His Parents Make Fun Of You (T)

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Ashton: “Sorry we’re late Mum!” Ashton called out down the hall. You kicked off your shoes and followed Ashton through his hallway to where his family was sitting in the living room. “Hello sweetie!” His Mum said kissing Ashtons cheek, she came up and kissed your cheek as well, saying how beautiful you looked. “Why were you late?” His Dad asked from the couch. “We got a little lost along the way, (Y/N) took a wrong turn.” He said laughing, clearly not distraught over the fact that you had gotten both of you lost for a bit.  “Figures, of course she’d get lost,” His Dad muttered under his breath and you felt yourself blush, you couldn’t help the small flinch you did at his words because there was no sense of humour in his tone. Ashton’s head spun around to look at his Dad, “She’s never driven in this part before, give her some credit for driving us here. We made it, didn’t we?” He said, his voice hard as his hand tightened around your waist. “It’s fine,” You whispered to him but he dismissed you with a wave of his hand. “She’s not even in the door Dad and you’re making comments, for Christ sakes a hello would have been nice!” You put a hand on his arm, willing him to calm down. His Dad looked away, taking a breath. “Sorry love, I’ve grown up around here, to me the streets are simple… it’s just odd to hear of someone getting lost. But saying that, you drive on the other side of the road where you are from… I’m sorry (Y/N).” His Father seemed to be honest and you smiled. “It’s no problem Mr. Irwin.” You felt Ashton relax beside you, and kiss your temple. “Sorry about that…” he said into your hair. You shook your head and kissed his cheek. “It’s fine babe. It was a stupid turn.” You laughed as he pulled you towards the kitchen where his Mum was calling you both for dinner.

Calum: Ever since Calum got his first tattoo, he had been begging you to get a matching one with him. You had caved and went with him, both of you getting bass clefs on your wrist so when you put them together they would create a heart. You were on your way to his parents for your monthly dinner and you were nervous to show his parents your matching tattoos. Subconsciously your thumb rubbed over the tattoo and Calum looked your way. “You’ll be fine babe, they’ll love it!” You had arrived at his house, sitting down for dinner, and Calum grabbed your hand under the table. “Hey Mum, I got another tattoo.” He said simply. She sputtered a bit and looked at him, willing him further on. “And (Y/N) got a matching one.” He said smiling widely. His Mum looked at you both and shook her head. “Calum, you’ve been together for how long and you’re getting matching tattoos? Please. Its on your body forever! What happens if you break up?” She said almost ignoring you. This is what you feared the most, and what you had expected. “Who’s idea was it anyway?” She asked propping her elbows on the table, scrutinizing you both. “Thanks for you support,” he said sarcastically. “It was mine Mum, and besides. I don’t plan on breaking up anytime soon, or ever for that matter. Do you (Y/N)?” He asked, and you mumbled a meek ‘no’ already uncomfortable about this conversation. “And let’s just say for the sake of argument that we did in fact break up, then I have a bass clef on my wrist. I love music, I play the bass. Simple. And I love her, I wouldn’t get this if I wasn’t sure. Thanks for your support though Mum, means a lot.” Calum shook his head, you ran a hand over his thigh willing him to calm down but he just put a hand over yours and squeezed it. His Mum sighed and put her fork down and looked at you both. “I’m sorry to you both, I’m sure this is an awkward conversation for you (Y/N), but I’m looking at it from an adults perspective. But saying that, maybe we’ll laugh about this conversation on your wedding day. But let’s see them together.” She said giving you a reassuring smile. You both raised your wrists to connect your tattoos, and you smiled at them. “They do look lovely,” She said and picked up her fork again. “I really like them, actually.” She said smiling at you both, Calum visibly relaxed and you smiled back at her, her approval meaning the most to you. 

Luke: “That looks hot babe,” Luke saidstaring at your recent piercing, the small jewel sitting on your nose. “Thanks!” You said grinning at him. You were sitting in Luke’s bedroom, showing him your newest piercing. You had a love for them, having over eight in the one ear and seven in the other. You had thought it would be cute to get one on your face and you decided to keep it classy with a simple nose piercing. You heard a knock on his door and you looked up to see Liz poke her head in. “Luke - Oh, hello (Y/N), how are you love?” She asked smiling at you, squinting slightly. “Is that a new piercing? How many holes are you going to put in your head?” She said with a slight chuckle. You grinned along with her, clearly taking it as a joke but Luke took it otherwise. “It looks fine Mum! I think it suits her, and as for how many piercings she has I think it’s unique.” He said grabbing your hand protectively. “I know baby, it looks great (Y/N)… just don’t go for the lips…those are so unattractive.” She said shaking her head. “She can get whatever she wants too,” Luke said scowling at her. “Suit yourself,” She said closing the door, whatever she was going in for clearly forgotten. “A lip piercing would be hot as hell,” Luke murmured into your ear kissing you. You groaned, already contemplating it.

Michael: “Lets do this?” He said pointing at a girl that had blue and purple tipped hair. You bit your lip looking at it and staring at your hair in the mirror. “Do you think it would look odd? Make me look like I’m eight?” You said laughing as he shook his head. “No I think it would look really cool, especially if the colours were on the darker side. I’ll even add a streak so we can match.” He said smiling at you. You bit your lip again, nodding your head. Michael wanted to dye his hair again and he suggested that you dye part of yours to match his. It sounded cute, so you went out and bought the dye, doing his first because you already knew how to do his. After his colour was setting, he moved on to dipping the bottom purple and the front blue. You were letting it sit as his Dad passed by seeing you both with dye on your hair. “I expected it out of Michael but really (Y/N)?” He said. You blushed, already wondering if this was a bad idea. “Dad, it will look sick, just watch.” He said glaring at him. After about half an hour you both washed it out and let your hair dry, already seeing the very bright colour. You grinned in the mirror, and saw Michael shake out his own hair. “This is the best I’ve had yet, I fucking love this.” He said styling the back and admiring his hair. He turned to you and smiled, “That looks amazing, like really, that suits you so well!” He said wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you in. “See we match!” You said and he laughed. He suddenly grabbed your hand and pulled you down the hall to where his Dad was sitting reading the paper. “See Dad, never doubt me!” He said hugging you to his side. His Dad lowered the paper and looked you both up and down. “It looks good you two, it’s like you both match.” He said resuming reading. “We did that on purpose,” Michael stated and you laughed at his tone. “Looks good (Y/N), I like it.” He said giving you a smile before returning to his paper.

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