Tour Bus Sleeping (T)

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Ashton: You cuddled into Ashton’s figure, the wall behind you forcing you to lean heavily against his chest. You could hear the faint sounds of the boys above you, but more then anything you listened to the steady breathing of Ashton. You felt his warm embrace, your legs intertwined, his hands draped across your waist, holding you close to him. It was tight and quite compact in his bunk, already small for a large teenage boy, and by adding you into the equation demanded that you two be as close as possible. This was how you fell asleep every night, feeling the warmth radiate off of his body, his embrace making you feel safe, all the worldly worries that plagued you both were erased as your bodies molded perfectly together as sleep overtook you both.

Calum: “Sorry!” You exclaimed as your elbow jabbed his chest. He laughed, pulling you against his toned chest. “Want to kiss it better?” He asked you, smiling coyly at you in the dim lighting. You smiled back, kissing his chest, and working your way up to his lips where you placed a loving kiss. His hands trailed over your back, pulling you on top of him, his fingers tracing lazy circles on your legs. You were forced to keep your body pressed against his because of the ceiling, but it gave you an excuse to reconnect your lips. “Hey you two, some of us are trying to sleep!” You heard Michael call out, making you laugh and hide your face into his chest, knowing that the curtain gave you some privacy. Calum sighed, gently pushing you off of him and back to your original position, kissing your forehead. “Later,” He said kissing you again, making your heart flutter.

Luke: Before bed you two would usually listen to music, curled up in the mound of blankets and pillows. You two wouldn’t talk much, instead losing yourselves in the music You were practically lying on top of his chest, his breathing matching yours. His hands would trace the line of your spine, up your shoulder and around to your cheek. His eyes would be closed, as if he was trying to memorize every aspect of your body with touch, to recreate it when you were gone. It was cramped in the small bunk, but it didn’t matter because it was times like these that all that mattered was Luke, the silence and the matching beats of your hearts.

Michael: Michael slept like a rock, and since you had a terrible fear of rolling out of the bunk he usually barricaded you against the wall with his body, his arm draped over you as his breath fanned against your skin. You were awake however, and you had been for hours, but you didn’t have the heart to wake him. It was rare that Michael got enough sleep, his schedule so hectic that it was the first thing to go. So when his eyelashes fluttered against his cheek, his grip tightening around you, you would hold him even closer, earning a satisfied sigh. The gentle rock of the bus would make him groan, but it would never wake him fully. The only thing that would wake him up was a kiss to the lips, your voice being the first thing he hears in the morning. Whether you were pushed into his bunk or you were back home on your bed, waking up with you was what Michael treasured the most, the perfect way to start his day.

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