge and drank some water. You were beyond upset with him, and you walked up to him and smacked him hard upside the head. "Hey, what the fu- shit. Y/N. You weren't the girl I saw tonight." His face went blank and you slapped him again. "And I won't be the girl you see in the morning." You grabbed your keys and drove at three in the morning to your moms house.

Ashton: He was a party boy, what could you say? But you didn't like it when he came home drunk beyond recognition and smelling up your house and your bed. Again, it was two o'clock and you watched the time tick by as he made his way inside completely inebriated. "Y/N I'm hOME!" He yelled as he stumbled himself into the living room. You said nothing, just kept typing on your laptop. He frowned, and made his way to you. "I *hiccup* said I'm home," he said as you glanced at him before looking back at your screen. It made him frustrated when you didn't reply to him so he slammed his hand down on the side table, making you jump. "THE LEAST YOU COULD DO IS ACKNOWLEDGE MY FUCKING EXSISTANCE!" You had had enough and put your laptop to the side. "AND THE LEAST YOU COULD DO IS NOT COME HOME, DRUNK OFF YOUR ASS AT TWO IN THE FUCKING MORNING ASHTON!" You both were staring at each other, taking long breaths. "I can do what I want Y/N, I don't need you telling me what to do!" You let out a small scream and pushed him away, running up the stairs. "I'm so done with you Irwin!" You yelled as you locked the spare bedroom door. You heard him tear up the stairs and go into your bedroom. Eventually when his footsteps stopped, your tears began.

Michael: Everyone likes having fun, but Michael liked having a lot more fun then he should. This included going out at least once a week and coming home no later then four plastered. He could barely remember who you were sometimes that's how bad it got. This night in particular was an exception: he made it home by one thirty. You listened as he walked up the stairs and, was he crying? Michael never cried and you sat up when he came in, seeing his face red and his eyes puffy. "You need to get out Y/N. I'm nothing but a stupid idiot who fucked everything up." He fell onto the floor and you went to his side. "Michael, why are you saying this?" You helped him onto the bed and he wiped his eyes. "Last week, when I went out, I accidentally slept with another girl." Your eyes widened and you noticed the liquor on his breath and the truth in his words. "How could you? Michael, after everything we've been through together!" You stood up and backed away from him. "I was drunk, and I thou-thought you weren't gonna notice me coming home later than usual so I did it." His eyes turned red again and you held back your own tears as you went down the stairs, leaving him alone for the night.

Calum: He never got drunk. Or, you had never seen him drunk. But one night, you woke up to things falling in the kitchen and Calum talking to himself. You made your way downstairs and he was standing over the sink, laughing quietly. "You're living in a fools paradise Hood. And you're leading her right into it. When are you gonna tell her you're cheating on her? Oh, that's right. You can't because the other girl means nothing to you. Absolutely nothing. You only sleep with another girl because Y/N never wants you, or understands you, or whatever that shit is girls complain about," he said taking a long swig of whiskey. He sighed when the bottle left his lips and turned around, facing you right in the face. "Is she better in bed than I am? Is that why you cheat on me apparently?" You could feel tears well up in your eyes and your heart race. "All I said was that you don't respect me." You scoffed and looked away from him. "I'd respect you if you told me things. Like apparently that you've been cheating on me with some whore! What? Bigger boobs, nicer hair? What draws her Calum? Why her and not me, someone you've said 'I love you' too countless times!" You started crying and he stood there with the bottle in his hands, not knowing what to say. "Leave, Calum." "Y/N," he said reaching for you. "I SAID LEAVE! I WANT YOU OUT OF MY DAMN HOUSE NOW!" He looked at you before stumbling toward was the door. "It was a mistake from the beginning," you whispered as the door shut.

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