Dirty Talk

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Ashton: "Ah fuck baby!" He winced as you deep throated him. "Yeah, baby, just like that. Take all of daddy's cock like a good girl." You began massaging his balls and he sat up on his elbows to get a better view. "Damn I'm so hard for you. Make me come, I wanna come in that dirty mouth of yours." He sat all the way up and tangled his hands in your hair. "Fuck I'm so close...shit...take it all baby, all of daddy's load. That's right, lick me clean so that my cock is nice for when I fuck that tight ass." (Dammit I'm going to hell✌)

Michael: "What do you want baby?" Michael smirked. You just groaned and tried to create words as he worked his fingers in and out of you faster. "What baby? You want my cock?" You nodded profusely. "Oh my cock is always yours, baby." And he got in between your legs before he thrusted hard. "Fuck always so tight even after I fuck you every night. But you know that's how I like it baby. Tight like a glove...and so warm too. Fuck, fuck. Do it again!" You clenched around him again. "You gonna come? Mmm so close, I can feel it. A little more baby." His thrusting became sloppy and quicker. "Take it all baby, no one else could ever make you come like this. Damn it makes me so hot and bothered knowing only my come is inside you....ah fuck!"

Calum: "Mmm I love how red your little ass is now. What was that? Ten slaps? I bet you were dripping by the third one. Am I right baby?" He had you bent over the kitchen island,  dress pushed up to your waist and panties flung into the living room. "Shh, baby, the boys are right upstairs. Or do you want them to hear how good I'm making you feel? Bet it turns you on." His pants and boxers hit the floor. "But I don't want them to know. You're all mine, baby. This," and he slapped your ass again. "This," and he slid his finger through your wetness. "And this," and he thrusted into you from behind as he gripped your hips as leverage. "Ah fuck, baby, you like this? Like this? God I love the view, your pretty red ass right in my view. And your beautiful back sprawled out for me...I love you so much babe."

Luke: "Mmm your tits are practically spilling out, princess," Luke mused as he thrusted into you harder. You arched your back off the bed and thrusted up to meet him. He went faster which made your breasts bounce faster. "Shit baby, don't clench around me...i need this to last. God the way your pussy feels around me...I could stay like this forever. Mmm..." He moved onto his knees so that his hips could move even faster. "Ah, did I hit it? Are you gonna come soon? C'mon baby, I think you want to. I can't wait to clean out your pussy like my last meal. You always taste so good. I could take you every night for dinner...fuck...this is much better than my hand," he said as you came hard. "I love being able to taste my come with yours." He began to thrust faster until he finally spilled into you. "And I'm glad you're on the pill. Now I can feel ALL of you. And I know you love feeling all of me inside you."

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