He Makes You Feel Insecure {Part 2} (T)

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Michael: You sat on the couch with McDonald’s on your lap and you face stuffed with fries. “(Y/N)?! What the hell are you doing?” Michael yelled running in and taking the bag off your lap and ripped the fries out of your hand. “What the hell?!” You yelled standing up. “What about your job?!” He asked putting the fries into the bag. “So I took a few days off!” You said shrugging your shoulders, “I thought you liked girl who could actually eat?” His eyes went wide, “Who told you that?” You frowned, “you did…” he looked at your confused, “How?” You stood up and pulled your phone out of your pocket and showed him it, “you butt dialed me.” He frowned, “Baby, no I didn’t mean that, I love your figure it but I hate going out and you not eating like you used to when he first started dating.” “Okay about this, I’ll eat a little more if you don’t talk behind my back like that,” you told him. He smiled and kissed you, “A Little?” You laughed, “Okay a lot more.” He smiled and kissed you passionately.

Luke: “Babe!” You yelled walking down the stairs, “I’m going out with Callie!” Callie was your new friend from school that was one grade below you. “Again?!” Luke yelled back walking in from the living room, “This is the fifth time this week, I thought we were going to go see The Conjuring?” You shrugged, “tomorrow?” “What did I do?” He mumbled loud enough for you to hear. “What do you mean?” You asked confused. “For you to cheat on me?” He asked looking at his feet. Your eyes widened, “no, no, no, Luke please I’m not, you just always teased me about me having no friends so I decided to get on, I promise no cheating at all.” “You did it because I made a few jokes?” He asked with a smirk going on his face as he looked up. “Well you did if a lot and I got sick of all the jokes,” you told him obviously annoyed. He laughed and hugged you, “mmm I’m sorry baby girl, I didn’t realise you were so sensitive, I love the shy unsocial you, I don’t want you to change.” “You sure?” You asked. He nodded and kissed you on the lips, “a hundred percent.” You smiled and just hugged him.

Calum: “Damn,” you sighed leaning against the door and breathing heavily. “(Y/N)?” Your boyfriend asked rolling over in bed to look at you. “Hi Calum,” you said taking a deep breath. “It’s two a.m where have you been?” He asked sitting up and turning on the light. “The gym,” you answered walking over to the bathroom and turning on the light and shower. “Why are you going to the Gym and why haven’t you been eating?” He asked, “Yes I’ve noticed.” You sighed and sat down on the chair in the bathroom. “You made a comment that one night when we went out to the movies so I thought I should lose weight,” you answered quietly. He sighed and sat next to you, “princess no, I wasn’t commenting about your weight, I was just surprised you weren’t full after we both ate so much at the movies, I don’t want you to think you’re fat, because you’re not…you’re beautiful.” He took your hand and kissed you passionately, “I love you (Y/N).” “I love you too,” you whispered. He smiled and kissed you again. “Let’s take that shower,” he said playing with the bottom of your tank top.

Ashton: The house was quiet ever since Ashton has told you to stop the one thing you loved. “(Y/N)?” You heard Ashton yelled from downstairs confused, “Babe are you here?” “Up here!” You yelled closing your book and setting it down as he walked in confused. “Babe, why is it so quiet?” He asked. “I’m reading,” you said waving your book in his face. He let out a laugh, “you don’t read.” You shrugged, “I’m starting.” “Baby…where is your guitar and violin?” He asked looking at the now empty corner. “Um their in garage,” you said picking up your book again. “Why?!” He asked running down the stairs. When he came back he had your instruments in his hands. “You love music,” he said setting your stuff against the wall. “You told me to stop singing so I stopped music,” You stated. He sighed, “(Y/N)..” you cut him off, “No, you didn’t like my music so I stopped.” “I don’t want you to stop,” He whispered crawling on the bed. “You don’t?” You asked surprised. “No, I love your voice, I love your music, I love everything about you, I. Love. You,” he told you kissing you on the lips. “I love you too,” you whispered kissing him on the lips.

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