You Have A Lot Of Kids (T)

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Michael - Having 5 kids had it’s ups and downs, considering all but one was in their early stages of their teenage years, you and Michael still had babies in the family to attend to. “Okay, you have chores to do today!” You pointed to your eldest daughter as she groaned, marching upstairs as you sighed at her always rebellious attitude. Michael was playing with your two sons and your other daughter as they all played with toy swords and little toy action figures. You looked to the other side of Michael, seeing your newborn baby asleep silently in her swing. “You all need to be quiet.” You picked her up, her grunting as you silently shushed her, putting her on your shoulder. “Now, you youngsters have rooms to clean because grandma and grandpa are coming over tonight.” “NO!” “Yes! Or no dessert after dinner!” They all groaned, looking at Michael as he only nodded up the stairs, beginning to gather the toys as they marched up to their rooms. You sighed, already exhausted as it wasn’t even noon yet. “Don’t you love them?” Michael asked, poking you with the sword as you chuckled. “Yeah, I love them all.” Michael smiled, going upstairs to make sure they were cleaning as you started to prepare lunch.

Luke - “Hey get back here!” You hollered at your two sons, as they began venturing from the aisle you were on. “Mommy! We want to go find snacks!” You sighed, your daughter sitting in the buggy as your infant was in his little carrier that sat on your chest. “Mommy is picking up stuff for daddy so please wait.” They pouted, dragging their feet along as you picked up a few things Luke had requested for you to get. Of course Luke was out again this afternoon, leaving you and your four kids to go grocery shopping. “Okay, let’s go get snacks!” They cheered, racing each other to the other isle as you sighed, pushing the buggy to go find them. You found them, as well as Luke, standing on the same aisle. “Attention shoppers, hot mama on Aisle 4.” Luke chuckled, walking to you as he placed a sweet kiss to your lips, before throwing a box of Gushers into the buggy. “Really?” You asked, as he only shrugged, kissing you again. “They requested them.” “Mommy! Can we get these?” They held up two boxes of candy each, Luke smirking as he took them from them. “Yes! Go get another box, on me!” They ran off as you hit Luke on the chest, “Luke!” He only laughed, kissing you again. “Oh come on, lighten up babe.” “Okay well then you can deal with them when they are bouncing off the walls later.”

Ashton - “Oh come on! It’s boring being stuck in the house all day! Let’s go to the park or something!” Your eldest son spoke, nudging your other teenage daughter as your other three younger kids perked their heads up. “Well sure, but you’re driving.” You winked, tossing the keys to him as they all cheered. You strapped the youngest ones into their car seats as you two were on the way to the park. You made sure to text Ashton to tell him you all were out so he wouldn’t be worried when he got home and no one was there. You watched as all your kids chased each other when you felt a tap on your shoulder. You turned, seeing Ashton and of course he had that god damn fedora on his head that you learned to love. “Hello my sweet husband.” “And hello to you too my precious wife.” His hands rested on your bum, pulling you close as he placed a sweet kiss to your lips. “Daddy!” You both disconnected, seeing all your kids running to you two. “Woah what a nice welcome.” Ashton chuckled, everyone hugging him as they quickly dispersed and went back to playing. “Sometimes I wonder how we can even do this.” He said, putting his hands on your pregnant belly as you nodded, putting your head in his shoulder. “Now we’re going to have six.” You said, giggling as he kissed your cheek. “I’ll have 20 more.” You gave him a look, as he chuckled. “Okay six is fine.”

Calum - “Mommy!” You sighed, leaving the kitchen once again to see your daughter crying and your son giggling. “What happened?” “He bit me.” You sighed, “Okay time out!” You sat him in the corner, his hands crossed over his chest as you kissed your other daughters boo boo, her smiling as she went to continue playing. “Hey mom!” You turned, seeing your two eldest daughters skipping in as they kissed your cheeks. “Have fun at the mall?” They nodded, showing you the clothes they bought as you admired the great taste in clothes they developed. “Anything for me in those bags?” They laughed, causing you to frown as they went upstairs. “Lunch will be ready in fifteen minutes!” “Okay!” You put some chips on another plate as you saw Calum coming downstairs, “Hi daddy.” Your daughter spoke, Calum picking her up as he yawned. “Sleep in nice?” You asked, smiling as he kissed your head. “It was amazing.” You put the plates on the table, getting your son out of time out as you sat down, blowing out a breath of relief. “Lunch is ready!” Your two daughters ran downstairs as they were giggling to each other. “How was the mall?” Cal asked them, taking a bite of his sandwich as they smiled. “Good, she got a boys number.” Calum got a serious look on his face as you chuckled. “Well don’t call him. You’re only 16, no dating until you’re 18.” “Dad!” He chuckled, as she did too, his laugh soon fading. “I’m serious.”

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