After A Fight (T)

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LUKE: He yells. Your heart races as your husband looks you up and down, biting back his lower lip, drawing blood. He’s shaking his head, and looking down at the floor. “What Luke? What’s wrong now? There’s always a problem with everything.” You spit, irritation in your voice.

You convinced Luke to have a night on the town and you were having a fabulous time until a bunch of guys were looking at you and Luke had noticed. The night was ruined by Luke’s jealousy over nothing, so you decided to come back home.

"Why did you wear that dress tonight if you knew all those assholes would be looking at you?" He asks, venom in his tone. Tears grow in your eyes as he yells, "YOU PROVOKED THEM (Y/N)! FOR CHRISTS SAKE, CAN’T YOU JUST WEAR A NICE ELEGANT DRESS THAT DOESN’T SHOW YOUR ASS TO THE WORLD?"

Truth be told, you wore the dress to impress him. Ever since you had your first child together, you were always self conscious about your appearance. After months of hard work and dedication to staying on a healthy diet/ exercise, you used the night when Luke’s parents could watch little Tommy and go out with your husband to your advantage. Your throat closed up, and tears streamed down your face as you whimpered, “I-I did this for you. I-I practically killed myself to get in this shape so I could wear this dress for you on our anniversary!”

His eyelids drooped, and his glance hit the floor in realization that he forgot it was your guys’ anniversary and that’s why you made him go out with you tonight. 

"(Y/N), I’m so-." He was about to apologize, but you shook your head, walking up to the bedroom and saying, "Apologize to the couch tonight, Luke." 

MICHAEL: He swears. "I don’t want my boy playing with fucking barbie dolls, (Y/N). It’s not right." Michael hisses through gritted teeth, staring you down. You take the barbie doll from his clenched hands, and hand it back to your one year old son, who immediately stops sobbing. "There ya go buddy, you like that don’t you?" You coo, and he smiles, clapping his hands together in excitement. "He’s happy with the doll Michael. There’s nothing wrong with him liking dolls." You defend yourself, as your husband groans, ripping the doll from his tiny hands.

"Michael, give it back to him!" You shout, as your husband shakes his head, handing baby Josh action figures, "Here buddy, play with these." Michael tries to encourage him to play with the action figures, but Josh only shrieks louder, reaching out for the doll. 

"Don’t be an asshole Michael. Your son is crying, give him the doll." You speak sternly with a hand on your hip, "Oh…don’t give me that shit, (Y/N)." 

"What shit?" You ask, biting back your bottom lip in anger. "You’re holding your hand on your fucking hip to intimidate me." He spits, "But it won’t work this time. He needs to learn what’s right and what’s wrong."

"Stop cursing around our baby and get a grip." You rip the barbie from your husbands hands, and hand it to Josh. He smiles, sniffling up his sobs and wiping tears off his chubby cheeks.

Michael’s eyes soften when he finally realizes how happy his son is with the doll. He takes in a deep breath and whispers, “I’m sorry, (Y/N). I just thought-.”

You cut him off, “It’s okay, I forgive you. Don’t mess with a woman and her hip.”

ASHTON: He cries. "You screamed at me the whole way home because I picked you up ten minutes late and now you’ve gone silent. Why? What the hell is wrong with you?" You ask, a sob caught in your throat. Ashton had a long day at work, and you being late caused him to become very impatient. Once you got there, he unloaded all of his built up anger during the day on you. 

"You yelled at me for a whole thirty minutes, and now you won’t even look at me. When I married you I should’ve vowed to not only be your lover, but your punching bag too." You whisper, making your way into the bedroom you two share. 

You curl up under the blankets, and close your eyes. Ash’s voice screaming rings through your ears, causing your heart to skip beats.

"You can never be on time, can you (Y/N)?"

"I ask you to do one thing. One fucking thing and you couldn’t do it!" 

"I work all day from fucking seven a.m. to six p.m.! What the fuck do you do huh? That’s right-NOTHING because you can’t keep a job longer than a week!" 

Your thought process is broken when you hear a heavy sob coming from the door. You peak over the blankets, only to see Ashton standing there with a nervous fidget in his body and broken, teary eyes. 

"I-I’m so sorry sweetheart. I-I’m so sorry for screaming at you in the car while you were driving. That wasn’t right. I was being a douche bag. I’m so sorry." He whimpers, and you can see his muscles contracting under his shirt from how tense he was. 

"I forgive you…" You say softly, as he sniffles, slowly wrapping his arms around you, "I’ll think before I speak next time, I promise. I’m so sorry." 

CALUM: He’ll laugh. After screaming at each other for over an hour, you two forget what the fight was even about because he can’t stop smiling at you. The way your cheeks get all puffy and your upper lip twitches a bit from pent up anger, he can’t help but laugh. This would usually cause someone to get angrier because they aren’t taking you seriously, but you stop for a moment, take a deep breath, and let out a laugh too. 

"You’re so cute when you’re mad." Cal says, pecking your lips, and you sigh, "Why do we even fight?" 

"I think it’s healthy to fight in a relationship." He speaks confidently, as your eyebrows tighten, "Babe…we just fought over the remote."

"Hey, easy there woman! Fighting over what show or movie to watch is a topic I hold closely to my heart." Cal teases, as you roll your eyes, kissing his lips briefly. 

"I love you…even though I win." You mumble, while Calum holds up the remote, walking towards the television, "I’m sorry baby, you lost. I got the remote." 

"Just because you have the remote…doesn’t mean the batteries weren’t replaced by your intelligent wife."

"Damn it, (Y/N). You always win." 

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